Scenario: Flatspace is a social media company that wants to work on features to personalize its users' account page. They want you to develop a function that will take an object of user information and display the details of the object onto a webpage. By manipulating the DOM along with the given object, we will be able to dynamically load the user information onto the webpage
Estimated Completion Time: 30-60 minutes
Fork and Clone the Repository:
- Go to the provided GitHub repository link.
- Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
- Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
- Open the project in VSCode.
- Run
npm install
to install all necessary dependencies.
Set up the starter variables:
- Set up the starter variables of userInfo and displayUser
const userInfo = {
username: "flatUser123",
description: "Hi, welcome to my webpage! Just a new user of this website!",
theme: "red"
function displayUser(userInfo){
- Select elements
- Use querySelector to select Header
const userInfo = {
username: "flatUser123",
description: "Hi, welcome to my webpage! Just a new user of this website!",
theme: "red"
function displayUser(userInfo){
const header = document.querySelector("#main")
Open the webpage for testing
- To open the webpage using one of the following commands given your environment:
- Local environment on Mac: Run
open index
.html in the terminal. - Local environment using WSL/Ubuntu: Run
explorer.exe index.html
in the terminal.
- Local environment on Mac: Run
- To open the webpage using one of the following commands given your environment:
Edit text content
- Use textContent to change the text of the title
const userInfo = {
username: "flatUser123",
description: "Hi, welcome to my webpage! Just a new user of this website!",
theme: "red"
function displayUser(userInfo){
const header = document.querySelector("#main")
header.textContent = userInfo.username + "'s Personal Webpage"
- Change classname
- Use className to change css class
const userInfo = {
username: "flatUser123",
description: "Hi, welcome to my webpage! Just a new user of this website!",
theme: "red"
function displayUser(userInfo){
const header = document.querySelector("#main")
header.textContent = userInfo.username + "'s Personal Webpage"
header.className = userInfo.theme
- Create and select elements
- Create new element for description and select existing element of where it will go
const userInfo = {
username: "flatUser123",
description: "Hi, welcome to my webpage! Just a new user of this website!",
theme: "red"
function displayUser(userInfo){
const header = document.querySelector("#main")
header.textContent = userInfo.username + "'s Personal Webpage"
header.className = userInfo.theme
const description = document.createElement("p")
const body = document.querySelector("body")
- Add details
- Add textContent and className to new element
const userInfo = {
username: "flatUser123",
description: "Hi, welcome to my webpage! Just a new user of this website!",
theme: "red"
function displayUser(userInfo){
const header = document.querySelector("#main")
header.textContent = userInfo.username + "'s Personal Webpage"
header.className = userInfo.theme
const description = document.createElement("p")
const body = document.querySelector("body")
description.textContent = userInfo.description
description.className = userInfo.theme
- Add new element to DOM
- Append new element to existing element
const userInfo = {
username: "flatUser123",
description: "Hi, welcome to my webpage! Just a new user of this website!",
theme: "red"
function displayUser(userInfo){
const header = document.querySelector("#main")
header.textContent = userInfo.username + "'s Personal Webpage"
header.className = userInfo.theme
const description = document.createElement("p")
const body = document.querySelector("body")
description.textContent = userInfo.description
description.className = userInfo.theme