Team 418's 2022 robot code. Robot's code is written in Java and is based off of WPILib's Java control system.
The code is organised into several subsystems, each responsible for a different aspect of the robot's functionality. This document explains this code.
The drive subsystem controls the drivetrain of the robot, which is a 4-wheel mecanum drive. Each side of the robot is driven by a set of 2 NEO brushless motors, providing ample power for our robot. The NEO also provides the benefit of having a built-in encoder to accuately measure wheel rotations. The motors are connected to the wheels by a gearbox with a 7.64:1 gear ratio. Lastly, the drivetrain also implements odometry, which allows the robot to use the IMU and encoder data to accuately determine its position on the field, a useful feature for the autonomous period.
Key points:
- 4 wheel mecanum drive
- Powered by 4 NEO brushless motors
- Odometry for accurate positioning during autonomous