Bug fix release:
- Generate seriesStatement and seriesEnumeration properties from 8XX fields not matched to 490s (#164)
- Update 264 conversion to avoid generating addition bogus ProvisionActivity class (#150)
- Correct $6 orientation code processing (#166)
- Update 7XX conversion to generate URI for bf:relatedTo property instead of string (#162)
- Update 510 conversion to generate Work properties instead of Instance properties (#160)
- Generate bf:generationDate property in bf:AdminMetadata (#152)
- Generate bf:awards property from 586.
- Update 530 conversion to remove otherPhysicalFormat property from generated (skeletal) Instance.
- Generate rdf:value instead of rdfs:label for 043 $b/$c (#153)
- Don't generate bflc:relatorMatchKey property for Roles and Relations (#81)
- Update 008/18-20 conversion for visual materials (#147)