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david-christiansen committed Nov 6, 2024
1 parent de95f31 commit 40277b8
Showing 1 changed file with 57 additions and 62 deletions.
119 changes: 57 additions & 62 deletions src/highlighting/SubVerso/Highlighting/Code.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -154,13 +154,13 @@ where
go more

def exprKind [Monad m] [MonadLiftT IO m] [MonadMCtx m] [MonadEnv m]
(ctxt : Context) (ci : ContextInfo) (lctx : LocalContext) (expr : Expr)
: m (Option Token.Kind) := do
(ci : ContextInfo) (lctx : LocalContext) (expr : Expr)
: ReaderT Context m (Option Token.Kind) := do
let runMeta {α} (act : MetaM α) : m α := ci.runMetaM lctx act
match ← instantiateMVars expr with
| Expr.fvar id =>
let seen ←
if let some y := ctxt.ids[(← Compat.mkRefIdentFVar id)]? then
if let some y := (← read).ids[(← Compat.mkRefIdentFVar id)]? then
Compat.refIdentCase y
(onFVar := fun x => do
let ty ← instantiateMVars (← runMeta <| Meta.inferType expr)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,12 +206,12 @@ def isDefinition [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadLiftT IO m] [MonadFileMap m] (name
return false

def termInfoKind [Monad m] [MonadLiftT IO m] [MonadMCtx m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadFileMap m]
(ctxt : Context) (ci : ContextInfo) (termInfo : TermInfo)
: m (Option Token.Kind) := do
let k ← exprKind ctxt ci termInfo.lctx termInfo.expr
if ctxt.definitionsPossible then
(ci : ContextInfo) (termInfo : TermInfo)
: ReaderT Context m (Option Token.Kind) := do
let k ← exprKind ci termInfo.lctx termInfo.expr
if (← read).definitionsPossible then
if let some (.const name sig docs _isDef) := k then
(some ∘ .const name sig docs) <$> (isDefinition name termInfo.stx)
(some ∘ .const name sig docs) <$> (fun _ctxt => isDefinition name termInfo.stx)
else return k
else return k

Expand All @@ -225,10 +225,10 @@ def fieldInfoKind [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] [MonadLiftT IO m] [MonadEnv m]
return .const fieldInfo.projName tyStr docs false

def infoKind [Monad m] [MonadLiftT IO m] [MonadMCtx m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadFileMap m]
(ctxt : Context) (ci : ContextInfo) (info : Info)
: m (Option Token.Kind) := do
(ci : ContextInfo) (info : Info)
: ReaderT Context m (Option Token.Kind) := do
match info with
| .ofTermInfo termInfo => termInfoKind ctxt ci termInfo
| .ofTermInfo termInfo => termInfoKind ci termInfo
| .ofFieldInfo fieldInfo => some <$> fieldInfoKind ci fieldInfo
| .ofOptionInfo oi =>
let doc := (← getOptionDecls).find? oi.optionName |>.map (·.descr)
Expand All @@ -240,24 +240,24 @@ def infoKind [Monad m] [MonadLiftT IO m] [MonadMCtx m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadFileMa
pure none

def identKind [Monad m] [MonadLiftT IO m] [MonadFileMap m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadMCtx m]
(ctxt : Context) (trees : PersistentArray InfoTree) (stx : TSyntax `ident)
: m Token.Kind := do
(trees : PersistentArray InfoTree) (stx : TSyntax `ident)
: ReaderT Context m Token.Kind := do
let mut kind : Token.Kind := .unknown
for t in trees do
for (ci, info) in infoForSyntax t stx do
if let some seen ← infoKind ctxt ci info then
if let some seen ← infoKind ci info then
if seen.priority > kind.priority then kind := seen
else continue

pure kind

def anonCtorKind [Monad m] [MonadLiftT IO m] [MonadFileMap m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadMCtx m]
(ctxt : Context) (trees : PersistentArray InfoTree) (stx : Syntax)
: m (Option Token.Kind) := do
(trees : PersistentArray InfoTree) (stx : Syntax)
: ReaderT Context m (Option Token.Kind) := do
let mut kind : Token.Kind := .unknown
for t in trees do
for (ci, info) in infoForSyntax t stx do
if let some seen ← infoKind ctxt ci info then
if let some seen ← infoKind ci info then
if seen.priority > kind.priority then kind := seen
else continue
return match kind with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ where
pure <| !(msg.pos.before s) && !(e.before msg.pos)

