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Basic indexing
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seanmcl committed Jan 6, 2025
1 parent 5b914b5 commit 2f3e42c
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Showing 2 changed files with 389 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions TensorLib/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ import TensorLib.Npy
import TensorLib.Broadcast
import TensorLib.Slice
import TensorLib.Tensor
import TensorLib.Index
388 changes: 388 additions & 0 deletions TensorLib/Index.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
Copyright (c) 2024, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jean-Baptiste Tristan, Paul Govereau, Sean McLaughlin

import TensorLib.Common
import TensorLib.Tensor
import TensorLib.Slice
import TensorLib.Npy

Theorems to prove (taken from NumPy docs):
1. Basic slicing with more than one non-: entry in the slicing tuple,
acts like repeated application of slicing using a single non-: entry,
where the non-: entries are successively taken (with all other non-: entries replaced by :).
Thus, x[ind1, ..., ind2,:] acts like x[ind1][..., ind2, :] under basic slicing.
2. Advanced indices always are broadcast and iterated as one:
result[i_1, ..., i_M] == x[ind_1[i_1, ..., i_M], ind_2[i_1, ..., i_M],
..., ind_N[i_1, ..., i_M]]
3. ...TODO...

namespace TensorLib
namespace Index

-- Parsed form. We will simplify some of the redundancy here to yield an Index.Basic
-- In NumPy there may only be a single ellipsis present.
inductive NumpyItem where
| int (n : Int)
| slice (slice : Slice)
| ellipsis
| newaxis
deriving BEq, Repr

abbrev NumpyBasic := List NumpyItem

-- Slices do not subsume nat indexing. Slices always return an array
-- with the same dimension as the input, while a nat index always reduces the
-- dimensions by one.
-- x
-- array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
-- x[0], x[0:1:1]
-- (np.int64(1), array([1]))
-- x[0].shape, x[0:1:1].shape
-- ((), (1,))
inductive Item where
| nat (n : Nat)
| slice (slice : Slice.Iter)
deriving Repr

abbrev Basic := List Item

private def shapeToSliceIters (shape : List Nat) : List Item := fun dim => .slice (Slice.Iter.make Slice.all dim)

-- Return the translated items, along with the new output shape
def toBasic (items : NumpyBasic) (shape : Shape) : Err (Basic × Shape) := do
if 1 < items.count .ellipsis then .error "Index can contain at most one ellipsis"
else if shape.val.length < items.length then .error "Too many indices"
let rec loop (items : NumpyBasic) (shape : List Nat) : Err (List Item × List Nat) := match items, shape with
-- If we have too few index items, the rest are assumed to be unchanged axes
| [], shape => .ok (shapeToSliceIters shape, shape)
| _, [] => .error "impossible" -- We checked above that there are at least as many dims as items
| .int n :: items, dim :: shape => do
-- constant indices throw on overflow/underflow
if n <= -dim || dim <= n then .error "Constant index out of bounds" else
-- Use a slice to do the finicky conversion to a position in the array
let slice := Slice.ofInt n
let n := slice.startOrDefault dim
let (basic, shape) <- loop items shape
-- Drop the dimension from the resulting shape
.ok (Item.nat n :: basic, shape)
| .slice slice :: items, dim :: shape => do
let (basic, shape) <- loop items shape
let slice := Slice.Iter.make slice dim
.ok (Item.slice slice :: basic, slice.size :: shape)
| .newaxis :: items, dim :: shape => do
let (basic, shape) <- loop items shape
let slice := Slice.Iter.make Slice.all dim
.ok (.slice slice :: basic, dim :: shape)
| .ellipsis :: items, dim :: shape => do
if items.length == 1 + shape.length then
loop items (dim :: shape)
else -- there are fewer items than the shape
loop (.ellipsis :: items) shape
let (items, dims) <- loop items shape.val
return (items, dims)

