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leanprover-community-mathlib4-bot committed Oct 26, 2024
2 parents eaf496f + 3e1e573 commit 46625fc
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Showing 28 changed files with 368 additions and 97 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -710,6 +710,7 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Ring.Unbundled.Rat
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Ring.WithTop
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Star.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Star.Conjneg
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Star.Prod
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Sub.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Sub.Defs
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Sub.Prod
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3582,6 +3583,7 @@ import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LSeries.HurwitzZetaOdd
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LSeries.HurwitzZetaValues
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LSeries.Linearity
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LSeries.MellinEqDirichlet
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LSeries.Positivity
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LSeries.RiemannZeta
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LSeries.ZMod
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LegendreSymbol.AddCharacter
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/BigOperators/GroupWithZero/Action.lean
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Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,18 @@ theorem smul_finprod' {ι : Sort*} [Finite ι] {f : ι → β} (r : α) :
simp only [finprod_eq_prod_plift_of_mulSupport_subset (s := Finset.univ) (by simp),
finprod_eq_prod_of_fintype, Finset.smul_prod']

variable {G : Type*} [Group G] [MulDistribMulAction G β]

theorem Finset.smul_prod_perm [Fintype G] (b : β) (g : G) :
(g • ∏ h : G, h • b) = ∏ h : G, h • b := by
simp only [smul_prod', smul_smul]
exact Finset.prod_bijective (g * ·) (Group.mulLeft_bijective g) (by simp) (fun _ _ ↦ rfl)

theorem smul_finprod_perm [Finite G] (b : β) (g : G) :
(g • ∏ᶠ h : G, h • b) = ∏ᶠ h : G, h • b := by
cases nonempty_fintype G
simp only [finprod_eq_prod_of_fintype, Finset.smul_prod_perm]


namespace List
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Group/Subgroup/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1401,6 +1401,15 @@ theorem prod_le_iff {H : Subgroup G} {K : Subgroup N} {J : Subgroup (G × N)} :
theorem prod_eq_bot_iff {H : Subgroup G} {K : Subgroup N} : K = ⊥ ↔ H = ⊥ ∧ K = ⊥ := by
simpa only [← Subgroup.toSubmonoid_eq] using Submonoid.prod_eq_bot_iff

@[to_additive closure_prod]
theorem closure_prod {s : Set G} {t : Set N} (hs : 1 ∈ s) (ht : 1 ∈ t) :
closure (s ×ˢ t) = (closure s).prod (closure t) :=
(closure_le _ |>.2 <| Set.prod_subset_prod_iff.2 <| .inl ⟨subset_closure, subset_closure⟩)
map_le_iff_le_comap.2 <| closure_le _ |>.2 fun _x hx => subset_closure ⟨hx, ht⟩,
map_le_iff_le_comap.2 <| closure_le _ |>.2 fun _y hy => subset_closure ⟨hs, hy⟩⟩)

/-- Product of subgroups is isomorphic to their product as groups. -/
@[to_additive prodEquiv
"Product of additive subgroups is isomorphic to their product
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Group/Submonoid/Operations.lean
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Expand Up @@ -715,6 +715,15 @@ theorem prod_le_iff {s : Submonoid M} {t : Submonoid N} {u : Submonoid (M × N)}
simpa using h2
simpa using Submonoid.mul_mem _ h1' h2'

@[to_additive closure_prod]
theorem closure_prod {s : Set M} {t : Set N} (hs : 1 ∈ s) (ht : 1 ∈ t) :
closure (s ×ˢ t) = (closure s).prod (closure t) :=
(closure_le.2 <| Set.prod_subset_prod_iff.2 <| .inl ⟨subset_closure, subset_closure⟩)
map_le_of_le_comap _ <| closure_le.2 fun _x hx => subset_closure ⟨hx, ht⟩,
map_le_of_le_comap _ <| closure_le.2 fun _y hy => subset_closure ⟨hs, hy⟩⟩)

end Submonoid

namespace MonoidHom
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30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Order/Star/Prod.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Eric Wieser. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Eric Wieser
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Star.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Star.Prod
import Mathlib.Algebra.Ring.Prod

