Guarana is a gnutella2 web cache built upon appengine, also the name of an energetic and tasteful amazon fruit and one of the most famous brazilian's soda.
Send me a message on github @leite, I'll support as soon as possible and when it is possible.
BEER-WARE, see source file
- Java JDK 6.1
- AppEngine Java SDK -
- first make sure that you have installed Java and configured the appengine sdk in your path;
- then clone the lastest:
git clone https://[email protected]/leite/guarana.git guarana
- go to folder 'war' inside 'guarana' folder and do the command:
dev_appserver .
- look at command to see if something went wrong, if everything is fine then you can see it working by open a browser at http://localhost:8080/
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