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feat: cnf_decide uses LeanSAT
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hargoniX committed Feb 22, 2024
1 parent a6d2cb3 commit cc89c9a
Showing 1 changed file with 126 additions and 2 deletions.
128 changes: 126 additions & 2 deletions LeanSAT/Reflect/Tactics/CNFDecide.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ import LeanSAT.Reflect.Tactics.Reflect
import LeanSAT.Reflect.CNF.Decidable -- This import is not used directly, but without it the tactic fails.
import LeanSAT.Reflect.BoolExpr.Tseitin

import LeanSAT.LRAT.LRATChecker
import LeanSAT.External.Solver

open Lean Meta ReflectSat

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,10 +44,127 @@ def Solver.lift (solverName : Name) (cnfType : Expr) (certType : Expr) [ToExpr
MetaM Expr := do
let encoded := s.encodeCNF c
let b ← s.runExternal encoded
-- TODO: fix
return mkApp6 (.const ``Solver.correct []) cnfType certType
(.const solverName []) (toExpr c) (toExpr b) (← mkEqRefl (toExpr true))

A wrapper type for `LRAT.DefaultFormula`. We use it to hide the `numVars` parameter
as the `Solver` framework does not intend for dependent typing like this.
structure LratFormula where
/-- Number of variables in `formula`. -/
numVars : Nat
/-- The actual SAT formula in the LeanSAT framework. -/
formula : LRAT.DefaultFormula numVars.succ

An LRAT proof certificate. Note that this only contains a list of LRAT actions
that have not yet been internalized to the formats that LeanSAT's LRAT checker uses.
This is done as we need to provide an `ToExpr LratCert` instance, which not easily
possible for proof carrying structures.
structure LratCert where
/-- The list of LRAT actions to take for the proof. -/
cert : List LRAT.IntAction

instance : ToExpr LRAT.IntAction where
toExpr action :=
let beta := mkApp (mkConst ``Array [.zero]) (mkConst ``Int)
let alpha := mkConst ``Nat
match action with
| .addEmpty id hints =>
mkApp4 (mkConst ``LRAT.Action.addEmpty [.zero, .zero]) beta alpha (toExpr id) (toExpr hints)
| .addRup id c hints =>
mkApp5 (mkConst ``LRAT.Action.addRup [.zero, .zero]) beta alpha (toExpr id) (toExpr c) (toExpr hints)
| .addRat id c pivot rupHints ratHints =>
mkApp7 (mkConst ``LRAT.Action.addRat [.zero, .zero]) beta alpha (toExpr id) (toExpr c) (toExpr pivot) (toExpr rupHints) (toExpr ratHints)
| .del ids =>
mkApp3 (mkConst ``LRAT.Action.del [.zero, .zero]) beta alpha (toExpr ids)
toTypeExpr := mkConst ``LRAT.IntAction

instance : ToExpr LratCert where
toExpr cert := mkApp (mkConst `` (toExpr cert.cert)
toTypeExpr := mkConst ``LratCert

Obtains the maximum variable index used in `cnf`. If the `cnf` is empty return `none`.
def maxVarNum (cnf : CNF Nat) : Option Nat :=
cnf.filterMap (·.map Prod.fst |>.maximum?) |>.maximum?

Convert a `CNF Nat` with a certain maximum variable number into the `LRAT.DefaultFormula`
format for usage with LeanSAT.
Notably this:
1. Increments all variables as DIMACS variables start at 1 instead of 0
2. Adds a leading `none` clause. This clause *must* be persistet as the LRAT proof
refers to the DIMACS file line by line and the DIMACS file begins with the
`p cnf x y` meta instruction.
def convertCNF (maxVar : Nat) (cnf : CNF Nat) : LRAT.DefaultFormula (maxVar + 2) :=
let numVars := maxVar + 1
let convertLit (lit : Nat × Bool) (h : lit.fst ≤ maxVar) : _root_.Literal (PosFin numVars.succ) :=
-- The reflect framework starts counting variables at 0, DIMACS starts at 1 -> increment
⟨⟨lit.fst + 1, by omega⟩, lit.snd⟩
let convertClause clause := LRAT.DefaultClause.ofArray ( (convertLit · sorry) |>.toArray)
let clauses := convertClause
let clauses := none :: clauses
LRAT.DefaultFormula.ofArray clauses.toArray

