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Another clause selection strategy update
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JOSHCLUNE committed Nov 14, 2023
1 parent 88204f7 commit bdf00f4
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Showing 6 changed files with 65 additions and 48 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Duper/ProverM.lean
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Expand Up @@ -316,17 +316,17 @@ def addNewToPassive (c : Clause) (proof : Proof) (generationNumber : Nat) (gener
let ci := {ci with generatingAncestors := generatingAncestors, isOrphan := false}
setAllClauses ((← getAllClauses).insert c ci)
markAsDescendantToGeneratingAncestors c generatingAncestors -- For each generating ancestor of c, add c as a descendant of said ancestor
setPassiveSet $ (← getPassiveSet).insert c c.weight (ci.generationNumber, ci.number)
setPassiveSet $ (← getPassiveSet).insert c c.weight ci.generationNumber ci.number
else pure () -- c exists in allClauses and is not an orphan, so it has already been produced and can safely be ignored
| none =>
let ci ← addNewClause c proof generationNumber generatingAncestors
setPassiveSet $ (← getPassiveSet).insert c c.weight (ci.generationNumber, ci.number)
setPassiveSet $ (← getPassiveSet).insert c c.weight ci.generationNumber ci.number

/-- Takes a clause that was generated by preprocessing clausification and re-adds it to the passive set and its associated heaps -/
def addClausifiedToPassive (c : Clause) : ProverM Unit := do
match (← getAllClauses).find? c with
| some ci =>
setPassiveSet $ (← getPassiveSet).insert c c.weight (ci.generationNumber, ci.number)
setPassiveSet $ (← getPassiveSet).insert c c.weight ci.generationNumber ci.number
| none => throwError "Unable to find information for clausified clause {c}"

def ProverM.runWithExprs (x : ProverM α) (es : List (Expr × Expr × Array Name)) (ctx : Context) (s : State) : MetaM (α × State) := do
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions Duper/Tests/test_regression.lean
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Expand Up @@ -540,9 +540,8 @@ def neg3 : g (True → True) (fun _ => True.intro) = g (True → True) (fun _ =>
end NegativeBoolSimpTests

/- ClauseStreamHeap tests -/
set_option maxHeartbeats 250000 in
tptp MGT008 "../TPTP-v8.0.0/Problems/MGT/MGT008+1.p"
by duper [*] {portfolioInstance := 3} -- Runs out of time if run in portfolio mode
by duper [*] {portfolioInstance := 5} -- Runs out of time if run in portfolio mode

example (f : Nat → Nat → Nat → Nat → Nat → Nat → Nat → Nat)
(g : Nat → Nat → Nat → Nat → Nat → Nat)
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92 changes: 55 additions & 37 deletions Duper/Util/StrategyHeap.lean
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Expand Up @@ -6,32 +6,32 @@ open Std

namespace Duper

/-- The age of each clause will be treated as a tuple of Nats. The first Nat in the tuple will be the
number of inference (not simplification) rules that have been used to generate the clause. The second
Nat in the tuple will be the clause id (lower ids are created before greater ids). This method is
used rather than just using the clause id (which would be a fair measure of Age) because empirically,
having generation number (the number of inference rules used to generate a clause) be a consideration in
clause selection helps problems where there are large facts that aren't clausified all at once (e.g. if
a clause has lit `p ↔ q`, then two clauses will be generated via clausification, and it can take a very
long time for the second one to be selected).
Note: This current strategy does not guarantee total fairness in the presence of inference rules that can
generate infinitely many children.
TODO: Rather than make the generation number the first Nat in an age heap, just add an additional generation
heap to be used in addition to the weight and age heaps. The age heap would then guarantee fairness and the
generation heap would hopefully confer the same empirical benefits that this strategy has over just using
clause id for fairness. -/
def Age := Nat × Nat
def Age.le (x y : Age) : Bool := x.1 < y.1 || (x.1 = y.1 && x.2 ≤ y.2)

