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updated logo #7

Workflow file for this run

name: Deploy
- demo
# permissions:
# id-token: write # Needed to modify JWT token for OIDC
# contents: read # Needed for actions/checkout
name: run
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
environment: demo
# Checkout this repo to the ephemeral runner
- uses: actions/checkout@f43a0e5ff2bd294095638e18286ca9a3d1956744 # v3
# Install the terraform and terragrunt
- uses: alexellis/setup-arkade@fd34ea3b1f8fa1a6e7e3c1a3b015aa81b95ea9cb # v1
- uses: alexellis/arkade-get@c53b95fac52d9a11069a76e1bc45e40a0b22d3e4 # tested sha off master
terraform: latest
terragrunt: latest
# Authenticate with AWS and install AWS cli
- name: Configure AWS credentials
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@50ac8dd1e1b10d09dac7b8727528b91bed831ac0 # v3
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
role-to-assume: ${{ secrets.ROLE_TO_ASSUME }}
# role-to-assume: ${{ vars.OIDC_ROLE }}
aws-region: ${{ vars.AWS_REGION }}
role-skip-session-tagging: true
# Display IAM Identity
- name: Display IAM Identity
run: |
aws sts get-caller-identity
# Install tool for parsing JSON on the command-line
- name: Install jq
run: |
sudo apt install jq tree
# Fetch output from terraform
- name: Pull Terraform output into GitHub Action ENV
run: |
terragrunt output --json > tmp_output.json
echo "ecr_repository_url=$(jq .ecr_repository_url.value -r < tmp_output.json)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "ecs_task_arn=$(jq .ecs_task_arn.value -r < tmp_output.json)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "ecs_service_arn=$(jq .ecs_service_arn.value -r < tmp_output.json)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "ecs_cluster_arn=$(jq .ecs_cluster_arn.value -r < tmp_output.json)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
rm tmp_output.json
working-directory: terraform
# Build docker image
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@885d1462b80bc1c1c7f0b00334ad271f09369c55 # v2
- name: Login to Amazon ECR
id: login-ecr
uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecr-login@2fc7aceee09e9e4a7105c0d060c656fad0b4f63d # v1
- name: Build and push
uses: docker/build-push-action@0a97817b6ade9f46837855d676c4cca3a2471fc9 # v4
push: true
tags: ${{ env.ecr_repository_url }}:latest , ${{ env.ecr_repository_url }}:${{ github.sha }}
# Fetch ECS task definition to update the running container
- name: Pull task-definition.json to update ECS cluster
id: pull-ecs-task-definition
run: |
aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition ${{ env.ecs_task_arn }} --region ${{ env.AWS_REGION }} --output json | jq .taskDefinition >> task-definition.json
# Update the task definition to point to newly built image
- name: Render Amazon ECS task definition
id: render-web-container
uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecs-render-task-definition@61b0c00c3743b70987a73a1faf577f0d167d1574 # v1
task-definition: task-definition.json
container-name: knowledgeshare-ui
image: ${{ env.ecr_repository_url }}:${{ github.sha }}
environment-variables: "LOG_LEVEL=info"
# Deploy the updated task-definition
- name: Deploy to Amazon ECS service
uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecs-deploy-task-definition@df9643053eda01f169e64a0e60233aacca83799a # v1
task-definition: ${{ steps.render-web-container.outputs.task-definition }}
service: ${{ env.ecs_service_arn }}
cluster: ${{ env.ecs_cluster_arn }}
force-new-deployment: true # Forces ECS to only have a single running task