This project has been the starting point of LiftJS library.
At this time (01/06/2017), the LiftJS project is now decoupled form this project. The LiftJS documentation would differ from this « snapshot » of the project.
- mkdir LiftJS && cd LiftJS
- git clone .
- cp data/parameters.json.dist data/parameters.json
- edit data/parameters.json with your environments configuration
- npm install
- gulp
- open localhost:8000
- The window will refresh automatically and sass will be compiled every time you save a file in the project
- mkdir LiftJS && cd LiftJS
- git clone .
- cp data/parameters.json.dist data/parameters.json
- edit data/parameters.json with your environments configuration
- git pull
- cd ./LiftJS
- git pull
"debug": true,
"applicationName": "Meta Event Name",
"user": "API-USER",
"secret": "apisecret",
"appHostname": "http://front-online-choice.local",
"appUriPrefix": "",
"webservice": {
"hostname": "",
"protocol": "https",
"apiBaseUri": "/api"
"clientSessionName": "FrontOnlineChoiceSession",
"metaEventId": 1,
"lang": "fr",
"maximumEventsSelectedPerTimeslots": 3,
"footerText": null,
"loginSuccessAction": "events",
"liftJsPath": "/LiftJS/"
- debug: true, should be false for prod / demo env
- appUriPrefix: sets the URI prefix for history component
- clientSessionName: sets the key that will be used in sessionStorage and/or localStorage for the session management
- metaEventId: used to filter manifestation listing
- lang: must match event language
- maximumEventsSelectedPerTimeslots: default -1 : there is no active limitation of maximum selected events per timeslot
- closingDate: null : set limit date that allow online choices. Format is YYYYMMDD (e.g. "20170715") (must be between double quotes)
- footerText: null : set the custom text that will appear under default footer elements
- loginSuccessAction: "events" : set the behavior after user is logged in.
- Possible values are :
- "events" (go to events list)
- "profile" (always go to user profile)
- "profile_first_time" (go to user profile only once. Can be reset in settings view by checking « Reset informations tooltips » checkbox)
- Possible values are :
Please refer to LiftJS documentation