- Avaiable sample code
- Bare Metal: GPIO / Hello World
- Known Issue
- DMA is not working.
- Caused by Azure Sphere OS firewall setting problem, issue reported to Microsoft.
- External interrupt is not working.
- Caused by Azure Sphere OS firewall setting problem, issue reported to Microsoft.
- SPI slave is not working.
- App Manifest file does not support SPI slave, issue reported to Microsoft.
- DMA is not working.
git clone https://github.com/MediaTek-Labs/mt3620_m4_software.git
This repository maintains the MT3620 M4 driver and real-time application sample code, which divided into the following directories:
- MT3620_M4_BSP/
- This folder includes the CMSIS-Core APIs and the configuration of interrupt vector table.
- Current BSP supports Bare Metal and FreeRTOS.
- MT3620_M4_Driver/
- The MT3620 M4 driver provides the APIs to access the peripheral interfaces, ex GPIO / SPI / I2S / I2C / UART...
- This driver could be divided into two layers
- Upper layer: M-HAL (MediaTek Hardware AbstractionLayer), which provides high-level API to real-time application.
- Lower layer: HDL (Hardware Driving Layer), which handles the low-level hardware control.
- MT3620_M4_Sample_Code/
- This is the executable CMake project sample code which utilizes the M-HAL APIs to access the peripheral interfaces.
- Both Bare Metal and FreeRTOS sample code are included.
Please refer to the MT3620 M4 API Reference Manual for the detailed API description.
Use of the real-time cores is currently a Beta feature.
- Hardware
- AVNET MT3620 Starter Kit
- or Seeed MT3620 Development Kit
- or other hardware that implements the MT3620 Reference Development Board (RDB) design.
- Software
- Refer to Azure Sphere software installation guide.
- A terminal emulator (such as Telnet or PuTTY to display the output log).