# Products of star-ordered rings

variable {α β : Type*}

open AddSubmonoid in
instance Prod.instStarOrderedRing
[NonUnitalSemiring α] [NonUnitalSemiring β] [PartialOrder α] [PartialOrder β]
[StarRing α] [StarRing β] [StarOrderedRing α] [StarOrderedRing β] :
StarOrderedRing (α × β) where
le_iff := Prod.forall.2 fun xa xy => Prod.forall.2 fun ya yb => by
have :
closure (Set.range fun s : α × β ↦ star s * s) =
(closure <| Set.range fun s : α ↦ star s * s).prod
(closure <| Set.range fun s : β ↦ star s * s) := by
rw [← closure_prod (Set.mem_range.20, by simp⟩) (Set.mem_range.20, by simp⟩),
simp_rw [Prod.mul_def, Prod.star_def]
simp only [mk_le_mk, Prod.exists, mk_add_mk, mk.injEq, StarOrderedRing.le_iff, this,
AddSubmonoid.mem_prod, exists_and_exists_comm, and_and_and_comm]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,10 +83,7 @@ lemma isClosedEmbedding_cfcₙAux : IsClosedEmbedding (cfcₙAux hp₁ a ha) :=
refine ((cfcHom_isClosedEmbedding (hp₁.mpr ha)).comp ?_).comp
let e : C(σₙ 𝕜 a, 𝕜) ≃ₜ C(σ 𝕜 (a : A⁺¹), 𝕜) :=
{ (Homeomorph.compStarAlgEquiv' 𝕜 𝕜 <| .setCongr <|
(quasispectrum_eq_spectrum_inr' 𝕜 𝕜 a).symm) with
continuous_toFun := ContinuousMap.continuous_comp_left _
continuous_invFun := ContinuousMap.continuous_comp_left _ }
(Homeomorph.setCongr (quasispectrum_eq_spectrum_inr' 𝕜 𝕜 a)).arrowCongr (.refl _)
exact e.isClosedEmbedding

@[deprecated (since := "2024-10-20")]
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ theorem cfcₙHom_comp [UniqueNonUnitalContinuousFunctionalCalculus R A] (f : C(
suffices cfcₙHom (cfcₙHom_predicate ha f) = φ from DFunLike.congr_fun this.symm g
refine cfcₙHom_eq_of_continuous_of_map_id (cfcₙHom_predicate ha f) φ ?_ ?_
· refine (cfcₙHom_isClosedEmbedding ha).continuous.comp <| continuous_induced_rng.mpr ?_
exact f'.toContinuousMap.continuous_comp_left.comp continuous_induced_dom
exact f'.toContinuousMap.continuous_precomp.comp continuous_induced_dom
· simp only [φ, ψ, NonUnitalStarAlgHom.comp_apply, NonUnitalStarAlgHom.coe_mk',
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Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace ContinuousMap
noncomputable def toNNReal (f : C(X, ℝ)) : C(X, ℝ≥0) := .realToNNReal |>.comp f

lemma continuous_toNNReal : Continuous (toNNReal (X := X)) := continuous_comp _
lemma continuous_toNNReal : Continuous (toNNReal (X := X)) := continuous_postcomp _

lemma toNNReal_apply (f : C(X, ℝ)) (x : X) : f.toNNReal x = (f x).toNNReal := rfl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ instance NNReal.instUniqueContinuousFunctionalCalculus [UniqueContinuousFunction
Continuous ξ' ∧ ξ' (.restrict s' <| .id ℝ) = ξ (.restrict s <| .id ℝ≥0)) := by
intro ξ'
refine ⟨ξ.continuous_realContinuousMapOfNNReal hξ |>.comp <|
ContinuousMap.continuous_comp_left _, ?_⟩
ContinuousMap.continuous_precomp _, ?_⟩
exact ξ.realContinuousMapOfNNReal_apply_comp_toReal (.restrict s <| .id ℝ≥0)
obtain ⟨hφ', hφ_id⟩ := this φ hφ
obtain ⟨hψ', hψ_id⟩ := this ψ hψ
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ lemma toNNReal_apply (f : C(X, ℝ)₀) (x : X) : f.toNNReal x = Real.toNNReal (
lemma continuous_toNNReal : Continuous (toNNReal (X := X)) := by
rw [continuous_induced_rng]
convert_to Continuous (ContinuousMap.toNNReal ∘ ((↑) : C(X, ℝ)₀ → C(X, ℝ))) using 1
exact ContinuousMap.continuous_comp _ |>.comp continuous_induced_dom
exact ContinuousMap.continuous_postcomp _ |>.comp continuous_induced_dom

