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feat: add call hierarchy support
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mhuisi committed Jan 11, 2024
1 parent 3033895 commit 8a8acfc
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Showing 13 changed files with 455 additions and 133 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Data/HashMap.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -227,3 +227,13 @@ def ofListWith (l : List (α × β)) (f : β → β → β) : HashMap α β :=
match m.find? p.fst with
| none => m.insert p.fst p.snd
| some v => m.insert p.fst $ f v p.snd)
end Lean.HashMap

def Array.groupByKey [BEq α] [Hashable α] (key : β → α) (xs : Array β)
: Lean.HashMap α (Array β) := do
let mut groups := ∅
for x in xs do
let group := groups.findD (key x) #[]
groups := groups.erase (key x) -- make `group` referentially unique
groups := groups.insert (key x) (group.push x)
return groups
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Lean/Data/Lsp/Capabilities.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ structure ServerCapabilities where
declarationProvider : Bool := false
typeDefinitionProvider : Bool := false
referencesProvider : Bool := false
callHierarchyProvider : Bool := false
renameProvider? : Option RenameOptions := none
workspaceSymbolProvider : Bool := false
foldingRangeProvider : Bool := false
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74 changes: 60 additions & 14 deletions src/Lean/Data/Lsp/Internal.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ reduce the size of the resulting JSON. -/

inductive RefIdent where
| const : Name → RefIdent
| fvar : FVarId → RefIdent
| fvar : FVarId → RefIdent
deriving BEq, Hashable, Inhabited

namespace RefIdent
Expand All @@ -43,33 +43,79 @@ def fromString (s : String) : Except String RefIdent := do
| "f:" => return RefIdent.fvar <| name
| _ => throw "string must start with 'c:' or 'f:'"

instance : FromJson RefIdent where
| (s : String) => fromString s
| j => Except.error s!"expected a String, got {j}"

instance : ToJson RefIdent where
toJson ident := toString ident

end RefIdent

structure RefInfo.ParentDecl where
name : Name
range : Lsp.Range
selectionRange : Lsp.Range
deriving ToJson

structure RefInfo.Location where
range : Lsp.Range
parentDecl? : Option RefInfo.ParentDecl

structure RefInfo where
definition : Option Lsp.Range
usages : Array Lsp.Range
definition? : Option RefInfo.Location
usages : Array RefInfo.Location

instance : ToJson RefInfo where
toJson i :=
let rangeToList (r : Lsp.Range) : List Nat :=
[r.start.line, r.start.character, r.end.line, r.end.character]
let parentDeclToList (d : RefInfo.ParentDecl) : List Json :=
let name := |> toJson
let range := rangeToList d.range |>.map toJson
let selectionRange := rangeToList d.selectionRange |>.map toJson
[name] ++ range ++ selectionRange
let locationToList (l : RefInfo.Location) : List Json :=
let range := rangeToList l.range |>.map toJson
let parentDecl := l.parentDecl?.map parentDeclToList |>.getD []
range ++ parentDecl
Json.mkObj [
("definition", toJson $ rangeToList),
("usages", toJson $ rangeToList)
("definition", toJson $ i.definition?.map locationToList),
("usages", toJson $ locationToList)

instance : FromJson RefInfo where
fromJson? j := do
let listToRange (l : List Nat) : Except String Lsp.Range := match l with
let toRange : List Nat Except String Lsp.Range
| [sLine, sChar, eLine, eChar] => pure ⟨⟨sLine, sChar⟩, ⟨eLine, eChar⟩⟩
| _ => throw s!"Expected list of length 4, not {l.length}"
let definition ← j.getObjValAs? (Option $ List Nat) "definition"
let definition ← match definition with
| l => throw s!"Expected list of length 4, not {l.length}"
let toParentDecl (a : Array Json) : Except String RefInfo.ParentDecl := do
let name := String.toName <| ← fromJson? a[0]!
let range ← a[1:5].toArray.toList |>.mapM fromJson?
let range ← toRange range
let selectionRange ← a[5:].toArray.toList |>.mapM fromJson?
let selectionRange ← toRange selectionRange
return ⟨name, range, selectionRange⟩
let toLocation (l : List Json) : Except String RefInfo.Location := do
let l := l.toArray
if l.size != 4 && l.size != 13 then
.error "Expected list of length 4 or 13, not {l.size}"
let range ← l[:4].toArray.toList |>.mapM fromJson?
let range ← toRange range
if l.size == 13 then
let parentDecl ← toParentDecl l[4:].toArray
return ⟨range, parentDecl⟩
return ⟨range, none⟩

let definition? ← j.getObjValAs? (Option $ List Json) "definition"
let definition? ← match definition? with
| none => pure none
| some list => some <$> listToRange list
let usages ← j.getObjValAs? (Array $ List Nat) "usages"
let usages ← usages.mapM listToRange
pure { definition, usages }
| some list => some <$> toLocation list
let usages ← j.getObjValAs? (Array $ List Json) "usages"
let usages ← usages.mapM toLocation
pure { definition?, usages }

