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chore: explore changing read_mem_bytes and write_mem_bytes to read_me…
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…m_bytes' and write_mem_bytes', this is a total disaster.
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bollu committed Oct 3, 2024
1 parent 421619e commit e8995e4
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Showing 3 changed files with 87 additions and 14 deletions.
27 changes: 21 additions & 6 deletions Arm/Insts/LDST/Reg_imm.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ instance : ToString Reg_imm_cls where toString a := toString (repr a)
def reg_imm_operation (inst_str : String) (op : BitVec 1)
(wback : Bool) (postindex : Bool) (SIMD? : Bool)
(datasize : Nat) (regsize : Option Nat) (Rn : BitVec 5)
(datasize : Nat) (hdatasize : datasize < 2^64) (regsize : Option Nat) (Rn : BitVec 5)
(Rt : BitVec 5) (offset : BitVec 64) (s : ArmState)
(H : 8 ∣ datasize) : ArmState :=
let address := read_gpr 64 Rn s
Expand All @@ -48,7 +48,15 @@ def reg_imm_operation (inst_str : String) (op : BitVec 1)
match op with
| 0#1 => -- STORE
let data := ldst_read SIMD? datasize Rt s
write_mem_bytes (datasize / 8) address (BitVec.cast h.symm data) s
write_mem_bytes' (datasize / 8) address (data.cast (by
simp [bv_toNat]
show _ = (BitVec.udiv _ _).toNat * 8
rw [BitVec.toNat_udiv]
rw [Nat.mod_eq_of_lt (by omega)]
)) s
-- write_mem_bytes (datasize / 8) address (BitVec.cast h.symm data) s
| _ => -- LOAD
let data := read_mem_bytes (datasize / 8) address s
if SIMD? then write_sfp datasize Rt (BitVec.cast h data) s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,12 +87,13 @@ def supported_reg_imm (size : BitVec 2) (opc : BitVec 2) (SIMD? : Bool) : Bool :
| 0b00#2, 0b11#2, true => true -- LDR, 128-bit, SIMD&FP
| _, _, _ => false -- other instructions that are not supported or illegal

def exec_reg_imm_common
(inst : Reg_imm_cls) (inst_str : String) (s : ArmState) : ArmState :=
let scale :=
if inst.SIMD? then ((lsb inst.opc 1) ++ inst.size).toNat
else inst.size.toNat
let scale, hscale⟩ : { n : Nat // n ≤ 10} :=
if inst.SIMD? then ((lsb inst.opc 1) ++ inst.size).toNat, by bv_omega⟩
else inst.size.toNat, by bv_omega⟩
-- Only allow supported LDST Reg immediate instructions
if not $ supported_reg_imm inst.size inst.opc inst.SIMD? then
write_err (StateError.Unimplemented "Unsupported instruction {inst_str} encountered!") s
Expand All @@ -100,6 +109,12 @@ def exec_reg_imm_common
| Sum.inl imm12 => (BitVec.zeroExtend 64 imm12) <<< scale
| Sum.inr imm9 => signExtend 64 imm9
let datasize := 8 <<< scale
have : datasize < 2^64 := by
simp [datasize]
rw [Nat.shiftLeft_eq]
have : 2^scale ≤ 2^10 := by apply Nat.pow_le_pow_of_le (by decide) (by omega)
simp at this
let regsize :=
if inst.SIMD? then none
else if inst.size = 0b11#2 then some 64 else some 32
Expand All @@ -108,7 +123,7 @@ def exec_reg_imm_common
-- State Updates
let s' := reg_imm_operation inst_str
(lsb inst.opc 0) inst.wback inst.postindex
inst.SIMD? datasize regsize inst.Rn inst.Rt offset s (H)
inst.SIMD? datasize (by omega) regsize inst.Rn inst.Rt offset s (H)
let s' := write_pc ((read_pc s) + 4#64) s'

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58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions Arm/State.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -666,6 +666,10 @@ def read_mem_bytes (n : Nat) (addr : BitVec 64) (s : ArmState) : BitVec (n * 8)
let rest := read_mem_bytes n' (addr + 1#64) s
(rest ++ byte).cast (by omega)

def read_mem_bytes' (n : BitVec 64) (addr : BitVec 64) (s : ArmState) : BitVec (n.toNat * 8) :=
read_mem_bytes n.toNat addr s

