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feat: show messages in rendered code
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david-christiansen committed Dec 8, 2023
1 parent 298600e commit edc878a
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Showing 4 changed files with 301 additions and 76 deletions.
142 changes: 119 additions & 23 deletions src/leanblog/LeanDoc/Genre/Blog.lean
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Expand Up @@ -81,6 +81,12 @@ deriving Inhabited

initialize exampleContextExt : EnvExtension ExampleContext ← registerEnvExtension (pure {})

structure ExampleMessages where
messages : NameMap MessageLog := {}
deriving Inhabited

initialize messageContextExt : EnvExtension ExampleMessages ← registerEnvExtension (pure {})

-- FIXME this is a horrid kludge - find a way to systematically rewrite srclocs?
def parserInputString [Monad m] [MonadFileMap m] (str : TSyntax `str) : m String := do
let preString := (← getFileMap).source.extract 0 (str.raw.getPos?.getD 0)
Expand All @@ -95,56 +101,146 @@ def parserInputString [Monad m] [MonadFileMap m] (str : TSyntax `str) : m String
code := code ++ str.getString
return code

structure LeanBlockConfig where
exampleContext : Ident
«show» : Option Bool := none
keep : Option Bool := none
name : Option Name := none
error : Option Bool := none

def takeNamed (name : Name) (args : Array RoleArgument) : Array Doc.Elab.RoleArgumentValue × Array RoleArgument := do
let mut matching := #[]
let mut remaining := #[]
for arg in args do
if let .named x v := arg then
if x == name then
matching := matching.push v
remaining := remaining.push arg
(matching, remaining)

def LeanBlockConfig.fromArgs [Monad m] [MonadInfoTree m] [MonadResolveName m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (args : Array RoleArgument) : m LeanBlockConfig := do
if h : 0 < args.size then
let .anonymous (.name contextName) := args[0]
| throwError s!"Expected context name, got {repr args[0]}"
let (showArgs, args) := takeNamed `show <| args.extract 1 args.size
let showArg ← takeVal `show showArgs >>= Option.mapM (asBool `show)
let (keepArgs, args) := takeNamed `keep args
let keepArg ← takeVal `keep keepArgs >>= Option.mapM (asBool `keep)
let (nameArgs, args) := takeNamed `name args
let nameArg ← takeVal `keep nameArgs >>= Option.mapM (asName `name)
let (errorArgs, args) := takeNamed `error args
let errorArg ← takeVal `error errorArgs >>= Option.mapM (asBool `error)
if !args.isEmpty then
throwError s!"Unexpected arguments: {repr args}"
pure {
exampleContext := contextName
«show» := showArg
keep := keepArg
name := nameArg
error := errorArg
else throwError "No arguments provided, expected at least a context name"

asName (name : Name) (v : Doc.Elab.RoleArgumentValue) : m Name := do
match v with
| .name b => do
pure b.getId
| other => throwError "Expected Boolean for '{name}', got {repr other}"
asBool (name : Name) (v : Doc.Elab.RoleArgumentValue) : m Bool := do
match v with
| .name b => do
let b' ← resolveGlobalConstNoOverloadWithInfo b
if b' == ``true then pure true
else if b' == ``false then pure false
else throwErrorAt b "Expected 'true' or 'false'"
| other => throwError "Expected Boolean for '{name}', got {repr other}"
takeVal {α} (key : Name) (vals : Array α) : m (Option α) := do
if vals.size = 0 then pure none
else if h : vals.size = 1 then
have : 0 < vals.size := by rw [h]; trivial
pure (some vals[0])
else throwError "Duplicate values for '{key}'"

