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feat: heuristic rendering of commands in code blocks
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david-christiansen committed Dec 18, 2024
1 parent 3008d9e commit a4f9c04
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Showing 5 changed files with 177 additions and 4 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion doc/UsersGuide/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ results in
:::tactic "simp"

{docstring Nat}

# Index
Expand Down
130 changes: 128 additions & 2 deletions src/verso-manual/VersoManual/Docstring.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -775,6 +775,10 @@ def Inline.leanFromMarkdown (hls : Highlighted) : Inline where
name := ``Verso.Genre.Manual.leanFromMarkdown
data := ToJson.toJson hls

def Block.leanFromMarkdown (hls : Highlighted) : Block where
name := ``Verso.Genre.Manual.leanFromMarkdown
data := ToJson.toJson hls

@[inline_extension leanFromMarkdown]
def leanFromMarkdown.inlinedescr : InlineDescr where
Expand All @@ -798,8 +802,30 @@ def leanFromMarkdown.inlinedescr : InlineDescr where
| .ok (hl : Highlighted) =>
hl.inlineHtml "docstring-examples"

@[block_extension leanFromMarkdown]
def leanFromMarkdown.blockdescr : BlockDescr where
traverse _id _data _ := pure none
toTeX :=
some <| fun goI goB _ _ content => do
pure <| .seq <| ← content.mapM fun b => do
pure <| .seq #[← goB b, .raw "\n"]
extraCss := [highlightingStyle]
extraJs := [highlightingJs]
extraJsFiles := [("popper.js", popper), ("tippy.js", tippy)]
extraCssFiles := [("tippy-border.css", tippy.border.css)]
toHtml :=
open Verso.Output Html in
open Verso.Doc.Html in
some <| fun _ _ _ data _ => do
match FromJson.fromJson? (α := Highlighted) data with
| .error err =>
HtmlT.logError <| "Couldn't deserialize Lean code while rendering inline HTML: " ++ err
pure .empty
| .ok (hl : Highlighted) =>
hl.blockHtml "docstring-examples"

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabInlineCodeTerm (str : String) : DocElabM Term := do
def tryElabCodeTermWith (mk : Highlighted → String → DocElabM α) (str : String) : DocElabM α := do
let loc := (← getRef).getPos?.map (← getFileMap).utf8PosToLspPos
let src :=
if let some ⟨line, col⟩ := loc then s!"<docstring at {← getFileName}:{line}:{col}>"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -832,10 +858,91 @@ def tryElabInlineCodeTerm (str : String) : DocElabM Term := do
throwError m!"Didn't elaborate {stx} as term"

let hls := (← highlight stx #[] (PersistentArray.empty.push tree))
mk hls str

logInfoAt (← getRef) m!"Elaborated {stx} -> {e}"
open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabInlineCodeTerm : String → DocElabM Term :=
tryElabCodeTermWith fun hls str =>
``(Verso.Doc.Inline.other (Inline.leanFromMarkdown $(quote hls)) #[Verso.Doc.Inline.code $(quote str)])

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabBlockCodeTerm : String → DocElabM Term :=
tryElabCodeTermWith fun hls str =>
``(Verso.Doc.Block.other (Block.leanFromMarkdown $(quote hls)) #[Verso.Doc.Block.code $(quote str)])

private def indentColumn (str : String) : Nat := do
let mut i : Option Nat := none
for line in str.split (· == '\n') do
let leading := line.takeWhile (·.isWhitespace)
if leading == line then continue
if let some i' := i then
if leading.length < i' then i := some leading.length
else i := some leading.length
return i.getD 0

/-- info: 0 -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval indentColumn ""
/-- info: 0 -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval indentColumn "abc"
/-- info: 3 -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval indentColumn " abc"
/-- info: 3 -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval indentColumn " abc\n\n def"
/-- info: 2 -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval indentColumn " abc\n\n def"
/-- info: 2 -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval indentColumn " abc\n\n def\n a"

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabBlockCodeCommand (str : String) : DocElabM Term := do
let loc := (← getRef).getPos?.map (← getFileMap).utf8PosToLspPos
let src :=
if let some ⟨line, col⟩ := loc then s!"<docstring at {← getFileName}:{line}:{col}>"
else s!"<docstring at {← getFileName} (unknown line)>"

let ictx := Parser.mkInputContext str src
let cctx : Command.Context := { fileName := ← getFileName, fileMap := FileMap.ofString str, tacticCache? := none, snap? := none, cancelTk? := none}

let mut cmdState : Command.State := {env := ← getEnv, maxRecDepth := ← MonadRecDepth.getMaxRecDepth, scopes := [{header := ""}]}
let mut pstate := {pos := 0, recovering := false}
let mut cmds := #[]

let scope := cmdState.scopes.head!
let pmctx := { env := cmdState.env, options := scope.opts, currNamespace := scope.currNamespace, openDecls := scope.openDecls }
let (cmd, ps', messages) := Parser.parseCommand ictx pmctx pstate cmdState.messages
cmds := cmds.push cmd
pstate := ps'
cmdState := {cmdState with messages := messages}

