Bump org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin from to #140
26 passed, 10 failed and 33 skipped
❌ target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.ext.databricks.ContributedExtensionHarnessTestSuite.xml
69 tests were completed in 1266s with 26 passed, 10 failed and 33 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
liquibase.ext.databricks.ContributedExtensionHarnessTestSuite | 26✅ | 10❌ | 33⚪ | 1266s |
❌ liquibase.ext.databricks.ContributedExtensionHarnessTestSuite
✅ apply 1initScript against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply addAutoIncrement against databricks 3.1
✅ apply addCheckConstraint against databricks 3.1
✅ apply addColumn against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply addDefaultValue against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply addDefaultValueBoolean against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply addDefaultValueComputed against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply addDefaultValueDate against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply addDefaultValueNumeric against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply addDefaultValueSequenceNext against databricks 3.1
✅ apply addForeignKey against databricks 3.1
✅ apply addLookupTable against databricks 3.1
✅ apply addNotNullConstraint against databricks 3.1
✅ apply addPrimaryKey against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply addUniqueConstraint against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply alterSequence against databricks 3.1
✅ apply analyzeTable against databricks 3.1
❌ apply createClusteredTable against databricks 3.1
Condition not satisfied:
⚪ apply createFunction against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply createIndex against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply createPackage against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply createPackageBody against databricks 3.1
❌ apply createPartitionedTable against databricks 3.1
Condition not satisfied:
⚪ apply createProcedure against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply createProcedureFromFile against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply createSequence against databricks 3.1
❌ apply createTable against databricks 3.1
Condition not satisfied:
❌ apply createTableDataTypeText against databricks 3.1
Condition not satisfied:
❌ apply createTableTimestamp against databricks 3.1
Condition not satisfied:
⚪ apply createTrigger against databricks 3.1
✅ apply createView against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply disableCheckConstraint against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply disableTrigger against databricks 3.1
✅ apply dropAllForeignKeyConstraints against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply dropCheckConstraint against databricks 3.1
✅ apply dropColumn against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply dropDefaultValue against databricks 3.1
✅ apply dropForeignKey against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply dropFunction against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply dropIndex against databricks 3.1
✅ apply dropNotNullConstraint against databricks 3.1
✅ apply dropPrimaryKey against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply dropProcedure against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply dropSequence against databricks 3.1
❌ apply dropTable against databricks 3.1
Condition not satisfied:
⚪ apply dropTrigger against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply dropUniqueConstraint against databricks 3.1
✅ apply dropView against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply enableCheckConstraint against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply enableTrigger against databricks 3.1
✅ apply executeCommand against databricks 3.1
❌ apply mergeColumns against databricks 3.1
Condition not satisfied:
⚪ apply modifyDataType against databricks 3.1
❌ apply modifySql against databricks 3.1
Condition not satisfied:
✅ apply optimizeTable against databricks 3.1
✅ apply renameColumn against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply renameSequence against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply renameTable against databricks 3.1
⚪ apply renameTrigger against databricks 3.1
✅ apply renameView against databricks 3.1
✅ apply setColumnRemarks against databricks 3.1
✅ apply setTableRemarks against databricks 3.1
❌ apply sql against databricks 3.1
Condition not satisfied:
❌ apply sqlFile against databricks 3.1
Condition not satisfied:
✅ apply vacuumTable against databricks 3.1
✅ apply delete against databricks 3.1
✅ apply insert against databricks 3.1
✅ apply loadData against databricks 3.1
✅ apply loadUpdateData against databricks 3.1
github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports
liquibase.ext.databricks.ContributedExtensionHarnessTestSuite ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply createClusteredTable against databricks 3.1
Failed test found in:
Condition not satisfied:
Raw output
Condition not satisfied:
generatedSql == expectedSql
| | |
| | CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.test_table_clustered (test_id INT NOT NULL, test_column VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_TEST_TABLE_CLUSTERED PRIMARY KEY (test_id)) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name') CLUSTER BY (test_id)
| false
| 38 differences (35% similarity) (comparing subset start: 281, end1: 340, end2: 302)
| e' = 'name'(, 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true)) CLUSTER
| e' = 'name'(--------------------------------------)) CLUSTER
CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.test_table_clustered (test_id INT NOT NULL, test_column VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_TEST_TABLE_CLUSTERED PRIMARY KEY (test_id)) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name', 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true) CLUSTER BY (test_id)
at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:68)
github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports
liquibase.ext.databricks.ContributedExtensionHarnessTestSuite ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply createPartitionedTable against databricks 3.1
