This Datepicker is a custom web component, which was written with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. You can use it in any html page.
- It is fully accessible
- It supports multiple language
- It can be used in any HTML page
- Run
npx tailwindcss -i './src/input.css' -o './src/output.css' --watch
- Start Live Server
- Open in your browser
Key | Function |
Space, Enter |
Key | Function |
ESC | Closes the dialog and returns focus to the "Choose Date" button. |
Tab |
Shift + Tab |
Key | Function |
Space,Enter | Change the month and/or year displayed in the calendar grid. |
Key | Function |
Space,Enter |
Up Arrow | Moves focus to the same day of the previous week. |
Down Arrow | Moves focus to the same day of the next week. |
Right Arrow | Moves focus to the next day. |
Left Arrow | Moves focus to the previous day. |
Home | Moves focus to the first day (e.g Sunday) of the current week. |
End | Moves focus to the last day (e.g. Saturday) of the current week. |
Page Up |
Shift + Page Up |
Page Down |
Shift + Page Down |
Key | Function |
Space,Enter | Activates the button: