To fetch the data from the spreadsheet, make sure you have your passwords up to date, and run the following command:
bin/spreadsheets2ledger > golds.txt
Then use ledger to query the golds:
ledger -f golds.txt balance Expenses Assets:Equipment --depth 1 --period="2017-08" --date-format "%Y-%m-%d"
ledger -f golds.txt balance Assets
ledger -f golds.txt balance ".*HugoPeixoto.*"
This repo contains parsers and generators for multiple formats: Ledger, TSV, JSON.
- Ledger will be our canonical format.
- TSV is only relevant while we're importing from google spreadsheets.
- JSON is useful for web API integrations.
Here are two snippets, converting from ledger to json and vice versa:
require 'lib/golds/ledger'
require 'lib/golds/json'
transactions = Golds::Ledger.load("golds.txt"))
require 'lib/golds/ledger'
require 'lib/golds/json'
transactions = Golds::JSON.load("golds.json"))
To update the cashflow sheet, run the following command, which creates a csv file, and import it into google spreadsheets:
cat golds.txt | bin/cashflow > cashflow.csv
This requires a cashflow.txt
file containing account collapsing rules.