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Running on S3DF


On S3DF,

source /sdf/group/lcls/ds/ana/sw/conda2/manage/bin/
# python3 -m venv --system-site-packages ./venv
# . ./venv/bin/activate
# which pip # ensure pip path points to venv!!!
# pip install -r requirements.txt
source ./venv/bin/activate

Basic execution

ssh psana
# setup env (as above)
fex2h5 <nruns> <runname> <list of run numbers>

For additional clues, see, which does some additional hand-waving before calling fex2h5,

ssh psana $PWD/ 1000 tmox1016823 330

parallel execution

If using the batchqueue with the slurmscript.bash

for r in $(seq 190 1 210); do sbatch slurmscript.bash tmox1016823 $r; done

This is set for milano, but could maybe use preemtible and rome nodes in b50? The parallelization here is such that 1 node processes the whole run.

As a side-effect, each node outputs its own h5 file (all the events it processed). They can be combined with

concat_prefex --out run_160.h5 /path/to/...run_160-*.h5

Analyzing data and plotting TOF histogram:

Just 4 mrco_hsd detectors, using a 100-bin histogram for the TOF-s.

tof_corr run_215.h5 0 180 90 270 --nbins 100

Note: saves output to correl.npy

Very large file (16,000^2 matrix)

tof_corr run_215.h5 --start 4500 --stop 9000 --nbins 1000

Note: will overwrite correl.npy

Plotting requires extra packages:

pip install -r requirements_plot.txt

Sending live data to OLCF/Defiant

Run fex2h5 with --send option:

ssh sdfdtn003 # need to be on a dtn
cd /sdf/home/r/rogersdd/src/tmo-prefex
. ./
./tmo_cached_push 3001 3000 tmox1016823 <run>

This will send batches of results while the h5 files are being written. Careful! analysis will halt if the cache fills up and the receiver doesn't read these messages.

Running analysis on defiant:

  1. ask David for how to get a signed cert. to use the API
message https://defiant/jobs --yaml mk_hist.yaml

see mk_hist.yaml for more info.

Experiment Timeline

TODO 11/3

  • add capture of piranha detector (whole field) to h5
  • 2D TOF + piranha cross-correlation
    • ~2GB for 1000 bins per detector
  • accumulation mode for 2D hist.

Latest update...

Todo, update the .h5 files on /lscratch and then move to /sdf/data/lcls/...

Thank you Chris O'Grady!

from pathlib import Path

expname = 'tmox1016823'
runstr = 'r%04i'%(runnum)
basedir = Path(f'/sdf/data/lcls/ds/tmo/{expname}/xtc')
dslist = []
for fpath in basedir.iterdir():
    # fname doesn't include parent dir.
    m = re.match(r'(\S+)-r(\d+)-s(\d+)-c000.xtc2',
    if m: # m[1], m[2], m[3] = expname, runstr, ss

#segs = ['%03i'%v for v in arange(careful... count files, find with os.path/file etc.)]
#dslist = [psana.DataSource(files='/sdf/data/lcls/ds/tmo/%s/xtc/%s-%s-%s-c000.xtc2'%(expname,expname,runstr,ss)) for ss in segs]

Chris says also that one can also see what hsd segments are in a file with this command:

detnames -i /sdf/data/lcls/ds/tmo/tmoc00123/xtc/tmoc00123-r0022-s010-c000.xtc2

Quick Scripts

These should go into ./utils folder (not to be confused with ./src/

Developed quick ./src/ in order to quickly show ToF yields in 'mrco_hsd' in order to tune the position of the chamber to beamline in x(+ toward control room) and y(+ up).
Hutch coordinates are +z along propagation of x-ray pulses, +x is toward the roll up door, +y is up.

  • Is this a right-handed coordinate system?

Plan for update to running live monitor with polar plot, and accommodate longer FEX window (xpre,xpost) than the +/-8 used for tmox1016823 (shift 2 x-y tuning).

Plan for SUMMIT+

Run fex2h5 locally in the DRP and send the resulting .h5 files to OLCF (--send argument).

Accumulate each batch of data sent into the TOF histograms. Reply with the updated histograms.

Add to the plan, for current mode, use old data to start projecting onto eigen-functions from FEX-like thresholded signals.
Focus on the high intensity runs at the end of the beamtime.
Also start to do a fully connected feed forward estimator for the peak centroids trained on the eigen coeffecients, versus training on the raw FEX snippets.

Also, see if the compensation of the ADCs is really an issue or if that is truly only extraneous if we train the eigen functions appropriately.


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