abbrev HighlightM (α : Type) : Type := StateT HighlightState TermElabM α
abbrev HighlightM (α : Type) : Type := ReaderT Context (StateT HighlightState TermElabM) α

private def modify? (f : α → Option α) : (xs : List α) → Option (List α)
| [] => none
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ def HighlightM.openTactic (info : Array (Highlighted.Goal Highlighted)) (startPo
modify fun st => st.openTactic info startPos endPos pos

instance : Inhabited (HighlightM α) where
default := fun _ => default
default := fun _ _ => default

def nextMessage? : HighlightM (Option MessageBundle) := do
let st ← get
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -554,8 +554,8 @@ partial def childHasTactics (stx : Syntax) (trees : PersistentArray Lean.Elab.In

partial def renderTagged [Monad m] [MonadLiftT IO m] [MonadMCtx m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadFileMap m]
(ctxt : Context) (outer : Option Token.Kind) (doc : CodeWithInfos)
: m Highlighted := do
(outer : Option Token.Kind) (doc : CodeWithInfos)
: ReaderT Context m Highlighted := do
match doc with
| .text txt => do
-- TODO: fix this upstream in Lean so the infoview also benefits - this hack is terrible
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -592,13 +592,13 @@ partial def renderTagged [Monad m] [MonadLiftT IO m] [MonadMCtx m] [MonadEnv m]
| .tag t doc' =>
let ⟨{ctx, info, children := _}⟩ :=
if let .text tok := doc' then
if let some k ← infoKind ctxt ctx info then
if let some k ← infoKind ctx info then
pure <| .token ⟨k, tok⟩
else pure <| .text tok
let k? ← infoKind ctxt ctx info
renderTagged ctxt k? doc'
| .append xs => .seq <$> xs.mapM (renderTagged ctxt outer)
let k? ← infoKind ctx info
renderTagged k? doc'
| .append xs => .seq <$> xs.mapM (renderTagged outer)
tokenEnder str := str.isEmpty || !(str.get 0 |>.isAlphanum)

Expand All @@ -616,11 +616,9 @@ partial def _root_.Lean.Widget.TaggedText.indent (doc : TaggedText α) : TaggedT
.append #[.text " ", indent' doc]

def highlightGoals
(ctxt : Context)
(ci : ContextInfo)
(goals : List MVarId)
: HighlightM (Array (Highlighted.Goal Highlighted)) := do
let ctxt := ctxt.noDefinitions
: HighlightM (Array (Highlighted.Goal Highlighted)) := withReader (·.noDefinitions) do
let mut goalView := #[]
for g in goals do
let mut hyps := #[]
Expand All @@ -640,23 +638,22 @@ def highlightGoals
if decl.isAuxDecl || decl.isImplementationDetail then continue
match decl with
| .cdecl _index fvar name type _ _ =>
let nk ← exprKind ctxt ci lctx (.fvar fvar)
let tyStr ← renderTagged ctxt none (← runMeta (ppExprTagged =<< instantiateMVars type))
let nk ← exprKind ci lctx (.fvar fvar)
let tyStr ← renderTagged none (← runMeta (ppExprTagged =<< instantiateMVars type))
hyps := hyps.push (name, nk.getD .unknown, tyStr)
| .ldecl _index fvar name type val _ _ =>
let nk ← exprKind ctxt ci lctx (.fvar fvar)
let nk ← exprKind ci lctx (.fvar fvar)
let tyDoc ← runMeta (ppExprTagged =<< instantiateMVars type)
let valDoc ← runMeta (ppExprTagged =<< instantiateMVars val)
let tyValStr ← renderTagged ctxt none <| .append <| #[tyDoc].append <|
let tyValStr ← renderTagged none <| .append <| #[tyDoc].append <|
if tyDoc.oneLine && valDoc.oneLine then #[.text " := ", valDoc]
else #[.text " := \n", valDoc.indent]
hyps := hyps.push (name, nk.getD .unknown, tyValStr)
let concl ← renderTagged ctxt none (← runMeta <| ppExprTagged =<< instantiateMVars mvDecl.type)
let concl ← renderTagged none (← runMeta <| ppExprTagged =<< instantiateMVars mvDecl.type)
goalView := goalView.push ⟨name, Meta.getGoalPrefix mvDecl, hyps, concl⟩
pure goalView

partial def findTactics'
(ctxt : Context)
(trees : PersistentArray Lean.Elab.InfoTree)
(stx : Syntax)
(startPos endPos : String.Pos)
Expand All @@ -675,14 +672,13 @@ partial def findTactics'

