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feat: support x : t in heuristic Markdown
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david-christiansen committed Dec 18, 2024
1 parent cd49c68 commit 191cb36
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Showing 2 changed files with 159 additions and 50 deletions.
204 changes: 156 additions & 48 deletions src/verso-manual/VersoManual/Docstring.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ def leanFromMarkdown.blockdescr : BlockDescr where
hl.blockHtml "docstring-examples"

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabCodeTermWith (mk : Highlighted → String → DocElabM α) (str : String) : DocElabM α := do
def tryElabCodeTermWith (mk : Highlighted → String → DocElabM α) (str : String) (ignoreElabErrors := false) : DocElabM α := do
let loc := (← getRef).getPos?.map (← getFileMap).utf8PosToLspPos
let src :=
if let some ⟨line, col⟩ := loc then s!"<docstring at {← getFileName}:{line}:{col}>"
Expand All @@ -852,23 +852,75 @@ def tryElabCodeTermWith (mk : Highlighted → String → DocElabM α) (str : Str
pure (← Core.getMessageLog, tree', e')
Core.setMessageLog initMsgs
if newMsgs.hasErrors then
if newMsgs.hasErrors && !ignoreElabErrors then
for msg in newMsgs.errorsToWarnings.toArray do
logMessage msg
throwError m!"Didn't elaborate {stx} as term"

let hls := (← highlight stx #[] (PersistentArray.empty.push tree))
mk hls str

declare_syntax_cat doc_metavar
scoped syntax (name := docMetavar) term ":" term : doc_metavar

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabInlineCodeTerm : String → DocElabM Term :=
tryElabCodeTermWith fun hls str =>
``(Verso.Doc.Inline.other (Inline.leanFromMarkdown $(quote hls)) #[Verso.Doc.Inline.code $(quote str)])
def tryElabCodeMetavarTermWith (mk : Highlighted → String → DocElabM α) (str : String) (ignoreElabErrors := false) : DocElabM α := do
let loc := (← getRef).getPos?.map (← getFileMap).utf8PosToLspPos
let src :=
if let some ⟨line, col⟩ := loc then s!"<docstring at {← getFileName}:{line}:{col}>"
else s!"<docstring at {← getFileName} (unknown line)>"
match Parser.runParserCategory (← getEnv) `doc_metavar str src with
| .error e => throw (.error (← getRef) e)
| .ok stx =>
if let `(doc_metavar|$pat:term : $ty:term) := stx then
let (newMsgs, tree, _e') ← do
let initMsgs ← Core.getMessageLog
-- TODO open decls/current namespace
let (tree', e') ← fun _ => do
let stx' : Term ← `(($pat : $ty))
let e ← withReader ({· with autoBoundImplicit := true}) <| elabTerm stx' none
let e' ← Term.levelMVarToParam (← instantiateMVars e)
let e' ← instantiateMVars e'
let ctx := PartialContextInfo.commandCtx {
env := ← getEnv, fileMap := ← getFileMap, mctx := ← getMCtx, currNamespace := ← getCurrNamespace,
openDecls := ← getOpenDecls, options := ← getOptions, ngen := ← getNGen
pure (InfoTree.context ctx (.node (Info.ofCommandInfo ⟨`Verso.Genre.Manual.docstring, stx⟩) (← getInfoState).trees), e')
pure (← Core.getMessageLog, tree', e')
Core.setMessageLog initMsgs
if newMsgs.hasErrors && !ignoreElabErrors then
for msg in newMsgs.errorsToWarnings.toArray do
logMessage msg
throwError m!"Didn't elaborate {pat} : {ty} as term"

let hls := (← highlight stx #[] (PersistentArray.empty.push tree))
mk hls str
else throwError "Not a doc metavar: {stx}"

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabBlockCodeTerm : String → DocElabM Term :=
tryElabCodeTermWith fun hls str =>
``(Verso.Doc.Block.other (Block.leanFromMarkdown $(quote hls)) #[Verso.Doc.Block.code $(quote str)])
def tryElabInlineCodeTerm (str : String) (ignoreElabErrors := false) : DocElabM Term :=
tryElabCodeTermWith (ignoreElabErrors := ignoreElabErrors) (fun hls str =>
``(Verso.Doc.Inline.other (Inline.leanFromMarkdown $(quote hls)) #[Verso.Doc.Inline.code $(quote str)]))

