webknossos.org includes several compute-intensive and automated workflows that are processed in the background. Depending on the operation and dataset size, these workflows may take some time (from minutes to hours) to finish.
WEBKNOSSOS will notify you via email upon completion or failure of any job.
Example workflows:
- converting datasets on upload
- automated analysis, e.g., nuclei inferral
- mesh file (pre)-computation
- applying a merger mode annotation
- automatic inference of a segmentation layer's large segment ID
- dataset & annotation export as Tiff files
- creating engaging animations of datasets
- downsampling volume annotations
These workflows are executed in background worker tasks as so-called processing jobs.
!!! info These workflows are exclusive to webknossos.org. Contact sales for access to the WEBKNOSSOS worker or Voxelytics for the job processing.
A list of all past and currently running jobs can be found in the administration menu in the navbar (Administration -> Processing Jobs).
Depending on the job workflow you may:
- view the resulting resource, e.g., a new segmentation
- download the data, e.g., Tiff export
We constantly monitor job executions. In rare cases, jobs can fail, and we aim to re-run them as quickly as possible. In case you run into any trouble please contact us.