Failed test found in:
Condition not satisfied:
Raw output
Condition not satisfied:
generatedSql == expectedSql
| | |
| | CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.test_table_partitioned (test_id INT NOT NULL, test_column VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, partition_column STRING NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_TEST_TABLE_PARTITIONED PRIMARY KEY (test_id)) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name') PARTITIONED BY (partition_column)
| false
| 38 differences (35% similarity) (comparing subset start: 319, end1: 378, end2: 340)
| e' = 'name'(, 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true)) PARTITIO
| e' = 'name'(--------------------------------------)) PARTITIO
CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.test_table_partitioned (test_id INT NOT NULL, test_column VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, partition_column STRING NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_TEST_TABLE_PARTITIONED PRIMARY KEY (test_id)) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name', 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true) PARTITIONED BY (partition_column)
at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:68)
github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports
liquibase.ext.databricks.ContributedExtensionHarnessTestSuite ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply createTable against databricks 3.1
Failed test found in:
Condition not satisfied:
Raw output
Condition not satisfied:
generatedSql == expectedSql
| | |
| | CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.test_table (test_id INT NOT NULL, test_column VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_TEST_TABLE PRIMARY KEY (test_id)) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name')
| false
| 38 differences (24% similarity) (comparing subset start: 261, end1: 311, end2: 273)
| e' = 'name'(, 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true))
| e' = 'name'(--------------------------------------))
CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.test_table (test_id INT NOT NULL, test_column VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_TEST_TABLE PRIMARY KEY (test_id)) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name', 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true)
at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:68)
github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports
liquibase.ext.databricks.ContributedExtensionHarnessTestSuite ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply createTableDataTypeText against databricks 3.1
Failed test found in:
Condition not satisfied:
Raw output
Condition not satisfied:
generatedSql == expectedSql
| | |
| | CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.createTableDataTypeText (textCol STRING) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name')
| false
| 38 differences (83% similarity)
| CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.createTableDataTypeText (textCol STRING) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name'(, 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true))
| CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.createTableDataTypeText (textCol STRING) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name'(--------------------------------------))
CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.createTableDataTypeText (textCol STRING) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name', 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true)
at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:68)
github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports
liquibase.ext.databricks.ContributedExtensionHarnessTestSuite ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply createTableTimestamp against databricks 3.1
Failed test found in:
Condition not satisfied:
Raw output
Condition not satisfied:
generatedSql == expectedSql
| | |
| | CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.lms_create_table_test (lms_test_id INT, lms_test_timestamp TIMESTAMP) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name')
| false
| 38 differences (24% similarity) (comparing subset start: 215, end1: 265, end2: 227)
| e' = 'name'(, 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true))
| e' = 'name'(--------------------------------------))
CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.lms_create_table_test (lms_test_id INT, lms_test_timestamp TIMESTAMP) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name', 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true)
at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:68)
github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports
liquibase.ext.databricks.ContributedExtensionHarnessTestSuite ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply dropTable against databricks 3.1
Failed test found in:
Condition not satisfied:
Raw output
Condition not satisfied:
generatedSql == expectedSql
| | |
| | CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.test_table (test_id INT NOT NULL, test_column VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_TEST_TABLE PRIMARY KEY (test_id)) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name')
| | DROP TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.test_table
| false
| 38 differences (35% similarity) (comparing subset start: 261, end1: 320, end2: 282)
| e' = 'name'(, 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true))\nDROP TAB
| e' = 'name'(--------------------------------------))\nDROP TAB
CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.test_table (test_id INT NOT NULL, test_column VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_TEST_TABLE PRIMARY KEY (test_id)) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name', 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true)
DROP TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.test_table
at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:68)
github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports
liquibase.ext.databricks.ContributedExtensionHarnessTestSuite ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply mergeColumns against databricks 3.1