lemma toContinuousMapHom_toNNReal (f : C(X, ℝ)₀) :
(toContinuousMapHom (X := X) (R := ℝ) f).toNNReal =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ instance NNReal.instUniqueNonUnitalContinuousFunctionalCalculus
intro ξ'
refine ⟨ξ.continuous_realContinuousMapZeroOfNNReal hξ |>.comp <| ?_, ?_⟩
· rw [continuous_induced_rng]
exact ContinuousMap.continuous_comp_left _ |>.comp continuous_induced_dom
exact ContinuousMap.continuous_precomp _ |>.comp continuous_induced_dom
· exact ξ.realContinuousMapZeroOfNNReal_apply_comp_toReal (.id h0)
obtain ⟨hφ', hφ_id⟩ := this φ hφ
obtain ⟨hψ', hψ_id⟩ := this ψ hψ
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Expand Up @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ theorem cfcHom_comp [UniqueContinuousFunctionalCalculus R A] (f : C(spectrum R a
(cfcHom ha).comp <| ContinuousMap.compStarAlgHom' R R f'
suffices cfcHom (cfcHom_predicate ha f) = φ from DFunLike.congr_fun this.symm g
refine cfcHom_eq_of_continuous_of_map_id (cfcHom_predicate ha f) φ ?_ ?_
· exact (cfcHom_isClosedEmbedding ha).continuous.comp f'.continuous_comp_left
· exact (cfcHom_isClosedEmbedding ha).continuous.comp f'.continuous_precomp
· simp only [φ, StarAlgHom.comp_apply, ContinuousMap.compStarAlgHom'_apply]
ext x
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14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/RCLike/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -872,6 +872,20 @@ instance {A : Type*} [NonUnitalRing A] [StarRing A] [PartialOrder A] [StarOrdere

scoped[ComplexOrder] attribute [instance] StarModule.instOrderedSMul

theorem ofReal_mul_pos_iff (x : ℝ) (z : K) :
0 < x * z ↔ (x < 0 ∧ z < 0) ∨ (0 < x ∧ 0 < z) := by
simp only [pos_iff (K := K), neg_iff (K := K), re_ofReal_mul, im_ofReal_mul]
obtain hx | hx | hx := lt_trichotomy x 0
· simp only [mul_pos_iff, not_lt_of_gt hx, false_and, hx, true_and, false_or, mul_eq_zero,,
· simp only [hx, zero_mul, lt_self_iff_false, false_and, false_or]
· simp only [mul_pos_iff, hx, true_and, not_lt_of_gt hx, false_and, or_false, mul_eq_zero,', false_or]

theorem ofReal_mul_neg_iff (x : ℝ) (z : K) :
x * z < 0 ↔ (x < 00 < z) ∨ (0 < x ∧ z < 0) := by
simpa only [mul_neg, neg_pos, neg_neg_iff_pos] using ofReal_mul_pos_iff x (-z)

end Order

section CleanupLemmas
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/SpecialFunctions/Pow/Real.lean
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Expand Up @@ -997,6 +997,13 @@ lemma abs_cpow_inv_two_im (x : ℂ) : |(x ^ (2⁻¹ : ℂ)).im| = sqrt ((abs x -
← Real.sqrt_eq_rpow, _root_.abs_mul, _root_.abs_of_nonneg (sqrt_nonneg _), abs_sin_half,
← sqrt_mul (abs.nonneg _), ← mul_div_assoc, mul_sub, mul_one, abs_mul_cos_arg]