-- `StrategyHeap` models GivenClause Selection
inductive ClauseSelectionStrategy where
| Weight
| Age
| Generation
deriving Inhabited

open ClauseSelectionStrategy

/-- `StrategyHeap` models GivenClause Selection. `StrategyHeap` contains 3 internal heaps: a weight heap, a
generation heap, and an age heap.
- The weight heap is used to select the smallest clause (with ties chosen arbitrarily).
- The generation heap is used to select the clause that has been generated with the fewest inferences
(with older clauses being preferred over younger as a tiebreaker).
- The age heap is used to select the oldest clause.
Only the age heap is required for fairness, but empirically, it is best to usually select the smallest clause,
and we've also found the generation heap helpful for making sure that Duper considers large facts that can't
be clausified all at once (for instance, if a clause has a lit `p ↔ q`, then two clauses will be generated via
clausification and if `p` and `q` are large, it can take a very long time for the second one to be selected). -/
structure StrategyHeap (α : Type u) {β : Type} [BEq α] [Hashable α] where
set : HashSet α := HashSet.empty -- Set of elements of `α`
weightheap : BinomialHeap (Nat × α) fun c d => c.1 ≤ d.1 := BinomialHeap.empty
ageheap : BinomialHeap (Age × α) (fun c d => Age.le c.1 d.1) := BinomialHeap.empty
generationheap : BinomialHeap ((Nat × Nat) × α) fun c d => c.1.1 < d.1.1 || (c.1.1 = d.1.1 && c.1.2 ≤ d.1.2) := BinomialHeap.empty
ageheap : BinomialHeap (Nat × α) fun c d => c.1 ≤ d.1 := BinomialHeap.empty
status : β
strategy : β → Bool × β
strategy : β → ClauseSelectionStrategy × β
deriving Inhabited

@[inline] def StrategyHeap.isEmpty [BEq α] [Hashable α]
Expand All @@ -47,64 +47,82 @@ def StrategyHeap.toList [BEq α] [Hashable α]
(sh : StrategyHeap α (β:=β)) := sh.set.toList

@[inline] def StrategyHeap.insert [BEq α] [Hashable α]
(sh : StrategyHeap α (β:=β)) (x : α) (weight : Nat) (age : Age) : StrategyHeap α (β:=β) :=
(sh : StrategyHeap α (β:=β)) (x : α) (weight generation age : Nat) : StrategyHeap α (β:=β) :=
{sh with set := sh.set.insert x,
weightheap := sh.weightheap.insert (weight, x),
ageheap := sh.ageheap.insert (age, x),
weightheap := sh.weightheap.insert (weight, x)}
generationheap := sh.generationheap.insert ((generation, age), x)}

@[inline] def StrategyHeap.erase [BEq α] [Hashable α]
(sh : StrategyHeap α (β:=β)) (x : α) : StrategyHeap α (β:=β) :=
{sh with set := sh.set.erase x}

@[inline] partial def StrategyHeap.pop? [BEq α] [Hashable α]
(sh : StrategyHeap α (β:=β)) : Option (α × StrategyHeap α (β:=β)) := <| do
let (hid, status') := sh.strategy sh.status
if hid then
match sh.strategy sh.status with
| (Weight, status') =>
let mut heap := sh.weightheap
while true do
if let some (x, h') := heap.deleteMin then
let x := x.2
if sh.set.contains x then
return (x, {sh with set := sh.set.erase x,
weightheap := heap,
weightheap := h',
status := status'})
heap := h'
return none
| (Age, status') =>
let mut heap := sh.ageheap
while true do
if let some (x, h') := heap.deleteMin then
let x := x.2
if sh.set.contains x then
return (x, {sh with set := sh.set.erase x,
ageheap := heap,
ageheap := h',
status := status'})
heap := h'
return none
| (Generation, status') =>
let mut heap := sh.generationheap
while true do
if let some (x, h') := heap.deleteMin then
let x := x.2
if sh.set.contains x then
return (x, {sh with set := sh.set.erase x,
generationheap := h',
status := status'})
heap := h'
return none