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabInlineCodeMetavarTerm (str : String) (ignoreElabErrors := false) : DocElabM Term :=
tryElabCodeMetavarTermWith (ignoreElabErrors := ignoreElabErrors) (fun hls str =>
``(Verso.Doc.Inline.other (Inline.leanFromMarkdown $(quote hls)) #[Verso.Doc.Inline.code $(quote str)]))

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabBlockCodeTerm (str : String) (ignoreElabErrors := false) : DocElabM Term :=
tryElabCodeTermWith (ignoreElabErrors := ignoreElabErrors) (fun hls str =>
``(Verso.Doc.Block.other (Block.leanFromMarkdown $(quote hls)) #[Verso.Doc.Block.code $(quote str)]))

private def indentColumn (str : String) : Nat := do
let mut i : Option Nat := none
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -900,7 +952,7 @@ private def indentColumn (str : String) : Nat := do
#eval indentColumn " abc\n\n def\n a"

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabBlockCodeCommand (str : String) : DocElabM Term := do
def tryElabBlockCodeCommand (str : String) (ignoreElabErrors := false) : DocElabM Term := do
let loc := (← getRef).getPos?.map (← getFileMap).utf8PosToLspPos
let src :=
if let some ⟨line, col⟩ := loc then s!"<docstring at {← getFileName}:{line}:{col}>"
Expand All @@ -923,14 +975,13 @@ def tryElabBlockCodeCommand (str : String) : DocElabM Term := do

cmdState ← withInfoTreeContext (mkInfoTree := pure ∘ InfoTree.node (.ofCommandInfo {elaborator := `Manual.Meta.lean, stx := cmd})) do
match (← liftM <| EIO.toIO' <| (Command.elabCommand cmd cctx).run cmdState) with
| Except.error e => Lean.logError e.toMessageData; return cmdState
| Except.error e =>
unless ignoreElabErrors do Lean.logError e.toMessageData
return cmdState
| Except.ok ((), s) => return s

if Parser.isTerminalCommand cmd then break

for msg in cmdState.messages.unreported do
logMessage msg

if cmdState.messages.hasErrors then
throwError "Errors found in command"

Expand All @@ -943,7 +994,6 @@ def tryElabBlockCodeCommand (str : String) : DocElabM Term := do
``(Verso.Doc.Block.other (Block.leanFromMarkdown $(quote hls)) #[Verso.Doc.Block.code $(quote str)])

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabInlineCodeName (str : String) : DocElabM Term := do
let str := str.trim
Expand All @@ -964,52 +1014,110 @@ where
pure <| .token ⟨.const name sig docs false, str⟩

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabInlineCode (decls : List Name) (str : String) : DocElabM Term := do
match decls with
| decl :: decls =>
-- This brings the parameters into scope, so the term elaboration version catches them!
Meta.forallTelescopeReducing (← getConstInfo decl).type fun _ _ =>
tryElabInlineCode decls str
| [] =>
tryElabInlineCodeName str <|>
tryElabInlineCodeTerm str
| .error ref e =>
logWarningAt ref e
``(Verso.Doc.Inline.code $(quote str))
| e =>
private def attempt (counter : IO.Ref Nat) (str : String) (xs : List (String → DocElabM α)) : DocElabM α := do
let str' := (← counter.get).fold (init := str) (fun _ _ s => "\n" ++ s)
counter.modify (· + 1)
match xs with
| [] => throwError "No attempt succeeded"
| [x] => x str'
| x::y::xs =>
try x str'
catch e =>
if isAutoBoundImplicitLocalException? e |>.isSome then
throw e
else attempt counter str (y::xs)

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabInlineCode (counter : IO.Ref Nat) (str : String) : DocElabM Term := do
attempt counter str [
tryElabInlineCodeName ,
tryElabInlineCodeTerm ,
tryElabInlineCodeMetavarTerm ,
withReader (fun ctx => {ctx with autoBoundImplicit := true}) ∘ tryElabInlineCodeTerm,
tryElabInlineCodeTerm (ignoreElabErrors := true)
| .error ref e =>
logWarningAt ref e
``(Verso.Doc.Inline.code $(quote str))
| e =>
if isAutoBoundImplicitLocalException? e |>.isSome then
throw e
logWarning m!"Internal exception uncaught: {e.toMessageData}"
``(Verso.Doc.Inline.code $(quote str))

