ScriptScord is a BetterDiscord plugin who allow user to run scripts from js or CSSembeded discord messages
📢envoyez moi vos meilleurs scripts sur Discord !📢
Feel free to contribute, report bugs
⚠ Scripts you run are not checked and may contain viruses or steal your discord token and more ... I am not responsible for what you do with this plugin.
Table of Contents
You have to hover a js embeded discord message and click on "execute js". To create it, please respect this:
//your code here
const a = 10, b = 5;
function mult(val1, val2){
return val1*val2;
alert(`result of ${a}*${b} is:\n${mult(a,b)}`);
some functions are injected in script API
use them to easily add elements or load external scripts into discord
To add an élément (text, image, canvas, button...) to the discord message, you have to add a child to it. example:
let img = document.createElement("img");//create element
img.src = "";
img.width = 500;//set element options and parameters
getMessage().appendChild(img);//append/rem... with getMessage()
or with the appendDivIfDontExist function to avoid spams
if user click multiple times
To load an external script, use loadScript(url) as the example:
//external loaded scripts can use injected functions (see more in ##API part)
//script examples available in the /tests folder
You can simply load css
--background-secondary: rgba(0,102,255,0.1);
--background-secondary: rgba(153,0,51,0.1);
or import online style sheet (if code is too large for discord) (Style by DagCord)
@import url('');
Here, a list of functions added by ScriptScord and their usages
function | action | return |
getMessage() | message who contains the executed script | |
createElementFromHTML(html) | create an html element from String | html element |
appendDiv(id) | append div element to the message who execute the script with a specific id | the div element |
appendDivIfDontExist(id) | if div with specified id didn't exist, append div element | if exists, the existing div, else, the newly created div |
replaceDivIfExist(id) | append div element to the message who execute the script with a specific id and replace it if exist | the div element |
loadScript(url) | load script from online file and inject all integrated functions |
add elements to current message (github button with script)
let githubBtn = createElementFromHTML('<a class="github-button"
data-size="large" data-show-count="true"
aria-label="Follow @leopoldhub on GitHub">
Follow @leopoldhub
load an external script (minesweeper here)
usage example of require('electron')
(we are in discord, dont forgot it)
require('electron').shell.openExternal("mailto:[email protected]");
CSS WildBerry theme: (by DagCord)
Minesweeper: (by cosmith)
Github Button:
Bricks: (by end3r)