/-- We export write_mem_bytes, not write_mem. FIXME: make private. -/
def write_mem (addr : BitVec 64) (val : BitVec 8) (s : ArmState) : ArmState :=
let new_mem := write_store addr val s.mem
Expand All @@ -680,6 +684,8 @@ def write_mem_bytes (n : Nat) (addr : BitVec 64) (val : BitVec (n * 8)) (s : Arm
let val_rest := BitVec.zeroExtend (n' * 8) (val >>> 8)
write_mem_bytes n' (addr + 1#64) val_rest s

def write_mem_bytes' (n : BitVec 64) (addr : BitVec 64) (val : BitVec (n.toNat * 8)) (s : ArmState) : ArmState :=
write_mem_bytes n.toNat addr val s

/-! # Memory accessors and updaters -/

Expand All @@ -703,6 +709,12 @@ theorem r_of_write_mem_bytes :
case zero => rfl

theorem r_of_write_mem_bytes' :
r fld (write_mem_bytes' n addr val s) = r fld s := by
apply r_of_write_mem_bytes

theorem fetch_inst_of_write_mem :
fetch_inst addr1 (write_mem addr2 val s) = fetch_inst addr1 s := by
unfold fetch_inst write_mem
Expand All @@ -719,6 +731,10 @@ theorem fetch_inst_of_write_mem_bytes :
rw [n_ih, fetch_inst_of_write_mem]

theorem fetch_inst_of_write_mem_bytes' :
fetch_inst addr1 (write_mem_bytes' n addr2 val s) = fetch_inst addr1 s := by simp [write_mem_bytes', state_simp_rules]

theorem read_mem_of_w :
read_mem addr (w fld v s) = read_mem addr s := by
unfold read_mem
Expand All @@ -745,6 +761,26 @@ theorem read_mem_bytes_w_of_read_mem_eq
= read_mem_bytes n₁ addr₁ s₂ := by
simp only [read_mem_bytes_of_w, h]

private axiom read_mem_write_mem_n_lt_two_pow_64 (n : Nat) : n < 2^64

theorem read_mem_bytes_w_of_read_mem_eq'
(h : ∀ n addr, read_mem_bytes' n addr s₁ = read_mem_bytes' n addr s₂)
(fld val n₁ addr₁) :
read_mem_bytes' n₁ addr₁ (w fld val s₁)
= read_mem_bytes' n₁ addr₁ s₂ := by
simp [read_mem_bytes'] at *
apply read_mem_bytes_w_of_read_mem_eq <;> try assumption
intros n addr
specialize (h n addr)
have : n < 2^64 := read_mem_write_mem_n_lt_two_pow_64 n
simp [BitVec.toNat_ofNat] at h
rw [BitVec.toNat_ofNat] at h
rw [show n % 2^64 = n by omega] at h
exact h

theorem write_mem_bytes_program {n : Nat} (addr : BitVec 64) (bytes : BitVec (n * 8)):
(write_mem_bytes n addr bytes s).program = s.program := by
Expand All @@ -756,6 +792,12 @@ theorem write_mem_bytes_program {n : Nat} (addr : BitVec 64) (bytes : BitVec (n
rw [h_n]
simp only [write_mem]

theorem write_mem_bytes'_program :
(write_mem_bytes' n addr bytes s).program = s.program := by
apply write_mem_bytes_program

/-! ### Memory RoW/WoW lemmas -/

theorem read_mem_of_write_mem_same :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1177,6 +1219,22 @@ theorem read_mem_bytes_write_mem_bytes_of_read_mem_eq
simp only [← Memory.mem_eq_iff_read_mem_bytes_eq] at h ⊢
simp only [memory_rules, h]

theorem read_mem_bytes_write_mem_bytes_of_read_mem_eq'
(h : ∀ n addr, read_mem_bytes' n addr s₁ = read_mem_bytes' n addr s₂)
(n₂ addr₂ val n₁ addr₁) :
read_mem_bytes' n₁ addr₁ (write_mem_bytes' n₂ addr₂ val s₁)
= read_mem_bytes' n₁ addr₁ (write_mem_bytes' n₂ addr₂ val s₂) := by
simp [read_mem_bytes', write_mem_bytes']
apply read_mem_bytes_write_mem_bytes_of_read_mem_eq <;> try assumption
· intros n addr
specialize h n addr
have : n < 2^64 := read_mem_write_mem_n_lt_two_pow_64 n
simp [read_mem_bytes'] at h
rw [BitVec.toNat_ofNat] at h
rw [show n % 2^64 = n by omega] at h
exact h