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabBlockCode (decls : List Name) (str : String) : DocElabM Term := do
match decls with
| decl :: decls =>
-- This brings the parameters into scope, so the term elaboration version catches them!
Meta.forallTelescopeReducing (← getConstInfo decl).type fun _ _ =>
tryElabBlockCode decls str
| [] =>
tryElabBlockCodeCommand str <|> tryElabBlockCodeTerm str
| .error ref e =>
logWarningAt ref e
``(Verso.Doc.Block.code $(quote str))
| e =>
def tryElabBlockCode (counter : IO.Ref Nat) (str : String) : DocElabM Term := do
attempt counter str [
tryElabBlockCodeCommand (ignoreElabErrors := true),
withReader (fun ctx => {ctx with autoBoundImplicit := true}) ∘
tryElabBlockCodeTerm (ignoreElabErrors := true)
| .error ref e =>
logWarningAt ref e
``(Verso.Doc.Block.code $(quote str))
| e =>
if isAutoBoundImplicitLocalException? e |>.isSome then
throw e
logWarning m!"Internal exception uncaught: {e.toMessageData}"
``(Verso.Doc.Block.code $(quote str))

open Lean Elab Term in
Heuristically elaborate Lean fragments in Markdown code. The provided names are used as signatures,
from left to right, with the names bound by the signature being available in the local scope in
which the Lean fragments are elaborated.
def blockFromMarkdownWithLean (names : List Name) (b : MD4Lean.Block) : DocElabM Term :=
Markdown.blockFromMarkdown b
(handleHeaders := Markdown.strongEmphHeaders)
(elabInlineCode := tryElabInlineCode names)
(elabBlockCode := tryElabBlockCode names)
def blockFromMarkdownWithLean (names : List Name) (b : MD4Lean.Block) : DocElabM Term := do
match names with
| decl :: decls =>
-- This brings the parameters into scope, so the term elaboration version catches them!
Meta.forallTelescopeReducing (← getConstInfo decl).type fun _ _ =>
blockFromMarkdownWithLean decls b
| [] =>
-- It'd be silly for some weird edge case to block on this feature...
let rec loop (max : Nat) (s : SavedState) : DocElabM Term := do
match max with
| k + 1 =>
-- Count all elaboration attempts, so that identifiers can have a unique range. This is
-- a horrible hack to work around the fact that the deduplication code borrowed from the
-- language server considers identifiers with the same range to be identical. This is a
-- good assumption for real code, but not for snippets extracted from Markdown.
let counter ← IO.mkRef 0
let res ←
Markdown.blockFromMarkdown b
(handleHeaders := Markdown.strongEmphHeaders)
(elabInlineCode := tryElabInlineCode counter)
(elabBlockCode := tryElabBlockCode counter)
discard <| addAutoBoundImplicits #[]

return res
catch e =>
if let some n := isAutoBoundImplicitLocalException? e then
s.restore (restoreInfo := true)
Meta.withLocalDecl n .implicit (← Meta.mkFreshTypeMVar) fun x =>
withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with autoBoundImplicits := ctx.autoBoundImplicits.push x } ) do
loop k (← (saveState : TermElabM _))
else throw e
| 0 => throwError "Ran out of local name attempts"
let s ← (saveState : TermElabM _)
loop 40 s
(s.restore : TermElabM _)
catch _ =>
Markdown.blockFromMarkdown b
(handleHeaders := Markdown.strongEmphHeaders)

@[block_role_expander docstring]
def docstring : BlockRoleExpander
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/verso/Verso/Hover.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ deriving TypeName
def addCustomHover [Monad m] [MonadInfoTree m] [MonadLiftT IO m] (stx : Syntax) (hover : UserHover) : m Unit := do
let txt ← match hover with
| .markdown str => pure str
-- TODO Change signature to MonadLiftT BaseIO m. This formulation is for a bit wider
-- compatibility in December 2024, but after another release it can go away.
-- TODO Change signature to MonadLiftT BaseIO m and remove the below ascription. This
-- formulation is for a bit wider compatibility in December 2024, but after another release it
-- can go away.
| .messageData m => (m.toString : IO String)
pushInfoLeaf <| .ofCustomInfo ⟨stx, .mk <| txt⟩

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