/-- References from a single module/file -/
def ModuleRefs := HashMap RefIdent RefInfo
Expand All @@ -88,7 +134,7 @@ instance : FromJson ModuleRefs where
Contains the file's definitions and references. -/
structure LeanIleanInfoParams where
/-- Version of the file these references are from. -/
version : Nat
version : Nat
references : ModuleRefs
deriving FromJson, ToJson

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131 changes: 100 additions & 31 deletions src/Lean/Data/Lsp/LanguageFeatures.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -153,35 +153,66 @@ inductive SymbolKind where
| event
| operator
| typeParameter
deriving BEq, Hashable, Inhabited

instance : FromJson SymbolKind where
| 1 => .ok .file
| 2 => .ok .module
| 3 => .ok .namespace
| 4 => .ok .package
| 5 => .ok .class
| 6 => .ok .method
| 7 => .ok .property
| 8 => .ok .field
| 9 => .ok .constructor
| 10 => .ok .enum
| 11 => .ok .interface
| 12 => .ok .function
| 13 => .ok .variable
| 14 => .ok .constant
| 15 => .ok .string
| 16 => .ok .number
| 17 => .ok .boolean
| 18 => .ok .array
| 19 => .ok .object
| 20 => .ok .key
| 21 => .ok .null
| 22 => .ok .enumMember
| 23 => .ok .struct
| 24 => .ok .event
| 25 => .ok .operator
| 26 => .ok .typeParameter
| j => .error s!"invalid symbol kind {j}"

instance : ToJson SymbolKind where
| SymbolKind.file => 1
| SymbolKind.module => 2
| SymbolKind.namespace => 3
| SymbolKind.package => 4
| SymbolKind.class => 5
| SymbolKind.method => 6
| => 7
| SymbolKind.field => 8
| SymbolKind.constructor => 9
| SymbolKind.enum => 10
| SymbolKind.interface => 11
| SymbolKind.function => 12
| SymbolKind.variable => 13
| SymbolKind.constant => 14
| SymbolKind.string => 15
| SymbolKind.number => 16
| SymbolKind.boolean => 17
| SymbolKind.array => 18
| SymbolKind.object => 19
| SymbolKind.key => 20
| SymbolKind.null => 21
| SymbolKind.enumMember => 22
| SymbolKind.struct => 23
| SymbolKind.event => 24
| SymbolKind.operator => 25
| SymbolKind.typeParameter => 26
| .file => 1
| .module => 2
| .namespace => 3
| .package => 4
| .class => 5
| .method => 6
| .property => 7
| .field => 8
| .constructor => 9
| .enum => 10
| .interface => 11
| .function => 12
| .variable => 13
| .constant => 14
| .string => 15
| .number => 16
| .boolean => 17
| .array => 18
| .object => 19
| .key => 20
| .null => 21
| .enumMember => 22
| .struct => 23
| .event => 24
| .operator => 25
| .typeParameter => 26

structure DocumentSymbolAux (Self : Type) where
name : String
Expand All @@ -191,7 +222,7 @@ structure DocumentSymbolAux (Self : Type) where
range : Range
selectionRange : Range
children? : Option (Array Self) := none
deriving ToJson
deriving FromJson, ToJson

inductive DocumentSymbol where
| mk (sym : DocumentSymbolAux DocumentSymbol)
Expand All @@ -212,18 +243,56 @@ instance : ToJson DocumentSymbolResult where

inductive SymbolTag where
| deprecated
deriving BEq, Hashable, Inhabited

instance : FromJson SymbolTag where
| 1 => .ok .deprecated
| j => .error s!"unknown symbol tag {j}"

instance : ToJson SymbolTag where
| SymbolTag.deprecated => 1
| .deprecated => 1

structure SymbolInformation where
name : String
kind : SymbolKind
tags : Array SymbolTag := #[]
location : Location
containerName? : Option String := none
deriving ToJson
deriving FromJson, ToJson

structure CallHierarchyPrepareParams extends TextDocumentPositionParams
deriving FromJson, ToJson

structure CallHierarchyItem where
name : String
kind : SymbolKind
tags? : Option (Array SymbolTag) := none
detail? : Option String := none
uri : DocumentUri
range : Range
selectionRange : Range
-- data? : Option unknown
deriving FromJson, ToJson, BEq, Hashable, Inhabited

structure CallHierarchyIncomingCallsParams where
item : CallHierarchyItem
deriving FromJson, ToJson

structure CallHierarchyIncomingCall where
«from» : CallHierarchyItem
fromRanges : Array Range
deriving FromJson, ToJson, Inhabited

structure CallHierarchyOutgoingCallsParams where
item : CallHierarchyItem
deriving FromJson, ToJson

structure CallHierarchyOutgoingCall where
to : CallHierarchyItem
fromRanges : Array Range
deriving FromJson, ToJson, Inhabited

inductive SemanticTokenType where
-- Used by Lean
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Data/Lsp/Utf16.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Init.Data.String
import Init.Data.Array
import Lean.Data.Lsp.Basic
import Lean.Data.Position
import Lean.DeclarationRange