cmdState ← withInfoTreeContext (mkInfoTree := pure ∘ InfoTree.node (.ofCommandInfo {elaborator := `Manual.Meta.lean, stx := cmd})) do
match (← liftM <| EIO.toIO' <| (Command.elabCommand cmd cctx).run cmdState) with
| Except.error e => Lean.logError e.toMessageData; return cmdState
| Except.ok ((), s) => return s

if Parser.isTerminalCommand cmd then break

for msg in cmdState.messages.unreported do
logMessage msg

if cmdState.messages.hasErrors then
throwError "Errors found in command"

let mut hls := Highlighted.empty
for cmd in cmds do
hls := hls ++ (← highlight cmd cmdState.messages.toArray cmdState.infoState.trees)

hls := hls.deIndent (indentColumn str)

``(Verso.Doc.Block.other (Block.leanFromMarkdown $(quote hls)) #[Verso.Doc.Block.code $(quote str)])

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabInlineCodeName (str : String) : DocElabM Term := do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -875,6 +982,24 @@ def tryElabInlineCode (decls : List Name) (str : String) : DocElabM Term := do
logWarning m!"Internal exception uncaught: {e.toMessageData}"
``(Verso.Doc.Inline.code $(quote str))

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabBlockCode (decls : List Name) (str : String) : DocElabM Term := do
match decls with
| decl :: decls =>
-- This brings the parameters into scope, so the term elaboration version catches them!
Meta.forallTelescopeReducing (← getConstInfo decl).type fun _ _ =>
tryElabBlockCode decls str
| [] =>
tryElabBlockCodeCommand str <|> tryElabBlockCodeTerm str
| .error ref e =>
logWarningAt ref e
``(Verso.Doc.Block.code $(quote str))
| e =>
logWarning m!"Internal exception uncaught: {e.toMessageData}"
``(Verso.Doc.Block.code $(quote str))

Heuristically elaborate Lean fragments in Markdown code. The provided names are used as signatures,
from left to right, with the names bound by the signature being available in the local scope in
Expand All @@ -884,6 +1009,7 @@ def blockFromMarkdownWithLean (names : List Name) (b : MD4Lean.Block) : DocElabM
Markdown.blockFromMarkdown b
(handleHeaders := Markdown.strongEmphHeaders)
(elabInlineCode := tryElabInlineCode names)
(elabBlockCode := tryElabBlockCode names)

@[block_role_expander docstring]
def docstring : BlockRoleExpander
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/verso-manual/VersoManual/Markdown.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -136,7 +136,10 @@ private partial def blockFromMarkdownAux [Monad m] [AddMessageContext m] [MonadQ
| .blockquote bs => do ``(Verso.Doc.Block.blockquote #[$[$(← bs.mapM blockFromMarkdownAux )],*])
| .code _ _ _ strs => do
let str := String.join strs.toList
``(Verso.Doc.Block.code $(quote str))
if let some f := (← read).elabBlockCode then
f str
``(Verso.Doc.Block.code $(quote str))
| .ul _ _ items => do ``(Verso.Doc.Block.ul #[$[$(← items.mapM itemFromMarkdown)],*])
| .ol _ i _ items => do
let itemStx ← items.mapM itemFromMarkdown
Expand Down
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions src/verso/Verso/Code/Highlighted.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,41 @@ open Verso.Output Html
open Lean (Json)
open Std (HashMap)

namespace SubVerso.Highlighting
Remove n levels of indentation from highlighted code.
partial def Highlighted.deIndent (n : Nat) (hl : Highlighted) : Highlighted :=
(remove hl).run' (some n)
remove (hl : Highlighted) : StateM (Option Nat) Highlighted := do
match hl with
| .token t =>
set (none : Option Nat)
return .token t
| .span i x => .span i <$> remove x
| .seq xs => .seq <$> xs.mapM remove
| .text s =>
let mut s' := ""
let mut iter := s.iter
while h : iter.hasNext do
let c := iter.curr' h
iter :=
match c with
| '\n' =>
set (some n)
| ' ' =>
if let some (i + 1) ← get then
set (some i)
| _ => set (none : Option Nat)
s' := s'.push c
return .text s'
| .point p s => return .point p s
| .tactics gs x y hl => .tactics gs x y <$> remove hl

end SubVerso.Highlighting

namespace Verso.Code

Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/verso/Verso/Output/Html.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -283,6 +283,15 @@ info: Verso.Output.Html.tag
#guard_msgs in
#eval test

def leanKwTest : Html := {{
<label for="foo">"Blah"</label>

/-- info: Verso.Output.Html.tag "label" #[("for", "foo")] (Verso.Output.Html.text true "Blah") -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval leanKwTest

/-- error: 'br' doesn't allow contents -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval show Html from {{ <br>"foo" "foo"</br> }}
Expand Down

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