let goals := if before then tacticInfo.goalsBefore else tacticInfo.goalsAfter
if goals.isEmpty then continue
let goalView ← highlightGoals ctxt ci goals
let goalView ← highlightGoals ci goals

if !Output.inTacticState (← get).output goalView then
return some (goalView, startPos.byteIdx, endPos.byteIdx, endPosition)
return none

partial def findTactics
(ctxt : Context)
(trees : PersistentArray Lean.Elab.InfoTree)
(stx : Syntax)
: HighlightM (Option (Array (Highlighted.Goal Highlighted) × Nat × Nat × Position)) :=
Expand All @@ -708,7 +704,7 @@ partial def findTactics
| `(Lean.Parser.Term.byTactic| by%$tk $tactics)
| `(Lean.Parser.Term.byTactic'| by%$tk $tactics) =>
if tk == stx then
return (← findTactics' ctxt trees tactics startPos endPos endPosition (before := true))
return (← findTactics' trees tactics startPos endPos endPosition (before := true))
| _ => continue

-- Special handling for =>: show the _before state_
Expand All @@ -723,7 +719,7 @@ partial def findTactics
| `(tactic| case $_ $_* =>%$tk $rhs )
| `(tactic| case' $_ $_* =>%$tk $rhs ) =>
if tk == stx then
return (← findTactics' ctxt trees rhs startPos endPos endPosition (before := true))
return (← findTactics' trees rhs startPos endPos endPosition (before := true))
| _ => continue

-- Only show tactic output for the most specific source spans possible, with a few exceptions
Expand All @@ -733,14 +729,13 @@ partial def findTactics
-- Override states - some tactics show many intermediate states, which is overwhelming in rendered
-- output. Get the right one to show for the whole thing, then adjust its positioning.
if let some brak := Compat.rwTacticRightBracket? stx then
if let some (goals, _startPos, _endPos, _endPosition) ← findTactics ctxt trees brak then
if let some (goals, _startPos, _endPos, _endPosition) ← findTactics trees brak then
return some (goals, startPos.byteIdx, endPos.byteIdx, endPosition)

findTactics' ctxt trees stx startPos endPos endPosition
findTactics' trees stx startPos endPos endPosition

