A conversion from dom-confetti (https://github.com/daniel-lundin/dom-confetti) to a Vue component that uses TypeScript.
This file uses TypeScript
make sure your Vue project runs using TypeScript using the Class-Style
based implementation.
If you wish to use this without TypeScript, Claudia Ochoa made a conversion from this to vanilla Vue that can be found here: https://github.com/claudia-ochoa/vue-confetti
Move the .vue
file to your components folder and import it as usual. Then wherever you import the file position the pixel wherever you want it. And pass a config if you want.
import and cofigure the confetti canon.
import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import ConfettiCanon from '@/components/ConfettiCanon.vue'
components: {
export default class Results extends Vue {
confettiConfig: any = {
angle: '45',
spread: '70',
startVelocity: '100',
elementCount: '90',
dragFriction: '0.13',
duration: 4000,
stagger: '2',
width: '12px',
height: '12px',
colors: ['#FF4767', '#1AA8B5']
For more options and the explainations of all settings check the official documentation here.
Then include that it with the config (if you have a config) in the <template>
<confetti-canon :config="confettiConfig" />
This file was converted from dom confetti and all credit goes to Daniel Lundin.
All I did was convert them from one to the other.