This is a micro website to find out if a Bay Area Rapid Transit station is biker friendly or not. Its a responsive design in HTML5, CSS3 and Pure Javascript (no use of frameworks like jQuery, Mootools etc)
Functionality -- It shows the user the local time (Client local time) -- Dynamic Output based on User Input : The User selects(inputs) the station he/she is leaving from and the site tells (outputs) whether the station is biker friendly or not
Technical Details
-- It show the local time (Client local time) : using basic Javascript Date Function
-- The colon in the time blinks. Accomplished by using tag (only supported in Firefox). A cross-browser solution also implemented using css visibility attribute and running it through setInterval loop.
-- Uses Custom Web Fonts
-- Uses CSS3 transitions (transitions for bikes as opposed to animated gif, @keyframes )
-- Uses HTML5 Boilerplate framework with Modernizr.
-- Media Queries used for Responsive design
-- Uses API from BART website
-- Just used plain javascript (and avoided any javascript frameworks like Jquery etc for this version)
-- Has been tested on Desktop Chrome, Firefox
-- HTML5 Compliant - Validated using W3c Validator at
References & Tools Used : -- The base html5boilerplate framework can be generated from based on your requirements -- for loading stations and to find if the station is biker friendly or not. (The API provides with bike_flag=0 or 1 attribute) -- -- Firefox Webdeveloper plugin to test the Responsive layouts
-- The microsite implementation can be viewed at http:/
Future Enhancements
-- Could be improved to use Server time (as opposed to local time, if the application is time-sensitive and the accuracy of the time is critical use the following: -- Network Time Protocol -- Find out if your client time (browser ot workstation) is Accurate -- Could use jQuery framework to have less and clean code -- Make performance improvements