To create a broker, execute the following command
artemis create mybroker
mybroker\bin artemis run
Each link record has the following fields:
- id, long, link id
- length, int, length in meters
- ffs, int, free-flow speeed in km/h
- frc, int, functional road class
- netclass, int, network importance, from 0 to 6
- fow, int, form of way
- routenumber, String, road number
- areaname, String, area name
- name, String, road name
- geom, String[], lat-long points sequence
Each record has the following fields:
- id, int, progressive
- linkid, long, link id
- coverage, float, link coverage, from 0 to 1
- timestamp, dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss, average speed computing timestamp
- speed, float, average speed in km/h
#How it works
Initialization instantiates AreaNode and for each of them, it assigns the respective links.