To create or update Wiremock version in registry you need to choose WIREMOCK_VERSION variable and run Jenkins job
WIREMOCK_VERSION variable is the version of wiremock server that you want to use, you can choose it from wiremock maven repository:
You can build your own wiremock image with specific version locally:
docker build -t <tag name> --build-arg WIREMOCK_VERSION=2.14.0 .
To run docker container locally:
docker run -d -it -v /tmp/repo:/repo/wiremock-mappings -p 8080:8080 --name <name for your container> <image_name:tag>
/tmp/repo - directory on your host machine where git repo wiremock-mappings was cloned berfore /repo/wiremock-mappings - directory in container where your local directory will be mounted
You can also change environment variables during docker run coomand with -e
key and pass variables and their specific values for your needs, for example:
docker run -d -it -v /tmp/repo:/repo/wiremock-mappings -p 8080:8080 -e SERVICE=mock -e THREADS=5 -e EXTENSIONS=com.*.*.wiremock.transformer.CutOffDateTransformer,com.*.*.wiremock.transformer.StartDateTransformer --name <name for your container> <image_name:tag>
SERVICE variable is wiremock-mappings for different services
THREADS variable is number of --container-threads
for Jetty application server
EXTENSIONS variable is classes that will be used during jar startup
Documentation about Wiremock: