Maintenance of environments and containers for btx workflows.
Create the tpprwr
conda env create -f tpprwr.yml
See information under conda/
or docker/
The following might work but manual intervention might be needed. No guarantee.
(env)[terminal]$ python -h
Below is an example where the container is built with GitHub Actions:
python -b yaml/psana1/ana-4.0.43-py3.yml -o ana-4.0.43-py3.yml -e -c -r fpoitevi -n ana -t 4.0.43-py3
git add .github/workflows/main.yaml
git add docker/ana-4.0.43-py3.yml
git tag -a ezbuild-ana-4.0.43-py3 -m "building ana-4.0.43-py3 and pushing to fpoitevi's DockerHub"
git push origin ezbuild-ana-4.0.43-py3