Birdify is an interactive web app that lets users explore various bird sounds by clicking buttons or pressing specific keys on the keyboard. Originally adapted from a drum kit project as part of a capstone project from The App Brewery course taught by Dr. Angela Yu, this project demonstrates HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills, including event handling, audio control, and UI animation.
- Interactive Bird Sounds: Click or press the designated key to hear each bird's unique call.
- Keyboard Controls: Each bird sound can also be triggered by a keyboard press, providing an alternative way to explore the sounds.
- Visual Feedback: Buttons provide visual feedback when clicked or when a key is pressed, enhancing user experience.
- Responsive Layout: The app is styled to be visually appealing on different screen sizes.
- HTML: Structuring the interactive elements and descriptions for each bird.
- CSS: Custom styling for a cohesive and responsive design.
- Animations and Transitions: CSS animations for button feedback.
- JavaScript: Controls the audio playback, event listeners, and interactive effects.
- Event Handling: Click and keydown event listeners for interactivity.
- Audio API: Uses JavaScript's
object for smooth play/pause toggling.
To run the project locally:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Open the project folder and run
in a browser.
Explore Bird Calls:
- Click any button with a bird's name or image to hear its call.
- Alternatively, press the corresponding keyboard key to play/pause the sound.
Reset the Sound:
- Press the same button or key again to pause and reset the bird call.
├── images/ # Bird images used for button backgrounds
├── sounds/ # Bird sound files in .mp3 and .wav formats
├── index.html # Main HTML file
├── styles.css # CSS for styling and animations
└── index.js # JavaScript for interactive functionality
Birdify was adapted as part of a capstone project from The App Brewery course taught by Dr. Angela Yu. Originally a drum kit project, this adaptation showcases a creative twist on the original codebase to produce a unique, nature-themed application.
- Additional Bird Information: Add tooltips or modals with fun facts about each bird.
- Progress Bar: Implement a visual progress bar to indicate the sound duration.
- Enhanced Mobile Support: Optimize layout further for small screen sizes.
You can view the live version of Birdify here: Birdify on GitHub Pages
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.