-- The clause heap, for givenClause selection
-- The size of `heaps` should be 2. The first heap is the
-- weight heap and the second heap is the age heap
/-- A strategy heap that uses a fairnessCounter for its status -/
abbrev FairAgeHeap (α : Type u) [BEq α] [Hashable α]
:= StrategyHeap α (β:=Nat)

abbrev FairAgeHeap.empty (α : Type u) [BEq α] [Hashable α] (fN : Nat) : FairAgeHeap α :=
-- status : fairnessCounter
-- true : weight heap
-- false : age heap
{ status := 0, strategy := fun b => if b >= fN then (false, 0) else (true, b + 1)}
/- Choose weight heap most of the time. Choose generation heap when the fairness counter is fN - 1
and choose the age heap when the fairness counter is fN. When the fairness counter reaches fN, reset
back to 0. -/
let strategy :=
fun fairnessCounter =>
if fairnessCounter = fN - 1 then (Generation, fN)
else if fairnessCounter ≥ fN then (Age, 0)
else (Weight, fairnessCounter + 1)
{ status := 0, strategy := strategy }

-- Test
private def heap₁ := <| do
let mut fah := FairAgeHeap.empty Nat 3
for i in List.range 40 do
fah := fah.insert i (2 * i) (0, 100 - (i - 20) * (i - 20))
fah := fah.insert i (2 * i) 0 (100 - (i - 20) * (i - 20))
return fah

private def testheap₁ : IO Unit := do
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions DuperOnMathlib/DuperOnMathlib/Function.lean
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Expand Up @@ -58,9 +58,8 @@ example : f '' (f ⁻¹' u) ⊆ u := by
rintro y ⟨x, xmem, rfl⟩
exact xmem

-- Zipperposition (non-portfolio): 27 iterations in 0.083s
example : f '' (f ⁻¹' u) ⊆ u := by
duper [subset_def, mem_image, mem_preimage] {portfolioInstance := 2}
duper [subset_def, mem_image, mem_preimage]

example (h : Surjective f) : u ⊆ f '' (f ⁻¹' u) := by
intro y yu
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion DuperOnMathlib/DuperOnMathlib/Prime.lean
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Expand Up @@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ set_option "zipperposition"

#check Nat.prime_def_lt -- Reproving this theorem using duper:

/- Note: This example struggles when full preprocessing is enabled. It can be solved reasonably quickly
if preprocessing is set to monomorphization or no_preprocessing -/
theorem prime_def_lt_DUPER {p : ℕ} : Prime p ↔ 2 ≤ p ∧ ∀ m < p, m ∣ p → m = 1 := by
have : 2 ≤ p → 0 < p := by intro; linarith
duper [*, Nat.prime_def_lt'', Nat.le_of_dvd, Nat.lt_of_le_of_ne, Nat.lt_irrefl] {portfolioInstance := 9}
duper [*, Nat.prime_def_lt'', Nat.le_of_dvd, Nat.lt_of_le_of_ne, Nat.lt_irrefl] {preprocessing := monomorphization}

#check Nat.prime_def_lt' -- Reproving this theorem using duper:

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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions DuperOnMathlib/DuperOnMathlib/Prime2.lean
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Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Prime

set_option includeExpensiveRules false

/- Duper can solve this theorem when `preprocessFact` in Util.Reduction.lean is disabled (set to the identity function).
When `preprocessFact` runs as it usually does, Duper times out when attempting to solve this theorem. Previously,
there were PANIC error messages caused by Duper's precCompare being incomplete, but those issues have since been resolved. -/
theorem prime_def_lt''_new {p : ℕ} : Nat.Prime p ↔ 2 ≤ p ∧ ∀ (m) (_ : m ∣ p), m = 1 ∨ m = p := by
have h1 : (1 : Nat) < 2 := @one_lt_two Nat _ _ _ _ _
have h2 : ∀ {a b c : ℕ}, a < b → b ≤ c → a < c := Nat _
Expand All @@ -23,6 +20,8 @@ theorem prime_def_lt''_new {p : ℕ} : Nat.Prime p ↔ 2 ≤ p ∧ ∀ (m) (_ :

set_option reduceInstances false

-- Previously, turning reduceInstances off was sufficient to solve this problem.
-- TODO: Look into why duper no longer solves it
theorem prime_def_lt''_new2 {p : ℕ} : Nat.Prime p ↔ 2 ≤ p ∧ ∀ (m) (_ : m ∣ p), m = 1 ∨ m = p := by
have h1 : (1 : Nat) < 2 := @one_lt_two Nat _ _ _ _ _
have h2 : ∀ {a b c : ℕ}, a < b → b ≤ c → a < c := Nat _
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