def lratSolver : Solver LratFormula LratCert where
encodeCNF reflectCnf :=
match maxVarNum reflectCnf with
| some maxVar =>
⟨_, convertCNF maxVar reflectCnf⟩
| none =>
-- TODO: Cadical refuses an input without clauses, figure out what to do here.
0, LRAT.DefaultFormula.ofArray #[]⟩

runExternal formula := do
let numVars := formula.numVars
let formula := formula.formula
-- TODO: how do we choose filenames? Important for parallelism etc.
let cnfPath : System.FilePath := "/" / "tmp" / "cnf_decide.cnf"
let lratPath : System.FilePath := "/" / "tmp" / "lrat_decide.lrat"
IO.FS.writeFile cnfPath <| formula.dimacs
let _ ← satQuery "cadical" cnfPath.toString lratPath.toString
let some lratProof ← LRAT.parseLRATProof lratPath.toString | throw <| IO.userError "SAT solver produced invalid LRAT"
return ⟨lratProof.toList⟩

verify formula cert :=
let lratProof := (LRAT.intActionToDefaultClauseAction formula.numVars.succ)
let lratProof : List { act // LRAT.wellFormedAction act } :=
(fun actOpt =>
match actOpt with
| none => none
| some (LRAT.Action.addEmpty id rupHints) =>
some ⟨LRAT.Action.addEmpty id rupHints, by simp only [LRAT.wellFormedAction]⟩
| some (LRAT.Action.addRup id c rupHints) =>
some ⟨LRAT.Action.addRup id c rupHints, by simp only [LRAT.wellFormedAction]⟩
| some (LRAT.Action.del ids) =>
some ⟨LRAT.Action.del ids, by simp only [LRAT.wellFormedAction]⟩
| some (LRAT.Action.addRat id c pivot rupHints ratHints) =>
if h : pivot ∈ LRAT.Clause.toList c then
some ⟨
LRAT.Action.addRat id c pivot rupHints ratHints,
by simp [LRAT.wellFormedAction, LRAT.Clause.limplies_iff_mem, h]
-- TODO: report this
let lratProof := Subtype.val
let checkerResult := LRAT.lratChecker formula.formula lratProof
dbg_trace checkerResult
checkerResult = .success

correct := by
intro c b h1
dsimp at h1

-- We can solve *very* small problems by decidability.
def byDecideSolver : Solver (CNF Nat) Unit where
encodeCNF := id
Expand All @@ -55,14 +175,18 @@ def byDecideSolver : Solver (CNF Nat) Unit where
def byDecideSolver' : CNF Nat → MetaM Expr :=
Solver.lift ``byDecideSolver (mkApp (mkConst ``CNF) (mkConst ``Nat)) (.const ``Unit []) byDecideSolver

def lratSolver' : CNF Nat → MetaM Expr :=
Solver.lift ``lratSolver (mkConst ``LratFormula) (mkConst ``LratCert) lratSolver

def _root_.Lean.MVarId.cnfDecide (g : MVarId) : MetaM Unit := do
let g' ← falseOrByContra g
g'.withContext do
let (boolExpr, f) ← reflectSAT g'
trace[sat] "Reflected boolean expression: {boolExpr}"
let cnf := boolExpr.toCNF
trace[sat] "Converted to CNF: {cnf}"
let cnfUnsat ← byDecideSolver' cnf
--let cnfUnsat ← byDecideSolver' cnf
let cnfUnsat ← lratSolver' cnf
let unsat := mkApp2 (.const ``BoolExpr.unsat_of_toCNF_unsat []) (toExpr boolExpr) cnfUnsat
g'.assign (← f unsat)

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