open scoped ComplexOrder in
lemma inv_natCast_cpow_ofReal_pos {n : ℕ} (hn : n ≠ 0) (x : ℝ) :
0 < ((n : ℂ) ^ (x : ℂ))⁻¹ := by
refine RCLike.inv_pos_of_pos ?_
rw [show (n : ℂ) ^ (x : ℂ) = (n : ℝ) ^ (x : ℂ) from rfl, ← ofReal_cpow n.cast_nonneg']

end Complex

section Tactics
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Data/Complex/Order.lean
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Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,12 @@ theorem nonneg_iff {z : ℂ} : 0 ≤ z ↔ 0 ≤ ∧ 0 = :=
theorem pos_iff {z : ℂ} : 0 < z ↔ 0 < ∧ 0 = :=

theorem nonpos_iff {z : ℂ} : z ≤ 0 ↔ ≤ 0 ∧ = 0 :=

theorem neg_iff {z : ℂ} : z < 0 ↔ < 0 ∧ = 0 :=

@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem real_le_real {x y : ℝ} : (x : ℂ) ≤ (y : ℂ) ↔ x ≤ y := by simp [le_def, ofReal]

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Logic/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -485,6 +485,10 @@ theorem imp_forall_iff {α : Type*} {p : Prop} {q : α → Prop} : (p → ∀ x,
theorem exists_swap {p : α → β → Prop} : (∃ x y, p x y) ↔ ∃ y x, p x y :=
fun ⟨x, y, h⟩ ↦ ⟨y, x, h⟩, fun ⟨y, x, h⟩ ↦ ⟨x, y, h⟩⟩

theorem exists_and_exists_comm {P : α → Prop} {Q : β → Prop} :
(∃ a, P a) ∧ (∃ b, Q b) ↔ ∃ a b, P a ∧ Q b :=
fun ⟨⟨a, ha⟩, ⟨b, hb⟩⟩ ↦ ⟨a, b, ⟨ha, hb⟩⟩, fun ⟨a, b, ⟨ha, hb⟩⟩ ↦ ⟨⟨a, ha⟩, ⟨b, hb⟩⟩⟩

export Classical (not_forall)

theorem not_forall_not : (¬∀ x, ¬p x) ↔ ∃ x, p x := Decidable.not_forall_not
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14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/NumberTheory/LSeries/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -111,6 +111,20 @@ lemma norm_term_le_of_re_le_re (f : ℕ → ℂ) {s s' : ℂ} (h : ≤ s'.r
next => rfl
next hn => gcongr; exact Nat.one_le_cast.mpr <| Nat.one_le_iff_ne_zero.mpr hn

section positivity

open scoped ComplexOrder

lemma term_nonneg {a : ℕ → ℂ} {n : ℕ} (h : 0 ≤ a n) (x : ℝ) : 0 ≤ term a x n := by
rw [term_def]
split_ifs with hn
exacts [le_rfl, mul_nonneg h (inv_natCast_cpow_ofReal_pos hn x).le]

lemma term_pos {a : ℕ → ℂ} {n : ℕ} (hn : n ≠ 0) (h : 0 < a n) (x : ℝ) : 0 < term a x n := by
simpa only [term_of_ne_zero hn] using mul_pos h <| inv_natCast_cpow_ofReal_pos hn x

end positivity

end LSeries

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109 changes: 109 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/NumberTheory/LSeries/Positivity.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Michael Stoll. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Chris Birkbeck, David Loeffler, Michael Stoll
import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.TaylorSeries
import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.Positivity
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.ArithmeticFunction
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LSeries.Deriv

