Commented scripts to solve poblems at
Note that Project Euler only allows solutions to its problems to be published for educational purposes, and only for the first 100 problems. Please do not look at this code if you are trying to solve a problem yourself and are stuck. Note that actual answers are not in these scripts, only code that can generate answers.
If you wish to educate yourself on how I have solved these problems using python, please examine the code and comments carefully.
- 1: Multiples of 3 and 5
- 2: Even Fibonacci numbers
- 3: Largest prime factor
- 4: Largest palindrome product
- 6: Sum square difference
- 7: 10001st prime - my unresearched calculation of primes
- 8: Largest product in a series
- 9: Special Pythagorean triplet
- 10: Summation of primes - implements sieve of Erosthenes for primes
- 11: Largest product in a grid
- 12: Highly divisible triangular number
- 13: Large sum
- 14: Longest Collatz sequence
- 16: Power digit sum
- 17: Number letter counts
- 18: Maximum path sum I
- 19: Counting Sundays
- 20: Factorial digit sum
- 21: Amicable numbers
- 22: Names scores
- 23: Non-abundant sums
- 24: Lexographic permutations
- 25: 1000-digit Fibonacci number
- 26: Reciprocal cycles
- 27: Quadratic primes
- 28: Number spiral diagonals
- 29: Distinct powers
- 30: Digit fifth powers
- 31: Coin sums
- 32: Pandigital products
- 33: Digit cancelling fractions
- 34: Digit factorials
- 51: Prime digit replacements
- 60: Prime pair sets
Note: Problems 5 and 15 only require a calculator, so no solutions will be posted.