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Ryan Newington edited this page Jun 22, 2016 · 5 revisions

FIM/MIM Synchronization Service PowerShell Module

The Lithnet FIM/MIM Synchronization Service PowerShell Module provides tools that allow interactions with the FIM/MIM Synchronization engine that goes beyond what is exposed via the supported WMI provider.

Before using this module, make sure you have read and understand the disclaimer.

Getting started

Install the module

  • Ensure you have .NET framework 4.5 or higher is installed on the server
  • Ensure that PowerShell 4.0 or higher is installed on the server
  • Ensure that Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 v4.1.3441 or Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 is installed on the server
  • Download and install the PS module

Quick start examples

Some examples to get you started

# Load the PS module
Import-Module LithnetMIISAutomation

# Get a management agent and list the export attribute flows
$ma = Get-ManagementAgent AD

# Get pending exports in a connector space and perform a full sync on them
Get-PendingExports -MA ACMA | Sync-CSObject -Commit

# Get the metaverse object with an accountName of 'test'
Get-MVObject person accountName test

# Start the run profile 'FI' on a management agent
Start-ManagementAgent ACMA FI

Cmdlet Reference

Cmdlet Description
Clear-RunHistory Clears the run history from the synchronization service
Clear-FullSyncWarning Clears the 'full sync required' warning message
Disconnect-CSObject Disconnects a connector space object from the metaverse
Export-MetaverseConfiguration Exports the metaverse configuration to a file
Export-ManagementAgent Exports a management agent to a file
Get-Connectors Gets the connectors from a management agent
Get-CSObject Gets one or more connector space objects
Get-Disconnectors Gets the disconnectors from a management agent
Get-LastRunDetails Gets the last run details from the specified management agent
Get-MAStatistics Get statistics from a management agent
Get-MVSchema Gets the metaverse schema
Get-MVObject Gets one or more objects from the metaverse
Get-MVConfiguration Gets the metaverse configuration
Get-ManagementAgent Gets a management agent
Get-PendingImports Gets connector space objects that are pending import operations
Get-PendingImportAdds Gets connector space objects that are pending import add operations
Get-PendingImportDeletes Gets connector space objects that are pending import delete operations
Get-PendingImportUpdates Gets connector space objects that are pending import update operations
Get-PendingExports Gets connector space objects that are pending export operations
Get-PendingExportAdds Gets connector space objects that are pending export add operations
Get-PendingExportDeletes Gets connector space objects that are pending export delete operations
Get-PendingExportRenames Gets connector space objects that are pending export rename operations
Get-PendingExportUpdates Gets connector space objects that are pending export update operations
Get-RunProfiles Gets a management agent's run profiles
Get-RunProfileNames Gets a management agent's run profile names
Join-CSObject Joins a connector space object to a metaverse object
New-MVObject (Project-CSObject) Project a connector space object to the metaverse
Set-DisconnectorState Sets the state of a disconnector
Set-MVProvisioningRulesExtension Turns the provisioning rules extension on or off
Start-ManagementAgent Executes a management agents run profile
Stop-ManagementAgent Stops the execution of a management agent run profile
Sync-CSObject Performs a synchronization on a connector space object
Wait-ManagementAgent Waits for a management agent run to complete