This guide is shamelessly copied from Kelsey Hightower's great presentation at hashiconf-eu-2016
AWS is used instead of Google Cloud Platform
see terraform This guide uses terraform-v0.10.7
The stack contains:
- 3 master consul/nomad-nodes (t2.small)
- an autoscaling-group with 2 nomad-workers (t2.small)
- an ELB attached with the autoscaling-group
The stack uses:
- ubuntu AMI
, name:ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-20170202
- username is
- username is
- aws-region is
cd terraform
cp terrafrom.tfvars.tmpl terraform.tfvars
# adjust the variables
# vim terraform.tfvars
terraform init
terraform validate # validate terraform project files
terraform plan # look what will be created
terraform apply # create infrastructure
terraform destroy # clean up your resources!
The guide is based on consul-v0.9.3, nomad-v0.6.3, vault-v0.8.3
# download consul, nomad and vault to your laptop
# put them in your $PATH
cd terraform/helpers
MASTER_IP=$(echo -n $NOMAD_SERVER_IPS | awk '{print $1}')
# joining the nomad and consul cluster is not necessary (it's done automatically)
# nomad server-join --address="http://$MASTER_IP:4646" $(echo -n $NOMAD_SERVER_IPS | awk '{print $2,$3}')
# consul join --rpc-addr="$MASTER_IP:8400" $(echo -n $NOMAD_SERVER_IPS | awk '{print $2,$3}')
# check nomad and consul master nodes
nomad server-members --address="http://$MASTER_IP:4646"
consul members --rpc-addr="$MASTER_IP:8400"
# check nomad workers (takes some time)
nomad node-status --address="http://$MASTER_IP:4646"
# get ELB dns-name
export ELB=$(./
export VAULT_ADDR=http://$MASTER_IP:8200
# get all the 5 unseal keys and root token (store them somewhere!)
vault init
# unseal vault
vault unseal
vault unseal
vault unseal
# check unseal status
vault status
# login
vault auth <root-token>
# vault is ready to use
nomad plan --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 consul.nomad
nomad run --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 consul.nomad
nomad status --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 consul
nomad plan --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 fabio.nomad
nomad run --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 fabio.nomad
nomad status --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 fabio
# consul
# fabio
nomad plan --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp.nomad
nomad run --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp.nomad
nomad status --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp
# make some requests
curl -s -H "Host: hello.internal" http://$ELB/version
curl -s -H "Host: hello.internal" http://$ELB/hello
curl -s -H "Host: hello.internal" http://$ELB/health
nomad logs -f --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 -stderr <alloc-id>
# set count = 5
nomad plan --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp.nomad
nomad run --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp.nomad
while true; do curl -s -H "Host: hello.internal" http://$ELB/version; sleep 1; done
# set new docker image helloapp v2
nomad plan --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp.nomad
nomad run --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp.nomad
nomad status --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp
# stop job after playing around
nomad stop --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp
nomad plan --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp-blue-green.nomad
nomad run --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp-blue-green.nomad
nomad status --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp-blue-green
# change blue count to 0
# change green count to 2
nomad plan --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp-blue-green.nomad
nomad run --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp-blue-green.nomad
nomad status --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp-blue-green
# finer grained routing
# set blue count 2 and green count 2
nomad plan --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp-blue-green.nomad
nomad run --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp-blue-green.nomad
nomad status --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp-blue-green
# change fabio route weight overrides in fabio-web-ui
route weight hello-service hello.internal weight 1.0 tags "blue" # v0.1.0
route weight hello-service hello.internal weight 1.0 tags "green" # v0.2.0
nomad plan --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 redis.nomad
nomad run --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 redis.nomad
nomad status --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 redis
nomad logs -f --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 <alloc-id>
# lookup redis port
curl $ELB:8500/v1/catalog/service/cache-redis | jq
nomad plan batch.nomad
nomad run batch.nomad
nomad status batch
nomad status <batch/periodic-id>
nomad logs --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 <alloc-id>
More information can be found in the nomad docs:
# nomad can bind ports dynamically so you don't have to expose them in the Dockerfile
# i.e. manual docker command:
# docker run --rm --expose 8080 -p 8080:8080 -e NOMAD_PORT_http=8080 gerlacdt/helloapp:v0.3.0
nomad plan --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp-dynamic.nomad
nomad run --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp-dynamic.nomad
nomad status --address=http://$MASTER_IP:4646 helloapp-dynamic