@[code_block_expander leanInit]
def leanInit : CodeBlockExpander
| #[.anonymous (.name x)], str => do
let context := Parser.mkInputContext (← parserInputString str) "<example>"
| args , str => do
let config ← LeanBlockConfig.fromArgs args
let context := Parser.mkInputContext (← parserInputString str) (← getFileName)
let (header, state, msgs) ← Parser.parseHeader context
for imp in header[1].getArgs do
logErrorAt imp "Imports not yet supported here"
let opts := Options.empty -- .setBool ` true
let (env, msgs) ← processHeader header opts msgs context 0
if msgs.hasErrors then
for msg in msgs.toList do
logMessage msg
liftM (m := IO) (throw <| IO.userError "Errors during import; aborting")
let commandState := configureCommandState env msgs
modifyEnv <| fun env => exampleContextExt.modifyState env fun s => {s with contexts := s.contexts.insert x.getId (commandState, state)}
pure #[]
| otherArgs, str => throwErrorAt str "Unexpected arguments {repr otherArgs}"
if header[0].isNone then -- if the "prelude" option was not set, use the current env
let commandState := configureCommandState (←getEnv) {}
modifyEnv <| fun env => exampleContextExt.modifyState env fun s => {s with contexts := s.contexts.insert config.exampleContext.getId (commandState, state)}
if header[1].getArgs.isEmpty then
let (env, msgs) ← processHeader header opts msgs context 0
if msgs.hasErrors then
for msg in msgs.toList do
logMessage msg
liftM (m := IO) (throw <| IO.userError "Errors during import; aborting")
let commandState := configureCommandState env {}
modifyEnv <| fun env => exampleContextExt.modifyState env fun s => {s with contexts := s.contexts.insert config.exampleContext.getId (commandState, state)}
if false then
pure #[← ``(Block.code none #[] 0 $(quote str.getString))] -- TODO highlighting hack
else pure #[]
initializeLeanContext : IO Unit := do
let leanPath ← Lean.findSysroot
Lean.initSearchPath leanPath
configureCommandState (env : Environment) (msg : MessageLog) : Command.State :=
{ Command.mkState env msg with infoState := { enabled := true } }

open LeanDoc.Genre.Highlighted in
@[code_block_expander lean]
def lean : CodeBlockExpander
| #[.anonymous (.name x)], str => do
| args, str => do
let config ← LeanBlockConfig.fromArgs args
let x := config.exampleContext
let some (commandState, state) := exampleContextExt.getState (← getEnv) |>.contexts.find? x.getId
| throwErrorAt x "Can't find example context"
let context := Parser.mkInputContext (← parserInputString str) "<example>"
let context := Parser.mkInputContext (← parserInputString str) (← getFileName)
-- Process with empty messages to avoid duplicate output
let s ← IO.processCommands context state { commandState with messages.msgs := {} }
for t in s.commandState.infoState.trees do
pushInfoTree t
for msg in s.commandState.messages.msgs do
logMessage msg
modifyEnv <| fun env => exampleContextExt.modifyState env fun st => {s with contexts := st.contexts.insert x.getId (s.commandState, s.parserState)}

match config.error with
| none =>
for msg in s.commandState.messages.msgs do
logMessage msg
| some true =>
if s.commandState.messages.hasErrors then
for msg in s.commandState.messages.errorsToWarnings.msgs do
logMessage msg
throwErrorAt str "Error expected in code block, but none occurred"
| some false =>
for msg in s.commandState.messages.msgs do
logMessage msg
if s.commandState.messages.hasErrors then
throwErrorAt str "No error expected in code block, one occurred"

if config.keep.getD true && !(config.error.getD false) then
modifyEnv fun env => exampleContextExt.modifyState env fun st => {st with contexts := st.contexts.insert x.getId ({s.commandState with messages := {} }, s.parserState)}
if let some infoName := then
modifyEnv fun env => messageContextExt.modifyState env fun st => {st with messages := st.messages.insert infoName s.commandState.messages}
let mut hls := Highlighted.empty
let infoSt ← getInfoState
let env ← getEnv
setInfoState s.commandState.infoState
setEnv s.commandState.env
for cmd in s.commands do
hls := hls ++ (← highlight cmd)
hls := hls ++ (← highlight cmd s.commandState.messages.msgs.toArray)
setInfoState infoSt
setEnv env
pure #[← ``(Block.other (Blog.BlockExt.highlightedCode $(quote x.getId) $(quote hls)) #[Block.code none #[] 0 $(quote str.getString)])]
| otherArgs, str => throwErrorAt str "Unexpected arguments {repr otherArgs}"
if true then
pure #[← ``(Block.other (Blog.BlockExt.highlightedCode $(quote x.getId) $(quote hls)) #[Block.code none #[] 0 $(quote str.getString)])]
pure #[]

private def filterString (p : Char → Bool) (str : String) : String := <| do
let mut out := ""
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