This project has been abandoned and is no longer maintained. you should use
Manage user authentication
The goal of this bundle is to define a minimum configured environment for user authentication.
Default User and Group classes are defined and mapped with ORM driver.
This bundle relies heavily on FOSUserBundle.
- having a working Symfony2 environment
- having created a working Symfony2 app (including your DB and your DB link)
- having composer installed (here in /usr/local/bin/composer, with /usr/local/bin in the path)
$ composer require libre-informatique/user-bundle dev-master
Please refer to the Sonata Project's instructions, foundable here :
Edit your app/AppKernel.php file and add your "libre-informatique/user-bundle" :
// app/AppKernel.php
// ...
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
// The libre-informatique bundles
new FOS\UserBundle\FOSUserBundle(),
new Sonata\UserBundle\SonataUserBundle('FOSUserBundle'),
new Librinfo\UserBundle\LibrinfoUserBundle(),
// your personal bundles
# app/config/config.yml (or any other file that is loaded by your bundle)
# ...
db_driver: orm # other valid values are 'mongodb', 'couchdb' and 'propel'
firewall_name: N/A
# ...
user_class: Blast\BaseEntitiesBundle\Entity\GenericEntity
group_class: Blast\BaseEntitiesBundle\Entity\GenericEntity
group_manager: sonata.user.orm.group_manager
user_manager: sonata.user.orm.user_manager
Using Blast\BaseEntitiesBundle\Entity\GenericEntity
as User
and Group
classes let this bundle defining it's own User and Group classes.
If you define custom User and Group Classes, the bundle will not override your values.
# app/config/config.yml (or any other file that is loaded by your bundle)
# ...
json: Sonata\Doctrine\Types\JsonType
# ...
Note: an abvious mistake can be the addition of this key outside the main doctrine
key, where you have all your DB configuration.
and default classes values (FOS\UserBundle\Entity\User
and FOS\UserBundle\Entity\Group
) will be replaced with defaults LibrinfoUserBundle
configuration values in LibrinfoUserBundle/Resources/config/bundles/fos_user.yml
. Custom values in app/config/config.yml
for the key fos_user
will not be overriden by the LibrinfoUserBundle
$ app/console doctrine:schema:validate
$ app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql
$ app/console doctrine:schema:update --force