# Positivity of values of L-series
The main results of this file are as follows.
* If `a : ℕ → ℂ` takes nonnegative real values and `a 1 > 0`, then `L a x > 0`
when `x : ℝ` is in the open half-plane of absolute convergence; see
`LSeries.positive` and `ArithmeticFunction.LSeries_positive`.
* If in addition the L_series of `a` agrees on some open right half-plane where it
converges with an entire function `f`, then `f` is positive on the real axis;
see `LSeries.positive_of_eq_differentiable` and

open scoped ComplexOrder

open Complex

namespace LSeries

/-- If all values of a `ℂ`-valued arithmetic function are nonnegative reals and `x` is a
real number in the domain of absolute convergence, then the `n`th iterated derivative
of the associated L-series is nonnegative real when `n` is even and nonpositive real
when `n` is odd. -/
lemma iteratedDeriv_alternating {a : ℕ → ℂ} (hn : 0 ≤ a) {x : ℝ}
(h : LSeries.abscissaOfAbsConv a < x) (n : ℕ) :
0 ≤ (-1) ^ n * iteratedDeriv n (LSeries a) x := by
rw [LSeries_iteratedDeriv _ h, LSeries, ← mul_assoc, ← pow_add, Even.neg_one_pow ⟨n, rfl⟩,
refine tsum_nonneg fun k ↦ ?_
rw [LSeries.term_def]
· exact le_rfl
· refine mul_nonneg ?_ <| (inv_natCast_cpow_ofReal_pos (by assumption) x).le
induction n with
| zero => simpa only [Function.iterate_zero, id_eq] using hn k
| succ n IH =>
rw [Function.iterate_succ_apply']
refine mul_nonneg ?_ IH
simp only [← natCast_log, zero_le_real, Real.log_natCast_nonneg]

/-- If all values of `a : ℕ → ℂ` are nonnegative reals and `a 1` is positive,
then `L a x` is positive real for all real `x` larger than `abscissaOfAbsConv a`. -/
lemma positive {a : ℕ → ℂ} (ha₀ : 0 ≤ a) (ha₁ : 0 < a 1) {x : ℝ} (hx : abscissaOfAbsConv a < x) :
0 < LSeries a x := by
rw [LSeries]
refine tsum_pos ?_ (fun n ↦ term_nonneg (ha₀ n) x) 1 <| term_pos one_ne_zero ha₁ x
exact LSeriesSummable_of_abscissaOfAbsConv_lt_re <| by simpa only [ofReal_re] using hx

/-- If all values of `a : ℕ → ℂ` are nonnegative reals and `a 1`
is positive, and the L-series of `a` agrees with an entire function `f` on some open
right half-plane where it converges, then `f` is real and positive on `ℝ`. -/
lemma positive_of_differentiable_of_eqOn {a : ℕ → ℂ} (ha₀ : 0 ≤ a) (ha₁ : 0 < a 1) {f : ℂ → ℂ}
(hf : Differentiable ℂ f) {x : ℝ} (hx : abscissaOfAbsConv a ≤ x)
(hf' : {s | x <}.EqOn f (LSeries a)) (y : ℝ) :
0 < f y := by
have hxy : x < max x y + 1 := (le_max_left x y).trans_lt (lt_add_one _)
have hxy' : abscissaOfAbsConv a < max x y + 1 := hx.trans_lt <| mod_cast hxy
have hys : (max x y + 1 : ℂ) ∈ {s | x <} := by
simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq, add_re, ofReal_re, one_re, hxy]
have hfx : 0 < f (max x y + 1) := by
simpa only [hf' hys, ofReal_add, ofReal_one] using positive ha₀ ha₁ hxy'
refine (hfx.trans_le <| hf.apply_le_of_iteratedDeriv_alternating (fun n _ ↦ ?_) ?_)
· have hs : IsOpen {s : ℂ | x <} := continuous_re.isOpen_preimage _ isOpen_Ioi
simpa only [hf'.iteratedDeriv_of_isOpen hs n hys, ofReal_add, ofReal_one] using
iteratedDeriv_alternating ha₀ hxy' n
· exact_mod_cast (le_max_right x y).trans (lt_add_one _).le

end LSeries

namespace ArithmeticFunction

/-- If all values of a `ℂ`-valued arithmetic function are nonnegative reals and `x` is a
real number in the domain of absolute convergence, then the `n`th iterated derivative
of the associated L-series is nonnegative real when `n` is even and nonpositive real
when `n` is odd. -/
lemma iteratedDeriv_LSeries_alternating (a : ArithmeticFunction ℂ) (hn : ∀ n, 0 ≤ a n) {x : ℝ}
(h : LSeries.abscissaOfAbsConv a < x) (n : ℕ) :
0 ≤ (-1) ^ n * iteratedDeriv n (LSeries (a ·)) x :=
LSeries.iteratedDeriv_alternating hn h n