/- Helper lemma for `state_eq_iff_components_eq` -/

private theorem reads_equal_implies_gpr_equal (s1 s2 : ArmState)
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions Tactics/Sym/AxEffects.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ def initial (state : Expr) : AxEffects where
mkLambda `addr .default bv64 <|
mkApp2 (.const ``Eq.refl [1])
(mkApp (mkConst ``BitVec) <| mkNatMul (.bvar 1) (toExpr 8))
(mkApp3 (mkConst ``read_mem_bytes) (.bvar 1) (.bvar 0) state)
(mkApp3 (mkConst ``read_mem_bytes') (.bvar 1) (.bvar 0) state)
programProof :=
-- `rfl`
mkAppN (.const ``Eq.refl [1]) #[
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,15 +251,15 @@ private def update_write_mem (eff : AxEffects) (n addr val : Expr) :

-- Update each field
let fields ← eff.fields.toList.mapM fun ⟨fld, {value, proof}⟩ => do
let r_of_w := mkApp5 (mkConst ``r_of_write_mem_bytes)
let r_of_w := mkApp5 (mkConst ``r_of_write_mem_bytes')
(toExpr fld) n addr val eff.currentState
let proof ← mkEqTrans r_of_w proof
return ⟨fld, {value, proof}⟩

-- Update the non-effects proof
let nonEffectProof ← lambdaTelescope eff.nonEffectProof fun args proof => do
let f := args[0]!
let r_of_w := mkApp5 (mkConst ``r_of_write_mem_bytes)
let r_of_w := mkApp5 (mkConst ``r_of_write_mem_bytes')
f n addr val eff.currentState
let proof ← mkEqTrans r_of_w proof
mkLambdaFVars args proof
Expand All @@ -268,21 +268,21 @@ private def update_write_mem (eff : AxEffects) (n addr val : Expr) :
-- Update the memory effects proof
let memoryEffectProof :=
-- `read_mem_bytes_write_mem_bytes_of_read_mem_eq <memoryEffectProof> ...`
mkAppN (mkConst ``read_mem_bytes_write_mem_bytes_of_read_mem_eq)
mkAppN (mkConst ``read_mem_bytes_write_mem_bytes_of_read_mem_eq')
#[eff.currentState, eff.memoryEffect, eff.memoryEffectProof, n, addr, val]

-- Update the program proof
let programProof ←
-- `Eq.trans (@write_mem_bytes_program <currentState> ...) <programProof>`
(mkAppN (mkConst ``write_mem_bytes_program)
(mkAppN (mkConst ``write_mem_bytes'_program)
#[eff.currentState, n, addr, val])

-- Assemble the result
let addWrite (e : Expr) :=
-- `@write_mem_bytes <n> <addr> <val> <e>`
mkApp4 (mkConst ``write_mem_bytes) n addr val e
mkApp4 (mkConst ``write_mem_bytes') n addr val e
let eff := { eff with
currentState := addWrite eff.currentState
fields := .ofList fields
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ private def update_w (eff : AxEffects) (fld val : Expr) :
-- Update the memory effect proof
let memoryEffectProof :=
-- `read_mem_bytes_w_of_read_mem_eq ...`
mkAppN (mkConst ``read_mem_bytes_w_of_read_mem_eq)
mkAppN (mkConst ``read_mem_bytes_w_of_read_mem_eq')
#[eff.currentState, eff.memoryEffect, eff.memoryEffectProof, fld, val]

-- Update the program proof
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ return an `AxEffects` where `e` is the new `currentState`. -/
partial def updateWithExpr (eff : AxEffects) (e : Expr) : MetaM AxEffects := do
let msg := m!"Updating effects with writes from: {e}"
withTraceNode `Tactic.sym (fun _ => pure msg) <| do match_expr e with
| write_mem_bytes n addr val e =>
| write_mem_bytes' n addr val e =>
let eff ← eff.updateWithExpr e
eff.update_write_mem n addr val

Expand Down

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