This chart includes the templates for deploying the agile insights system, which is composed of:
(a webapp)mongodb
(a document store)dataCollection
(two cronjobs)
A Python Dash application which presents agile metrics stored in mongodb. This is deployed as a Deployment
The backing database for the dashboard. Configuration options are described in detail here.
Two ETLs which are deployed as Cronjobs
. They fetch and transform data from an issue tracking tool (currently only Jira is supported) and store the transformed data in mongodb.
The config
subsection is deployed as a ConfigMap
which is mounted as a json file into both the dataCollection Cronjobs
and the dashboard Pods
. It should follow the same format as provided in this example.
This chart requires that existingSecrets
are created separately to this chart for:
In the case of mongodb this helps prevent you from a situation that arises when you allow mongodb to auto-generate it's secret. In this scenario, if you ever need to re-release the mongodb chart, whilst keeping the existing PersistentVolumeClaim
(underlying data), The mongodb Deployment
will use a newly generated secrets, but the data volume will continue using the previously generated secrets. You essentially get locked out of your own data if you're not careful.
Value name | Description | Default |
dashboard.replicaCount | Number of dashboard pods | 1 |
dashboard.image.repository | Dashboard image repository | sprints-dashboard |
dashboard.image.pullPolicy | Dashboard image pullPolicy | IfNotPresent |
dashboard.image.tag | Dashboard image tag | local |
dashboard.imagePullSecrets | Dashboard image pull secrets | [] |
dashboard.podSecurityContext | Dashboard pod security context | {} |
dashboard.SecurityContext | Dashboard container security context | {} |
dashboard.service.type | Dashboard service type | ClusterIP |
dashboard.service.annotations | Dashboard service annotations | [] |
dashboard.service.port | Port that the dashboard service is reachable on | 80 |
dashboard.service.targetPort | Port that the dashboard container exposes | 8000 |
dashboard.ingress.enabled | Whether to enable an ingress resource or not | false |
dashboard.ingress.hosts | if enabled, the default hosts | path / on localhost |
dashboard.ingress.annotations | Dashboard ingress annotations | [] |
dashboard.ingress.tls | if enabled, the default tls config | [] |
dashboard.resources | Dashboard resource requests and limits | {} |
dashboard.nodeSelector | Dashboard node selector | {} |
dashboard.tolerations | Dashboard taint tolerations | [] |
dashboard.affinity | Dashboard pod affinity | {} |
jira.config | Jira config file as described here | {} |
jira.credentials.existingSecret | An existing jira secret containing credentials *required | {} |
dataCollection.enabled | Whether to deploy the data collection Cronjobs or not |
false |
dataCollection.image.repository | Dashboard image repository | sprints-dashboard |
dataCollection.image.pullPolicy | Dashboard image pullPolicy | IfNotPresent |
dataCollection.image.tag | Dashboard image tag | local |
Value name | Description | Default |
mongodb.architecture | mongodb architecture | standalone |
mongodb.useStatefulSet | Whether or not to persist the mongodb data | true |
mongodb.initContainers | mongodb initialisation containers | [] |
mongodb.auth.existingSecret | mongodb exitsing secret see | [] |