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feat(Algebra/Homology): morphisms from the homotopy cofiber (#9447)
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In this PR, we obtain `HomologicalComplex.homotopyCofiber.descEquiv` which expresses that if `φ : F ⟶ G` is a morphism of homological complexes, then a morphism `homotopyCofiber φ ⟶ K` is uniquely determined by a morphism `α : G ⟶ K` and a homotopy from `φ ≫ α` to `0`.
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joelriou committed Jan 5, 2024
1 parent 710ecf0 commit b180173
Showing 1 changed file with 139 additions and 1 deletion.
140 changes: 139 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/HomotopyCofiber.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ When we assume `hc : ∀ j, ∃ i, c.Rel i j` (which holds in the case of chain
or cochain complexes indexed by `ℤ`), then for any homological complex `K`,
there is a bijection `HomologicalComplex.homotopyCofiber.descEquiv φ K hc`
between `homotopyCofiber φ ⟶ K` and the tuples `(α, hα)` with
`α : G ⟶ K` and `hα : Homotopy (φ ≫ α) 0` (TODO).
`α : G ⟶ K` and `hα : Homotopy (φ ≫ α) 0`.
We shall also study the cylinder of a homological complex `K`: this is the
homotopy cofiber of the morphism `biprod.lift (𝟙 K) (-𝟙 K) : K ⟶ K ⊞ K`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,4 +229,142 @@ noncomputable def homotopyCofiber : HomologicalComplex C c where
· simp [homotopyCofiber.inlX_d' φ j k hjk hk]
· simp

namespace homotopyCofiber

/-- The right inclusion `G ⟶ homotopyCofiber φ`. -/
noncomputable def inr : G ⟶ homotopyCofiber φ where
f i := inrX φ i


variable (hc : ∀ j, ∃ i, c.Rel i j)

/-- The composition `φ ≫ mappingCone.inr φ` is homotopic to `0`. -/
noncomputable def inrCompHomotopy :
Homotopy (φ ≫ inr φ) 0 where
hom i j :=
if hij : c.Rel j i then inlX φ i j hij else 0
zero i j hij := dif_neg hij
comm j := by
obtain ⟨i, hij⟩ := hc j
rw [prevD_eq _ hij, dif_pos hij]
by_cases hj : c.Rel j ( j)
· simp only [comp_f, homotopyCofiber_d, zero_f, add_zero,
inlX_d φ i j _ hij hj, dNext_eq _ hj, dif_pos hj,
add_neg_cancel_left, inr_f]
· rw [dNext_eq_zero _ _ hj, zero_add, zero_f, add_zero, homotopyCofiber_d,
inlX_d' _ _ _ _ hj, comp_f, inr_f]

lemma inrCompHomotopy_hom (i j : ι) (hij : c.Rel j i) :
(inrCompHomotopy φ hc).hom i j = inlX φ i j hij := dif_pos hij

lemma inrCompHomotopy_hom_eq_zero (i j : ι) (hij : ¬ c.Rel j i) :
(inrCompHomotopy φ hc).hom i j = 0 := dif_neg hij



variable (α : G ⟶ K) (hα : Homotopy (φ ≫ α) 0)

/-- The morphism `homotopyCofiber φ ⟶ K` that is induced by a morphism `α : G ⟶ K`
and a homotopy `hα : Homotopy (φ ≫ α) 0`. -/
noncomputable def desc :
homotopyCofiber φ ⟶ K where
f j :=
if hj : c.Rel j ( j)
then fstX φ j _ hj ≫ hα.hom _ j + sndX φ j ≫ α.f j
else sndX φ j ≫ α.f j
comm' j k hjk := by
obtain rfl := c.next_eq' hjk
simp [dif_pos hjk]
have H := hα.comm ( j)
simp only [comp_f, zero_f, add_zero, prevD_eq _ hjk] at H
split_ifs with hj
· simp only [comp_add, d_sndX_assoc _ _ _ hjk, add_comp, assoc, H,
d_fstX_assoc _ _ _ _ hjk, neg_comp, dNext,'_apply]
· simp only [d_sndX_assoc _ _ _ hjk, add_comp, assoc, add_left_inj, H,
dNext_eq_zero _ _ hj, zero_add]