/-- If all values of a `ℂ`-valued arithmetic function `a` are nonnegative reals and `a 1` is
positive, then `L a x` is positive real for all real `x` larger than `abscissaOfAbsConv a`. -/
lemma LSeries_positive {a : ℕ → ℂ} (ha₀ : 0 ≤ a) (ha₁ : 0 < a 1) {x : ℝ}
(hx : LSeries.abscissaOfAbsConv a < x) :
0 < LSeries a x :=
LSeries.positive ha₀ ha₁ hx

/-- If all values of a `ℂ`-valued arithmetic function `a` are nonnegative reals and `a 1`
is positive, and the L-series of `a` agrees with an entire function `f` on some open
right half-plane where it converges, then `f` is real and positive on `ℝ`. -/
lemma LSeries_positive_of_differentiable_of_eqOn {a : ArithmeticFunction ℂ} (ha₀ : 0 ≤ (a ·))
(ha₁ : 0 < a 1) {f : ℂ → ℂ} (hf : Differentiable ℂ f) {x : ℝ}
(hx : LSeries.abscissaOfAbsConv a ≤ x) (hf' : {s | x <}.EqOn f (LSeries a)) (y : ℝ) :
0 < f y :=
LSeries.positive_of_differentiable_of_eqOn ha₀ ha₁ hf hx hf' y

end ArithmeticFunction
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/NumberTheory/LSeries/RiemannZeta.lean
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Expand Up @@ -202,6 +202,25 @@ theorem zeta_nat_eq_tsum_of_gt_one {k : ℕ} (hk : 1 < k) :
lemma riemannZeta_residue_one : Tendsto (fun s ↦ (s - 1) * riemannZeta s) (𝓝[≠] 1) (𝓝 1) := by
exact hurwitzZetaEven_residue_one 0

/-- The residue of `ζ(s)` at `s = 1` is equal to 1, expressed using `tsum`. -/
theorem tendsto_sub_mul_tsum_nat_cpow :
Tendsto (fun s : ℂ ↦ (s - 1) * ∑' (n : ℕ), 1 / (n : ℂ) ^ s) (𝓝[{s | 1 < re s}] 1) (𝓝 1) := by
refine (tendsto_nhdsWithin_mono_left ?_ riemannZeta_residue_one).congr' ?_
· simp only [subset_compl_singleton_iff, mem_setOf_eq, one_re, not_lt, le_refl]
· filter_upwards [eventually_mem_nhdsWithin] with s hs using
congr_arg _ <| zeta_eq_tsum_one_div_nat_cpow hs

/-- The residue of `ζ(s)` at `s = 1` is equal to 1 expressed using `tsum` and for a
real variable. -/
theorem tendsto_sub_mul_tsum_nat_rpow :
Tendsto (fun s : ℝ ↦ (s - 1) * ∑' (n : ℕ), 1 / (n : ℝ) ^ s) (𝓝[>] 1) (𝓝 1) := by
rw [← tendsto_ofReal_iff, ofReal_one]
have : Tendsto (fun s : ℝ ↦ (s : ℂ)) (𝓝[>] 1) (𝓝[{s | 1 < re s}] 1) :=
continuous_ofReal.continuousWithinAt.tendsto_nhdsWithin (fun _ _ ↦ by aesop)
apply (tendsto_sub_mul_tsum_nat_cpow.comp this).congr fun s ↦ ?_
simp only [one_div, Function.comp_apply, ofReal_mul, ofReal_sub, ofReal_one, ofReal_tsum,
ofReal_inv, ofReal_cpow (Nat.cast_nonneg _), ofReal_natCast]

/- naming scheme was changed from `riemannCompletedZeta` to `completedRiemannZeta`; add
aliases for the old names -/
section aliases
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