highlight multiple different words for better reading
- Highlight multiple different words
- Support highlight words in all windows and tabs
- Support highlight text which has multiple lines
- Highlight words navigation
- Support
- Support
with vim-plug
Plug 'linjiX/vim-keyword'
" Or you can use vim-plug's on-demand loading
Plug 'linjiX/vim-keyword', {'on': '<Plug>(keyword-'}
" <leader>h for highlight the word under cursor
nmap <silent> <leader>h <Plug>(keyword-highlight)
" <leader>h for highlight the visual select word
vmap <silent> <leader>h <Plug>(keyword-highlight)
" <BS> for clear all highlights
nmap <silent> <BS> <Plug>(keyword-clear)
" n and N for navigate highlight words forward and backward
nmap n <Plug>(keyword-forward)
nmap N <Plug>(keyword-backward)
Cterm mode color:
let g:keyword_ctermfg = 0
" The max number of highlight words depends on the length of 'g:keyword_ctermbg'
let g:keyword_ctermbg = ['002', '004', '005', '006', '013', '009']
Gui mode color:
let g:keyword_guifg = '#002b36'
" The max number of highlight words depends on the length of 'g:keyword_guibg'
let g:keyword_guibg = ['#719e07', '#268bd2', '#d33682', '#2aa198', '#6c71c4', '#cb4b16']
When using the navigation feature, if the word under cursor is not a highlight word,
the navigation operation will fallback to vim default n
and N
If you want to change above default behavior, here is some reference.
" Disable the fallback
nnoremap <Plug>(keyword-forward-fallback) <NOP>
nnoremap <Plug>(keyword-backward-fallback) <NOP>
" Combine with 'google/vim-searchindex' (https://github.com/google/vim-searchindex)
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(keyword-forward-fallback) n:SearchIndex<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(keyword-backward-fallback) N:SearchIndex<CR>