lemma desc_f (j k : ι) (hjk : c.Rel j k) :
(desc φ α hα).f j = fstX φ j _ hjk ≫ hα.hom _ j + sndX φ j ≫ α.f j := by
obtain rfl := c.next_eq' hjk
apply dif_pos hjk

lemma desc_f' (j : ι) (hj : ¬ c.Rel j ( j)) :
(desc φ α hα).f j = sndX φ j ≫ α.f j := by
apply dif_neg hj

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma inlX_desc_f (i j : ι) (hjk : c.Rel j i) :
inlX φ i j hjk ≫ (desc φ α hα).f j = hα.hom i j := by
obtain rfl := c.next_eq' hjk
dsimp [desc]
rw [dif_pos hjk, comp_add, inlX_fstX_assoc, inlX_sndX_assoc, zero_comp, add_zero]

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma inrX_desc_f (i : ι) :
inrX φ i ≫ (desc φ α hα).f i = α.f i := by
dsimp [desc]
split_ifs <;> simp

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma inr_desc :
inr φ ≫ desc φ α hα = α := by aesop_cat

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma inrCompHomotopy_hom_desc_hom (hc : ∀ j, ∃ i, c.Rel i j) (i j : ι) :
(inrCompHomotopy φ hc).hom i j ≫ (desc φ α hα).f j = hα.hom i j := by
by_cases hij : c.Rel j i
· dsimp
simp only [inrCompHomotopy_hom φ hc i j hij, desc_f φ α hα _ _ hij,
comp_add, inlX_fstX_assoc, inlX_sndX_assoc, zero_comp, add_zero]
· simp only [ _ _ _ hij, zero_comp]

lemma eq_desc (f : homotopyCofiber φ ⟶ K) (hc : ∀ j, ∃ i, c.Rel i j) :
f = desc φ (inr φ ≫ f) (Homotopy.trans (Homotopy.ofEq (by simp))
(((inrCompHomotopy φ hc).compRight f).trans (Homotopy.ofEq (by simp)))) := by
ext j
by_cases hj : c.Rel j ( j)
· apply ext_from_X φ _ _ hj
· simp [inrCompHomotopy_hom _ _ _ _ hj]
· simp
· apply ext_from_X' φ _ hj


lemma descSigma_ext_iff {K : HomologicalComplex C c}
(x y : Σ (α : G ⟶ K), Homotopy (φ ≫ α) 0) :
x = y ↔ x.1 = y.1 ∧ (∀ (i j : ι) (_ : c.Rel j i), x.2.hom i j = y.2.hom i j) := by
· rintro rfl
· obtain ⟨x₁, x₂⟩ := x
obtain ⟨y₁, y₂⟩ := y
rintro ⟨rfl, h⟩
simp only [, heq_eq_eq, true_and]
ext i j
by_cases hij : c.Rel j i
· exact h _ _ hij
· simp only [ _ _ _ hij]

/-- Morphisms `homotopyCofiber φ ⟶ K` are uniquely determined by
a morphism `α : G ⟶ K` and a homotopy from `φ ≫ α` to `0`. -/
noncomputable def descEquiv (K : HomologicalComplex C c) (hc : ∀ j, ∃ i, c.Rel i j) :
(Σ (α : G ⟶ K), Homotopy (φ ≫ α) 0) ≃ (homotopyCofiber φ ⟶ K) where
toFun := fun ⟨α, hα⟩ => desc φ α hα
invFun f := ⟨inr φ ≫ f, Homotopy.trans (Homotopy.ofEq (by simp))
(((inrCompHomotopy φ hc).compRight f).trans (Homotopy.ofEq (by simp)))⟩
right_inv f := (eq_desc φ f hc).symm
left_inv := fun ⟨α, hα⟩ => by
rw [descSigma_ext_iff]

end homotopyCofiber

end HomologicalComplex

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