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feat(RingTheory/Smooth): Correspondence between square-zero lifts and…
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… retractions of the conormal sequence. (#14138)

Co-authored-by: Andrew Yang <[email protected]>
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2 people authored and bjoernkjoshanssen committed Sep 9, 2024
1 parent 226b7c1 commit cb2355e
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Showing 3 changed files with 229 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
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Expand Up @@ -3912,6 +3912,7 @@ import Mathlib.RingTheory.RootsOfUnity.Lemmas
import Mathlib.RingTheory.RootsOfUnity.Minpoly
import Mathlib.RingTheory.SimpleModule
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Smooth.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Smooth.Kaehler
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Smooth.StandardSmooth
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Support
import Mathlib.RingTheory.SurjectiveOnStalks
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18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/Ideal/Cotangent.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -98,6 +98,16 @@ theorem to_quotient_square_comp_toCotangent :
theorem toCotangent_to_quotient_square (x : I) :
I.cotangentToQuotientSquare (I.toCotangent x) = (I ^ 2).mkQ x := rfl

lemma Cotangent.smul_eq_zero_of_mem {I : Ideal R}
{x} (hx : x ∈ I) (m : I.Cotangent) : x • m = 0 := by
obtain ⟨m, rfl⟩ := Ideal.toCotangent_surjective _ m
rw [← map_smul, Ideal.toCotangent_eq_zero, pow_two]
exact Ideal.mul_mem_mul hx m.2

lemma isTorsionBySet_cotangent :
Module.IsTorsionBySet R I.Cotangent I :=
fun m x ↦ m.smul_eq_zero_of_mem x.2

/-- `I ⧸ I ^ 2` as an ideal of `R ⧸ I ^ 2`. -/
def cotangentIdeal (I : Ideal R) : Ideal (R ⧸ I ^ 2) := ( (I ^ 2)|>.toSemilinearMap) I
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,6 +173,14 @@ theorem _root_.AlgHom.ker_kerSquareLift (f : A →ₐ[R] B) :
· intro x hx; obtain ⟨x, rfl⟩ := Ideal.Quotient.mk_surjective x; exact ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩
· rintro _ ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩; exact hx

instance Algebra.kerSquareLift : Algebra (R ⧸ (RingHom.ker (algebraMap R A) ^ 2)) A :=
(Algebra.ofId R A).kerSquareLift.toAlgebra

instance [Algebra A B] [IsScalarTower R A B] :
IsScalarTower R (A ⧸ (RingHom.ker (algebraMap A B) ^ 2)) B :=
(IsScalarTower.toAlgHom R A B).kerSquareLift.comp_algebraMap.symm

/-- The quotient ring of `I ⧸ I ^ 2` is `R ⧸ I`. -/
def quotCotangent : (R ⧸ I ^ 2) ⧸ I.cotangentIdeal ≃+* R ⧸ I := by
refine (Ideal.quotEquivOfEq (Ideal.map_eq_submodule_map _ _).symm).trans ?_
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210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/Smooth/Kaehler.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Andrew Yang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Andrew Yang
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Kaehler.Basic

# Relation of smoothness and `Ω[S⁄R]`
## Main results
- `retractionKerToTensorEquivSection`:
Given a surjective algebra homomorphism `f : P →ₐ[R] S` with square-zero kernel `I`,
there is a one-to-one correspondence between `P`-linear retractions of `I →ₗ[P] S ⊗[P] Ω[P/R]`
and algebra homomorphism sections of `f`.
## Future projects
- Show that relative smooth iff `H¹(L_{S/R}) = 0` and `Ω[S/R]` is projective.
- Show that being smooth is local on stalks.
- Show that being formally smooth is Zariski-local (very hard).

universe u

open TensorProduct KaehlerDifferential

open Function (Surjective)

variable {R P S : Type u} [CommRing R] [CommRing P] [CommRing S]
variable [Algebra R S] [Algebra R P] [Algebra P S] [IsScalarTower R P S]
variable (hf : Surjective (algebraMap P S)) (hf' : (RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S)) ^ 2 = ⊥)

section ofSection

-- Suppose we have a section (as alghom) of `P →ₐ[R] S`.
variable (g : S →ₐ[R] P) (hg : (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom R P S).comp g = R S)