/-! LSP uses UTF-16 for indexing, so we need to provide some primitives
to interact with Lean strings using UTF-16 indices. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,3 +87,8 @@ def utf8PosToLspPos (text : FileMap) (pos : String.Pos) : Lsp.Position :=

end FileMap
end Lean

def Lean.DeclarationRange.toLspRange (r : Lean.DeclarationRange) : Lsp.Range := {
start := ⟨r.pos.line - 1, r.charUtf16⟩
«end» := ⟨r.endPos.line - 1, r.endCharUtf16⟩
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Lean/Elab/Frontend.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ def runFrontend
if let some ileanFileName := ileanFileName? then
let trees := s.commandState.infoState.trees.toArray
let references := Lean.Server.findModuleRefs inputCtx.fileMap trees (localVars := false)
let ilean := { module := mainModuleName, references : Lean.Server.Ilean }
let ilean := { module := mainModuleName, references := ← references.toLspModuleRefs : Lean.Server.Ilean }
IO.FS.writeFile ileanFileName $ Json.compress $ toJson ilean

pure (s.commandState.env, !s.commandState.messages.hasErrors)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Lean/Server/FileWorker.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ section Elab
private def publishIleanInfo (method : String) (m : DocumentMeta) (hOut : FS.Stream)
(snaps : Array Snapshot) : IO Unit := do
let trees := fun snap => snap.infoTree
let references := findModuleRefs m.text trees (localVars := true)
let references findModuleRefs m.text trees (localVars := true) |>.toLspModuleRefs
let param := { version := m.version, references : LeanIleanInfoParams }
hOut.writeLspNotification { method, param }

Expand Down
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src/Lean/Server/FileWorker/RequestHandling.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -290,23 +290,23 @@ partial def handleDocumentHighlight (p : DocumentHighlightParams)
| `(do%$i $elems) => highlightReturn? (i.getRange?.get!.toLspRange text) elems
| stx => stx.getArgs.findSome? (highlightReturn? doRange?)

let highlightRefs? (snaps : Array Snapshot) : Option (Array DocumentHighlight) := do
let highlightRefs? (snaps : Array Snapshot) : IO (Option (Array DocumentHighlight)) := do
let trees := (·.infoTree)
let refs : Lsp.ModuleRefs := findModuleRefs text trees
let refs : Lsp.ModuleRefs findModuleRefs text trees |>.toLspModuleRefs
let mut ranges := #[]
for ident in refs.findAt p.position do
if let some info refs.find? ident then
if let some definition := info.definition then
ranges := ranges.push definition
ranges := ranges.append info.usages
for ident in refs.findAt p.position do
if let some info := refs.find? ident then
if let some ⟨definitionRange, _⟩ := info.definition? then
ranges := ranges.push definitionRange
ranges := ranges.append <| (·.range)
if ranges.isEmpty then
return none
some <| ({ range := ·, kind? := DocumentHighlightKind.text })
return some <| ({ range := ·, kind? := DocumentHighlightKind.text })

withWaitFindSnap doc (fun s => s.endPos > pos)
(notFoundX := pure #[]) fun snap => do
let (snaps, _) ← doc.cmdSnaps.getFinishedPrefix
if let some his := highlightRefs? snaps.toArray then
if let some his highlightRefs? snaps.toArray then
return his
if let some hi := highlightReturn? none snap.stx then
return #[hi]
Expand Down
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions src/Lean/Server/GoTo.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,14 +34,11 @@ def locationLinksFromDecl (srcSearchPath : SearchPath) (uri : DocumentUri) (n :

let ranges? ← findDeclarationRanges? n
if let (some ranges, some modUri) := (ranges?, modUri?) then
let declRangeToLspRange (r : DeclarationRange) : Lsp.Range :=
{ start := ⟨r.pos.line - 1, r.charUtf16⟩
«end» := ⟨r.endPos.line - 1, r.endCharUtf16⟩ }
let ll : LocationLink := {
originSelectionRange? := originRange?
targetUri := modUri
targetRange := declRangeToLspRange ranges.range
targetSelectionRange := declRangeToLspRange ranges.selectionRange
targetRange := ranges.range.toLspRange
targetSelectionRange := ranges.selectionRange.toLspRange
return #[ll]
return #[]
Expand Down

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