partial def highlight'
(ctxt : Context)
(trees : PersistentArray Lean.Elab.InfoTree)
(stx : Syntax)
(tactics : Bool)
Expand All @@ -749,20 +744,20 @@ partial def highlight'
withTraceNode `SubVerso.Highlighting.Code (fun _ => pure m!"Highlighting {stx}") do
let mut tactics := tactics
if tactics then
if let some (tacticInfo, startPos, endPos, position) ← findTactics ctxt trees stx then
if let some (tacticInfo, startPos, endPos, position) ← findTactics trees stx then
HighlightM.openTactic tacticInfo startPos endPos position
-- No nested tactics - the tactic search process should only have returned results
-- on "leaf" nodes anyway
tactics := false
match stx with
| `($e.%$tk$field:ident) =>
withTraceNode `SubVerso.Highlighting.Code (fun _ => pure m!"Highlighting projection {e} {tk} {field}") do
highlight' ctxt trees e tactics
highlight' trees e tactics
if let some ⟨pos, endPos⟩ := tk.getRange? then
emitToken tk.getHeadInfo <| .mk .unknown <| (← getFileMap).source.extract pos endPos
emitString' "."
highlight' ctxt trees field tactics
highlight' trees field tactics
| _ =>
match stx with
| .missing => pure () -- TODO emit unhighlighted string
Expand All @@ -779,20 +774,20 @@ partial def highlight'
withTraceNode `SubVerso.Highlighting.Code (fun _ => pure m!"Perhaps a field? {y} {field}") do
if (← infoExists trees field) then
withTraceNode `SubVerso.Highlighting.Code (fun _ => pure m!"Yes, a field!") do
highlight' ctxt trees y tactics
highlight' trees y tactics
emitToken' <| fakeToken .unknown "."
highlight' ctxt trees field tactics
highlight' trees field tactics
withTraceNode `SubVerso.Highlighting.Code (fun _ => pure m!"Not a field.") do
let k ← identKind ctxt trees ⟨stx⟩
let k ← identKind trees ⟨stx⟩
withTraceNode `SubVerso.Highlighting.Code (fun _ => pure m!"Identifier token for {stx} is {repr k}") do
emitToken i ⟨k, x.toString⟩
| _ =>
let k ← identKind ctxt trees ⟨stx⟩
let k ← identKind trees ⟨stx⟩
withTraceNode `SubVerso.Highlighting.Code (fun _ => pure m!"Identifier token for {stx} is {repr k}") do
emitToken i ⟨k, x.toString⟩
| _ =>
let k ← identKind ctxt trees ⟨stx⟩
let k ← identKind trees ⟨stx⟩
withTraceNode `SubVerso.Highlighting.Code (fun _ => pure m!"Identifier token for {stx} is {repr k}") do
emitToken i ⟨k, x.toString⟩
| stx@(.atom i x) =>
Expand All @@ -802,7 +797,7 @@ partial def highlight'
| some (n, _) => findDocString? (← getEnv) n
let name := (·.1)
let occ := fun (n, pos) => s!"{n}-{pos}"
if let .sort ← identKind ctxt trees ⟨stx⟩ then
if let .sort ← identKind trees ⟨stx⟩ then
withTraceNode `SubVerso.Highlighting.Code (fun _ => pure m!"Sort") do
emitToken i ⟨.sort, x⟩
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -837,48 +832,48 @@ partial def highlight'
match i, i' with
| .original leading pos _ _, .original _ _ trailing endPos =>
let info := .original leading pos trailing endPos
emitToken info ⟨← identKind ctxt trees ⟨stx⟩, s!".{x.toString}"
emitToken info ⟨← identKind trees ⟨stx⟩, s!".{x.toString}"
| _, _ =>
highlight' ctxt trees dot tactics
highlight' ctxt trees name tactics
highlight' trees dot tactics
highlight' trees name tactics
| .node info k@``Lean.Parser.Term.anonymousCtor #[opener@(.atom oi l), children@(.node _ _ contents), closer@(.atom ci r)] =>
if let some tk ← anonCtorKind ctxt trees stx then
if let some tk ← anonCtorKind trees stx then
emitToken oi ⟨tk, l⟩
for child in contents do
match child with
| .atom commaInfo "," =>
emitToken commaInfo ⟨tk, ","
| _ =>
highlight' ctxt trees child tactics
highlight' trees child tactics
emitToken ci ⟨tk, r⟩
let pos := stx.getPos?
highlight' ctxt trees opener tactics (lookingAt := (k, ·))
highlight' ctxt trees children tactics (lookingAt := (k, ·))
highlight' ctxt trees closer tactics (lookingAt := (k, ·))
highlight' trees opener tactics (lookingAt := (k, ·))
highlight' trees children tactics (lookingAt := (k, ·))
highlight' trees closer tactics (lookingAt := (k, ·))
| .node _ `choice alts =>
withTraceNode `SubVerso.Highlighting.Code (fun _ => pure m!"Choice node with {alts.size} alternatives") do
-- Arbitrarily select one of the alternatives found by the parser. Otherwise, quotations of
-- let-bindings with antiquotations as the bound variable leads to doubled bound variables,
-- because the parser emits a choice node in the quotation. And it's never correct to show
-- both alternatives!
if h : alts.size > 0 then
highlight' ctxt trees alts[0] tactics
highlight' trees alts[0] tactics
| stx@(.node _ k children) =>
withTraceNode `SubVerso.Highlighting.Code (fun _ => pure m!"Other node, kind {k}, with {children.size} children") do
let pos := stx.getPos?
for child in children do
highlight' ctxt trees child tactics (lookingAt := (k, ·))
highlight' trees child tactics (lookingAt := (k, ·))

def highlight (stx : Syntax) (messages : Array Message) (trees : PersistentArray Lean.Elab.InfoTree) : TermElabM Highlighted := do
let modrefs := Lean.Server.findModuleRefs (← getFileMap) trees.toArray
let ids := build modrefs
let st ← HighlightState.ofMessages stx messages
let ((), {output := output, ..}) ← (highlight' ⟨ids, true trees stx true) st
let ((), {output := output, ..}) ← ( (highlight' trees stx true) ⟨ids, true⟩) st
pure <| .fromOutput output

def highlightProofState (ci : ContextInfo) (goals : List MVarId) (trees : PersistentArray Lean.Elab.InfoTree) : TermElabM (Array (Highlighted.Goal Highlighted)) := do
let modrefs := Lean.Server.findModuleRefs (← getFileMap) trees.toArray
let ids := build modrefs
let (hlGoals, _) ← (highlightGoals ⟨ids, false ci goals) .empty
let (hlGoals, _) ← ( (highlightGoals ci goals) ⟨ids, false⟩) .empty
pure hlGoals

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