Given a surjective algebra homomorphism `f : P →ₐ[R] S` with square-zero kernel `I`,
and a section `g : S →ₐ[R] P` (as an algebra homomorphism),
we get an `R`-derivation `P → I` via `x ↦ x - g (f x)`.
def derivationOfSectionOfKerSqZero (f : P →ₐ[R] S) (hf' : (RingHom.ker f) ^ 2 = ⊥) (g : S →ₐ[R] P)
(hg : f.comp g = R S) : Derivation R P (RingHom.ker f) where
toFun x := ⟨x - g (f x), by
simpa [RingHom.mem_ker, sub_eq_zero] using AlgHom.congr_fun hg.symm (f x)⟩
map_add' x y := by simp only [map_add, AddSubmonoid.mk_add_mk,]; ring
map_smul' x y := by
simp only [Algebra.smul_def, _root_.map_mul, ← IsScalarTower.algebraMap_apply,
AlgHom.commutes, RingHom.id_apply, Submodule.coe_smul_of_tower]
map_one_eq_zero' := by simp only [LinearMap.coe_mk, AddHom.coe_mk, _root_.map_one, sub_self,
leibniz' a b := by
have : (a - g (f a)) * (b - g (f b)) = 0 := by
rw [← Ideal.mem_bot, ← hf', pow_two]
apply Ideal.mul_mem_mul
· simpa [RingHom.mem_ker, sub_eq_zero] using AlgHom.congr_fun hg.symm (f a)
· simpa [RingHom.mem_ker, sub_eq_zero] using AlgHom.congr_fun hg.symm (f b)
rw [← sub_eq_zero]
conv_rhs => rw [← neg_zero, ← this]
simp only [LinearMap.coe_mk, AddHom.coe_mk, _root_.map_mul, SetLike.mk_smul_mk, smul_eq_mul,
mul_sub, AddSubmonoid.mk_add_mk, sub_mul, neg_sub]

lemma isScalarTower_of_section_of_ker_sqZero :
letI := g.toRingHom.toAlgebra; IsScalarTower P S (RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S)) := by
letI := g.toRingHom.toAlgebra
intro p s m
show g (p • s) * m = p * (g s * m)
simp only [Algebra.smul_def, _root_.map_mul, mul_assoc, mul_left_comm _ (g s)]
congr 1
rw [← sub_eq_zero, ← Ideal.mem_bot, ← hf', pow_two, ← sub_mul]
refine Ideal.mul_mem_mul ?_ m.2
simpa [RingHom.mem_ker, sub_eq_zero] using AlgHom.congr_fun hg (algebraMap P S p)

Given a surjective algebra hom `f : P →ₐ[R] S` with square-zero kernel `I`,
and a section `g : S →ₐ[R] P` (as algebra homs),
we get a retraction of the injection `I → S ⊗[P] Ω[P/R]`.
def retractionOfSectionOfKerSqZero : S ⊗[P] Ω[P⁄R] →ₗ[P] RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S) :=
letI := g.toRingHom.toAlgebra
haveI := isScalarTower_of_section_of_ker_sqZero hf' g hg
letI f : _ →ₗ[P] RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S) := (derivationOfSectionOfKerSqZero
(IsScalarTower.toAlgHom R P S) hf' g hg).liftKaehlerDifferential
(f.liftBaseChange S).restrictScalars P

lemma retractionOfSectionOfKerSqZero_tmul_D (s : S) (t : P) :
retractionOfSectionOfKerSqZero hf' g hg (s ⊗ₜ .D _ _ t) =
g s * t - g s * g (algebraMap _ _ t) := by
letI := g.toRingHom.toAlgebra
haveI := isScalarTower_of_section_of_ker_sqZero hf' g hg
simp only [retractionOfSectionOfKerSqZero, AlgHom.toRingHom_eq_coe, LinearMap.coe_restrictScalars,
LinearMap.liftBaseChange_tmul, SetLike.val_smul_of_tower]
erw [Derivation.liftKaehlerDifferential_comp_D]
exact mul_sub (g s) t (g (algebraMap P S t))

lemma retractionOfSectionOfKerSqZero_comp_kerToTensor :
(retractionOfSectionOfKerSqZero hf' g hg).comp (kerToTensor R P S) = := by
ext x; simp [(RingHom.mem_ker _).mp x.2]

end ofSection

section ofRetraction

variable (l : S ⊗[P] Ω[P⁄R] →ₗ[P] RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S))
variable (hl : l.comp (kerToTensor R P S) =

-- suppose we have a (set-theoretic) section
variable (σ : S → P) (hσ : ∀ x, algebraMap P S (σ x) = x)

lemma sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux_prop (x y) (h : algebraMap P S x = algebraMap P S y) :
x - l (1 ⊗ₜ .D _ _ x) = y - l (1 ⊗ₜ .D _ _ y) := by
rw [sub_eq_iff_eq_add, sub_add_comm, ← sub_eq_iff_eq_add, ← Submodule.coe_sub,
← map_sub, ← tmul_sub, ← map_sub]
exact congr_arg Subtype.val (LinearMap.congr_fun hl.symm ⟨x - y, by simp [RingHom.mem_ker, h]⟩)

