Work is in progress.
The library comes with Apache License 2.0, and is separate from ConceptNet itself, although it uses some parts of its code. The ConceptNet is available under CC-BY-SA-4.0 license. See here for the list of conditions for using ConceptNet data.
This is the official citation for ConceptNet if you use it in research:
Robyn Speer, Joshua Chin, and Catherine Havasi. 2017. "ConceptNet 5.5: An Open Multilingual Graph of General Knowledge." In proceedings of AAAI 31.
pip install conceptnet-rocks
ConceptNet Rocks uses ArangoDB for storage, managed by a companion Python Graph Garden library that is automatically installed with ConceptNet Rocks.
Graph Garden can manage the ArangoDB installation for you. To download the latest version of ArangoDB from official website and install it to ~/.arangodb
folder, simply run:
graph-garden arangodb install
For more options execute:
graph-garden arangodb install --help
Then you need to load the ConceptNet CSV dump into database. The dump can be downloaded from
Let's assume you've downloaded the dump to ~/conceptnet-data/assertions.csv
To load the dump, execute:
conceptnet-rocks-load ~/conceptnet-data/assertions.csv
This command will create database in ~/.arangodb/data
. For more options execute:
conceptnet-rocks-load --help
Now you can query ConceptNet. ConceptNet Rocks uses the same simple API as ConceptNet5 for querying:
from conceptnet_rocks import AssertionFinder
af = AssertionFinder()
ConceptNet Rocks uses the same JSON-LD format as the original ConceptNet5:
from conceptnet_rocks import AssertionFinder
from pprint import pprint
af = AssertionFinder()
# [
# ...
# {'@id': '/a/[/r/AtLocation/,/c/en/blow_dryer/,/c/en/beauty_salon/]',
# '@type': 'Edge',
# 'dataset': '/d/conceptnet/4/en',
# 'end': {'@id': '/c/en/beauty_salon',
# '@type': 'Node',
# 'label': 'a beauty salon',
# 'language': 'en',
# 'term': '/c/en/beauty_salon'},
# 'license': 'cc:by/4.0',
# 'rel': {'@id': '/r/AtLocation', '@type': 'Relation', 'label': 'AtLocation'},
# 'sources': [{'@id': '/and/[/s/activity/omcs/omcs1_possibly_free_text/,/s/contributor/omcs/bedume/]',
# '@type': 'Source',
# 'activity': '/s/activity/omcs/omcs1_possibly_free_text',
# 'contributor': '/s/contributor/omcs/bedume'}],
# 'start': {'@id': '/c/en/blow_dryer',
# '@type': 'Node',
# 'label': 'a blow dryer',
# 'language': 'en',
# 'term': '/c/en/blow_dryer'},
# 'surfaceText': 'You are likely to find [[a blow dryer]] in [[a beauty salon]]',
# 'weight': 1.0}
# ...
# ]
- Performance. Our benchmark ( has shown that ConceptNet Rocks is almost 5 times faster than ConceptNet5 for querying assertions by concepts.
- The original ConceptNet5 library requires PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL does not support the graph databases as a primary model, while ArangoDB is a multi-model database for graph.
- PostgreSQL generally requires either root permissions to install it using a package manager, or the compilation step. Not anyone have root permissions on their machine or have the compiler installed. ConceptNet Rocks library uses ArangoDB, which can be installed without root permissions using simple command.
- Under the hood ArangoDB uses key-value storage called RocksDB.
- Performance-wise, it does rock!