Iteration over a basic index is a little tricky. The new axes have been
compiled away, but we still have constant indices and slice indices.
These correspond roughly to constant counters and incrementing counters where
we go lexicographically "upwards" during iteration (though the actual numbers
may go down if we have negative steps.) We have to handle the following corner
0. The index doesn't make sense. For example, the shape's dimension doesn't line
up with the corresponding index. Say the shape's dimension is 2, but the iterator goes
up to 7. As another error case, there may be more dimensions than indices.
1. The index is empty on creation. E.g. if the shape is empty, or if the
slice iterators are already all maxed out.
2. We only have constant indices. This is an iterator of size 1, which we
need to handle properly.
We store the slice iterators (backwards) as counters. We find the next index by incrementing
from left to right. If one of the slices is maxxed out, we reset it and carry, like in the
(backwards) usual digit-wise nat addition algorithm. We remember whether we've returned
the last element with `done`. We can't just have the counters because then we couldn't distinguish between the
case where we still have to return the last element, or if we've already returned it and
need to stop iteration. For example, in a binary counter, if we start at 000..0 and get
to 111...1, have we returned the 111...1 or not? Or perhaps more obviously, if all indices are `.nat k`, have
we returned the single element or not?
List fields are stored backwards for ease of iteration, so we make it harder to get at them
and use them incorrectly.
Invariant: `shape != []`
Invariant: `shape.length == basic.length == curr.length`
Invariant: each element of `basic` is in bounds for the corresponding dimension in `shape`.
This is checked on the call to `make`. In particular, the slice iterators are reset
before they reach the dimension.
structure BasicIter where
private mk ::
private basic : Basic
private done : Bool
deriving Inhabited, Repr

namespace BasicIter

-- An iterator is compatible with a shape if all of the shape's dimensions are
-- larger than the constant indices and equal to the iterator indices.
private def compatibleWith (iter : BasicIter) (shape : List Nat) : Bool :=
let rec loop := fun
| [], [] => true
| .nat n :: basic, dim :: shape => n < dim && loop basic shape
| .slice iter :: basic, dim :: shape => dim <= iter.dim && loop basic shape
| _, _ => false
loop iter.basic shape

def make (shape : Shape) (basic : Basic) : Err BasicIter :=
let iter := basic.reverse false
if ! compatibleWith iter shape.val.reverse
then .error s!"shape/index mismatch: {shape.val} : {basic.repr 100}"
else .ok iter

def hasNext (iter : BasicIter) : Bool := !iter.done

-- How many iterations total, based purely on the shapes, not where we are in the iteration
def size (iter : BasicIter) : Nat := do
let mut res := 1
for i in iter.basic do
match i with
| .nat _ => ()
| .slice slice => res := res * slice.size
return res

-- The (reversed) current index iteration (not yet returned)
private def current (basic : Basic) : List Nat := match basic with
| [] => []
| .nat n :: basic => n :: current basic
| .slice slice :: basic => slice.peek.getD 0 :: current basic -- The peek is .some by invariant

-- Returns the current element (that hasn't yet been returned), and the next iterator.
private def nextWithCarry (basic : Basic) (carry : Bool) : List Nat × Option Basic :=
match basic with
| [] => ([], if carry then none else some [])
| .nat n :: basic =>
-- constant indices don't increment, so we need to keep looking for a slice iterator to increment
let (ns, basic) := nextWithCarry basic carry
(n :: ns, fun b => .nat n :: b)
| .slice sliceIter :: basic =>
match with
-- We already reset the iterator once we return the max element
| .none => panic "Invariant violation"
| .some (n, nextSliceIter) =>
if nextSliceIter.hasNext
then (n :: current basic, .slice nextSliceIter :: basic)
let iter := sliceIter.reset
let (ns, basic) := nextWithCarry basic (carry := true)
let basic := fun b => .slice iter :: b
(n :: ns, basic)

