springboot + restapi + swagger api + dockerized ffmpeg
Application exposes only one endpoint [POST]
The endpoint consumes multipart/form-data with video file.
File should be send under file part and has content type set to video
- java 8
- ffmpeg (https://ffmpeg.org/download.html)
- docker
An application settings are located in
By the default videoprobe requires ffprobe executable on the system path, you can set up a custom path by override setting
You can also run the application with mock ffprobe instance by setting ffmpeg.probe.mock.enabled to true
The mock instance generates a random video probe result.
For more settings please check/review application.properties file
mvn package
Please refer to http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/using-boot-running-your-application.html
Assuming that the application deployed on the localhost under port: 8080
curl --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' --header 'Accept: application/json' -F 'file=@2${videoFilePath};type=video/wvm' localhost:8080/api/videoprobe
curl localhost:8080/api/videoprobe
VideoProbe is dockerized based on image kperson/alpine-java-8-ffmpeg Based on default configuration the application is exposed on port: 8080
mvn docker:build
docker run -p lgazda/videoprobe
This binds port 8080 of the container to port 8080 on of the host machine
Try to probe file directly from the multipart temp folder