Given a surjective algebra homomorphism `f : P →ₐ[R] S` with square-zero kernel `I`.
Let `σ` be an arbitrary (set-theoretic) section of `f`.
Suppose we have a retraction `l` of the injection `I →ₗ[P] S ⊗[P] Ω[P/R]`, then
`x ↦ σ x - l (1 ⊗ D (σ x))` is an algebra homomorphism and a section to `f`.
def sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux : S →ₐ[R] P where
toFun x := σ x - l (1 ⊗ₜ .D _ _ (σ x))
map_one' := by simp [sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux_prop l hl (σ 1) 1 (by simp [hσ])]
map_mul' a b := by
have (x y) : (l x).1 * (l y).1 = 0 := by
rw [← Ideal.mem_bot, ← hf', pow_two]; exact Ideal.mul_mem_mul (l x).2 (l y).2
simp only [sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux_prop l hl (σ (a * b)) (σ a * σ b) (by simp [hσ]),
Derivation.leibniz, tmul_add, tmul_smul, map_add, map_smul, AddSubmonoid.coe_add, this,
Submodule.coe_toAddSubmonoid, SetLike.val_smul, smul_eq_mul, mul_sub, sub_mul, sub_zero]
map_add' a b := by
simp only [sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux_prop l hl (σ (a + b)) (σ a + σ b) (by simp [hσ]),
map_add, tmul_add, AddSubmonoid.coe_add, Submodule.coe_toAddSubmonoid, add_sub_add_comm]
map_zero' := by simp [sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux_prop l hl (σ 0) 0 (by simp [hσ])]
commutes' r := by
simp [sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux_prop l hl
(σ (algebraMap R S r)) (algebraMap R P r) (by simp [hσ, ← IsScalarTower.algebraMap_apply])]

lemma sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux_algebraMap (x : P) :
sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux hf' l hl σ hσ (algebraMap P S x) = x - l (1 ⊗ₜ .D _ _ x) :=
sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux_prop l hl _ x (by simp [hσ])

lemma toAlgHom_comp_sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux :
(IsScalarTower.toAlgHom R P S).comp
(sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux hf' l hl σ hσ) = _ _ := by
ext x
obtain ⟨x, rfl⟩ := hf x
simp [sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux_algebraMap, (RingHom.mem_ker _).mp]

Given a surjective algebra homomorphism `f : P →ₐ[R] S` with square-zero kernel `I`.
Suppose we have a retraction `l` of the injection `I →ₗ[P] S ⊗[P] Ω[P/R]`, then
`x ↦ σ x - l (1 ⊗ D (σ x))` is an algebra homomorphism and a section to `f`,
where `σ` is an arbitrary (set-theoretic) section of `f`
noncomputable def sectionOfRetractionKerToTensor : S →ₐ[R] P :=
sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux hf' l hl _ (fun x ↦ (hf x).choose_spec)

lemma sectionOfRetractionKerToTensor_algebraMap (x : P) :
sectionOfRetractionKerToTensor hf hf' l hl (algebraMap P S x) = x - l (1 ⊗ₜ .D _ _ x) :=
sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux_algebraMap hf' l hl _ _ x

lemma toAlgHom_comp_sectionOfRetractionKerToTensor :
(IsScalarTower.toAlgHom R P S).comp
(sectionOfRetractionKerToTensor hf hf' l hl) = _ _ :=
toAlgHom_comp_sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux hf _ _ _ _ _

end ofRetraction

Given a surjective algebra homomorphism `f : P →ₐ[R] S` with square-zero kernel `I`,
there is a one-to-one correspondence between `P`-linear retractions of `I →ₗ[P] S ⊗[P] Ω[P/R]`
and algebra homomorphism sections of `f`.
def retractionKerToTensorEquivSection :
{ l // l ∘ₗ (kerToTensor R P S) = } ≃
{ g // (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom R P S).comp g = R S } where
toFun l := ⟨_, toAlgHom_comp_sectionOfRetractionKerToTensor hf hf' _ l.2
invFun g := ⟨_, retractionOfSectionOfKerSqZero_comp_kerToTensor hf' _ g.2
left_inv l := by
ext s p
obtain ⟨s, rfl⟩ := hf s
have (x y) : (l.1 x).1 * (l.1 y).1 = 0 := by
rw [← Ideal.mem_bot, ← hf', pow_two]; exact Ideal.mul_mem_mul (l.1 x).2 (l.1 y).2
simp only [AlgebraTensorModule.curry_apply,
Derivation.coe_comp, LinearMap.coe_comp, LinearMap.coe_restrictScalars, Derivation.coeFn_coe,
Function.comp_apply, curry_apply, retractionOfSectionOfKerSqZero_tmul_D,
sectionOfRetractionKerToTensor_algebraMap, ← mul_sub, sub_sub_cancel]
rw [sub_mul]
simp only [this, Algebra.algebraMap_eq_smul_one, ← smul_tmul', LinearMapClass.map_smul,
SetLike.val_smul, smul_eq_mul, sub_zero]
right_inv g := by ext s; obtain ⟨s, rfl⟩ := hf s; simp

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