def next (iter : BasicIter) : Option (List Nat × BasicIter) :=
if iter.done then none else
let (ns, basic) := nextWithCarry iter.basic false
let ns := ns.reverse
let basic := match basic with
| none => { iter with done := true } -- All slice iterators are maxxed out in this case. Should we check this?
| some basic => { iter with basic }
some (ns, basic)

instance [Monad m] : ForIn m BasicIter (List Nat) where
forIn {α} [Monad m] (iter : BasicIter) (x : α) (f : List Nat -> α -> m (ForInStep α)) : m α := do
let mut iter : BasicIter := iter
let mut res := x
for _ in [0:iter.size] do
match with
| .none => break
| .some (ns, iter') =>
iter := iter'
match <- f ns res with
| .yield k => res := k
| .done k => return k
return res

private def toList (iter : BasicIter) : List (List Nat) := do
let mut res := []
for xs in iter do
res := xs :: res
return res.reverse

let shape := [3, 3]
let slice := Slice.Iter.make Slice.all 3
(get! $ BasicIter.make shape [.slice slice, .slice slice]).toList ==
[[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2],
[1, 0], [1, 1], [1, 2],
[2, 0], [2, 1], [2, 2]]

private def testBreak (iter : BasicIter) : List (List Nat) := do
let mut res := []
for xs in iter do
res := xs :: res
return res.reverse

let shape := [5, 5]
let slice := Slice.Iter.make Slice.all 5
testBreak (get! $ BasicIter.make shape [.slice slice, .slice slice]) == [[0, 0]]

private def testReturn (iter : BasicIter) : List (List Nat) := do
let mut res := []
let mut i := 0
for xs in iter do
res := xs :: res
i := i + 1
if i == 3 then return res.reverse
return res.reverse

let shape := [5, 5]
let slice := Slice.Iter.make Slice.all 5
testReturn (get! $ BasicIter.make shape [.slice slice, .slice slice]) == [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2]]

def applyWithCopy (index : NumpyBasic) (arr : Tensor) : Err Tensor := do
let itemsize := arr.itemsize
let oldShape := arr.shape
let (basic, newShape) <- toBasic index oldShape
let iter <- BasicIter.make oldShape basic
let mut data := ByteArray.mkEmpty (iter.size * itemsize)
for dimIndex in iter do
let posn := arr.dimIndexToPosition dimIndex
for j in [0:itemsize] do
let b :=! (posn + j)
data := data.push b
return {
dtype := arr.dtype,
shape := newShape,

Make an attempt to not copy. For example, a partial index into an array
should probably just return a view with the same (sub) strides.
This is currently a feeble attempt, but can get fancier over time.
We currently handle
1. Non-slice indices (e.g. arr[1][7][-2])
def apply (index : NumpyBasic) (arr : Tensor) : Err (Tensor × Bool) := do
let oldShape := arr.shape
let mut startIndex := arr.startIndex
let mut needsCopy := false
let (basic, newShape) <- toBasic index oldShape
let basic := basic.take index.length -- drop any implicit "full" slices
for ind in basic arr.unitStrides do
match ind with
| (.nat n, stride) =>
startIndex := (startIndex + stride * n).toNat -- TODO: worry about underflow here?
| _ =>
needsCopy := true
if needsCopy then do
let res <- applyWithCopy index arr
return (res, true)
let res := { arr with
shape := newShape,
unitStrides := arr.unitStrides.drop basic.length
return (res, false)

let tp := BV8
let tensor := Tensor.Element.arange tp 10
let tensor := tensor.reshape! $ [2, 5]
let index := [.int 1]
let res := get! $ applyWithCopy index tensor
let tree := get! $ res.toTree tp
let tree' := Tensor.Format.Tree.root [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
tree == tree'

let tp := BV8
let tensor := Tensor.Element.arange tp 10
let tensor := tensor.reshape! $ [2, 5]
let index := [.int 1]
-- Bug in #guard keeps me from using `let (arr, copied) := ...` here
let ac := get! $ apply index tensor
let arr := ac.fst
let copied := ac.snd
let tree' := Tensor.Format.Tree.root [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
!copied && (get! $ arr.toTree tp) == tree'

