A benchmark command line tool for limitd.
npm install -g limitd-bench
10k requests with concurrency level set to 10:
limitdctl --bucket ip --key --take 1 -c 100 -n 100000
example results:
Doing 100000 TAKE operations with concurrency 100
│ Total time │ 49598 ms │
│ Errored │ 0 │
│ Conformant │ 497 │
│ Non Conformant │ 99503 │
│ Mean │ 49.56 │
│ P50 │ 44.00 │
│ P95 │ 79.00 │
│ P97 │ 86.00 │
│ Max │ 489 │
│ Min │ 7 │
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