Failed test found in:
Condition not satisfied:
Raw output
Condition not satisfied:
generatedSql == expectedSql
| | |
| | CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table (first_name VARCHAR(50), last_name VARCHAR(50)) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name')
| | INSERT INTO main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table (first_name) VALUES ('John')
| | UPDATE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table SET last_name = 'Doe' WHERE first_name='John'
| | INSERT INTO main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table (first_name) VALUES ('Jane')
| | UPDATE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table SET last_name = 'Doe' WHERE first_name='Jane'
| | ALTER TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table ADD COLUMN full_name VARCHAR(255)
| | UPDATE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table SET full_name = first_name || ' ' || last_name
| | ALTER TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table DROP COLUMN first_name
| | ALTER TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table DROP COLUMN last_name
| false
| 38 differences (35% similarity) (comparing subset start: 209, end1: 268, end2: 230)
| e' = 'name'(, 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true))\nINSERT I
| e' = 'name'(--------------------------------------))\nINSERT I
CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table (first_name VARCHAR(50), last_name VARCHAR(50)) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name', 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true)
INSERT INTO main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table (first_name) VALUES ('John')
UPDATE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table SET last_name = 'Doe' WHERE first_name='John'
INSERT INTO main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table (first_name) VALUES ('Jane')
UPDATE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table SET last_name = 'Doe' WHERE first_name='Jane'
ALTER TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table ADD COLUMN full_name VARCHAR(255)
UPDATE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table SET full_name = first_name || ' ' || last_name
ALTER TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table DROP COLUMN first_name
ALTER TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.full_name_table DROP COLUMN last_name
at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:68)
github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports
liquibase.ext.databricks.ContributedExtensionHarnessTestSuite ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply modifySql against databricks 3.1
Failed test found in:
Condition not satisfied:
Raw output
Condition not satisfied:
generatedSql == expectedSql
| | |
| | /* prepend comment */ CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.test_table (test_id INT NOT NULL, test_column VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_cs_guaranteed_delivery PRIMARY KEY (test_id)) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name') -- append comment
| false
| 38 differences (35% similarity) (comparing subset start: 295, end1: 354, end2: 316)
| e' = 'name'(, 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true)) -- appen
| e' = 'name'(--------------------------------------)) -- appen
/* prepend comment */ CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.test_table (test_id INT NOT NULL, test_column VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_cs_guaranteed_delivery PRIMARY KEY (test_id)) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name', 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true) -- append comment
at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:68)
github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports
liquibase.ext.databricks.ContributedExtensionHarnessTestSuite ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply sql against databricks 3.1
Failed test found in:
Condition not satisfied:
Raw output
Condition not satisfied:
generatedSql == expectedSql
| | |
| | CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.sqltest (id INT) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name')
| | insert into sqltest (id) values (1)
| | insert into sqltest (id) values (2)
| | insert into sqltest (id) values (3)
| false
| 38 differences (35% similarity) (comparing subset start: 162, end1: 221, end2: 183)
| e' = 'name'(, 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true))\ninsert i
| e' = 'name'(--------------------------------------))\ninsert i
CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.sqltest (id INT) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name', 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true)
insert into sqltest (id) values (1)
insert into sqltest (id) values (2)
insert into sqltest (id) values (3)
at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:68)
github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports
liquibase.ext.databricks.ContributedExtensionHarnessTestSuite ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply sqlFile against databricks 3.1
Failed test found in:
Condition not satisfied:
Raw output
Condition not satisfied:
generatedSql == expectedSql
| | |
| | CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.sqltest (id INT) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name')
| | insert into sqltest (id) values (1)
| | insert into sqltest (id) values (2)
| | insert into sqltest (id) values (3)
| false
| 38 differences (35% similarity) (comparing subset start: 162, end1: 221, end2: 183)
| e' = 'name'(, 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true))\ninsert i
| e' = 'name'(--------------------------------------))\ninsert i
CREATE TABLE main.liquibase_harness_test_ds.sqltest (id INT) USING delta TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults' = 'supported', 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name', 'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true)
insert into sqltest (id) values (1)
insert into sqltest (id) values (2)
insert into sqltest (id) values (3)
at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:68)