Lego Universe server emulator in F# (C# for EntityFramework stuff)
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Thanks to Wincent01 and yuwui for developing tools such as RakDotNet and InfectedRose to make my life easier
- This is a WIP and is still in very early stages, it is not "play" ready in any means
- This project is not affiliated with The Lego Group or Lego
- Since its a personal project, and as of now im the sole developer do not expect work to be done on a consistent basis, there may be months long stretches where I dont do anywork on this and then come along and do a bunch in a weekend.
- Implement components required for player
- Support for LDF XML data type
- .NET Core 3.1
- Entity Framework Core Tools
- Lego Universe complete client
- Find list of clients here (humanoid/lcdr’s unpacked client is reccomended)
See openlu-setuptool
- Servers can be started indiviudally in their own process or at the same time in the same process
- Command line arguments to start a server:
[-auth/-world] [port]
- Example:
./OpenLU.exe -world 2002
- To start both in the same process simply put
as the first argument, the port is not needed and will start the Auth and World servers in ports 1001 and 2002 respectively - All these variations are already setup in Visual Studio, they are under Debug>Profile in the properties for the 'OpenLU' project
- startMaster.bat is located in the OpenLU project folder which will start both servers in seperate processes automatically
- For debugging/developing I reccomend to just use the 'OpenLU' profile
Feel free to contribute anytime, all help is appreciated