#guard let tp := BV8
let tensor := Tensor.Element.arange tp 20
let tensor := tensor.reshape! $ [2, 2, 5]
let index := [.int 1, .int 1, .int 4]
-- Bug in #guard keeps me from using `let (arr, copied) := ...` here
let ac := get! $ apply index tensor
let arr := ac.fst
let copied := ac.snd
let tree := get! $ arr.toTree tp
let tree' := Tensor.Format.Tree.root [19]
!copied && tree == tree'

section Test

-- Testing
private def numpyBasicToList (dims : List Nat) (basic : NumpyBasic) : Option (List (List Nat)) := do
let shape := dims
let (basic, _) <- (toBasic basic shape).toOption
let iter <- (make shape basic).toOption

#guard numpyBasicToList [] [] == some [[]]
#guard numpyBasicToList [1] [.int 0] == some [[0]]
#guard numpyBasicToList [2] [.int 0] == some [[0]]
#guard numpyBasicToList [2] [.int 1] == some [[1]]
#guard (numpyBasicToList [2] [.int 2]) == none
#guard (numpyBasicToList [2] [.int (-1)]) == some [[1]]
#guard (numpyBasicToList [2] [.int (-3)]) == none
#guard (numpyBasicToList [4] [.slice Slice.all]) == some [[0], [1], [2], [3]]
#guard (numpyBasicToList [4] [.slice $! .none .none (.some 2)]) == some [[0], [2]]
#guard (numpyBasicToList [4] [.slice $! (.some (-1)) .none (.some (-2))]) == some [[3], [1]]
#guard (numpyBasicToList [2, 2] [.int 5]) == none
#guard (numpyBasicToList [2, 2] [.int 0]) == some [[0, 0], [0, 1]]
#guard (numpyBasicToList [2, 2] [.int 0, .int 0]) == some [[0, 0]]
#guard (numpyBasicToList [2, 2] [.int 0, .int 1]) == some [[0, 1]]
#guard (numpyBasicToList [2, 2] [.int 0, .int 2]) == none
#guard (numpyBasicToList [3, 3] [.slice Slice.all, .int 2]) == some [[0, 2], [1, 2], [2, 2]]
#guard (numpyBasicToList [3, 3] [.int 2, .slice Slice.all]) == some [[2, 0], [2, 1], [2, 2]]
#guard (numpyBasicToList [2, 2] [.slice Slice.all, .slice Slice.all]) == some [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]
#guard (numpyBasicToList [2, 2] [.slice (! .none .none (.some (-1))), .slice Slice.all]) == some [[1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 0], [0, 1]]
#guard (numpyBasicToList [4, 2] [.slice (! .none .none (.some (-2))), .slice Slice.all]) == some [[3, 0], [3, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]

-- Commented for easier debugging. Remove some day
-- #eval do
-- let shape := [4, 2]
-- let basic := get! $ toBasic [.slice (! .none .none (.some (-2))), .slice Slice.all] shape
-- let iter0 := (get! $ make shape basic)
-- let (ns0, iter1) <-
-- let (ns1, iter2) <-
-- let (ns2, iter3) <-
-- -- let (ns4, iter4) <-
-- -- let (ns5, iter5) <-
-- -- let (ns6, iter6) <-
-- -- let (ns7, iter7) <-
-- -- let (ns8, iter8) <-
-- -- let (ns9, iter9) <-
-- return (basic, iter0, ns0, iter1, ns1, iter2, ns2, iter3) -- , ns4, iter4) -- , ns5, iter5, ns6, iter6, ns7, iter7, ns8, iter8, ns9, iter9)

end Test

end BasicIter
end Index
end TensorLib

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