The AsyncMsg is a C++ library that provides a simple API for asynchronous message passing over TCP sockets. It is built on top of the asio library, and provides a lightweight and efficient way to implement server and client applications that communicate over a network.
you can use CMake to integrate the asyncmsg into your project. Here is an example CMakeLists.txt file that demonstrates how to do this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
add_executable(my_executable main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(my_executable asyncmsg)
Here's an example of how to use the AsyncMsg to create a simple tcp server that listens for incoming requests on port 5555, and send responses back:
#include <asio.hpp>
#include <asyncmsg/tcp/tcp_server.hpp>
#include <asyncmsg/base/debug_helper.hpp>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
asio::io_context io_context(std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
asio::signal_set signals(io_context, SIGINT, SIGTERM);
auto srv = asyncmsg::tcp::tcp_server{5555};
signals.async_wait([&](auto, auto) {
auto task = [&]() -> asio::awaitable<void> {
for (;;) {
auto req_pack = co_await srv.wait_request(1);
asyncmsg::base::print_log(std::string("recv req, data = ") + (char*)(req_pack.body().data()));
uint8_t data[] = {'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '\0'};
auto rsp_pack = asyncmsg::tcp::build_rsp_packet(req_pack.cmd(), req_pack.seq(), 0, req_pack.device_id(), data, sizeof(data));
co_await srv.send_packet(rsp_pack);
asio::co_spawn(io_context, task(), asio::detached);;
asyncmsg::base::print_log("main exit");
return 0;
Here's an example of how to use the AsyncMsg library to create a simple tcp client that sends requests to the server:
#include <asio/signal_set.hpp>
#include <asyncmsg/tcp/tcp_client.hpp>
#include <asyncmsg/base/debug_helper.hpp>
#include <asyncmsg/base/string_util.hpp>
#include <asyncmsg/rpc/rpc_client.hpp>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
asio::io_context io_context(std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
asio::signal_set signals(io_context, SIGINT, SIGTERM);
std::string device_id = asyncmsg::base::random_string(32);
asyncmsg::tcp::tcp_client cli{"localhost", 5555, device_id};
signals.async_wait([&](auto, auto) {
auto task = [&]() -> asio::awaitable<void> {
asio::steady_timer timer(io_context);
for (;;) {
co_await timer.async_wait(asio::use_awaitable);
uint8_t data[] = {'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0'};
auto pack = asyncmsg::tcp::build_req_packet(1, data, sizeof(data));
asyncmsg::base::print_log(std::string("send req, data = ") + (char*)data);
auto rsp = co_await cli.send_packet_and_wait_rsp(pack);
asyncmsg::base::print_log(std::string("recv rsp, data = ") + (char*)(rsp.body().data()));
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
asio::co_spawn(io_context, task(), asio::detached);
asyncmsg::base::print_log("main exit");
return 0;
#include <asyncmsg.hpp>
#include <asyncmsg/rpc/rpc_server.hpp>
#include <asio.hpp>
#include "example.pb.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
asio::io_context io_context(std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
asio::signal_set signals(io_context, SIGINT, SIGTERM);
auto srv = asyncmsg::tcp::tcp_server{5555};
signals.async_wait([&](auto, auto) {
std::function<asyncmsg::rpc::rpc_result<add_rsp>(add_req&)> add_handler = [](add_req& req) -> asyncmsg::rpc::rpc_result<add_rsp> {
add_rsp rsp;
rsp.set_result(req.left() + req.right());
return asyncmsg::rpc::rpc_result<add_rsp>{rsp};
auto task = [&srv, &io_context, add_handler]() -> asio::awaitable<void> {
asyncmsg::rpc::register_sync_handler<add_req, add_rsp>(io_context.get_executor(), srv, "add", add_handler);
std::string device_id = "test_device_id";
asio::steady_timer timer(co_await asio::this_coro::executor);
for (;;) {
try {
co_await timer.async_wait(asio::use_awaitable);
hello_push msg;
msg.set_hello("this is a rpc push");
co_await asyncmsg::rpc::push<hello_push>(srv, device_id, "hello_push", msg);
} catch(std::exception& e) {
asyncmsg::base::print_log("push exception = " + std::string(e.what()));
asio::co_spawn(io_context, task(), asio::detached);;
asyncmsg::base::print_log("main exit");
return 0;
#include <asyncmsg/rpc/rpc_client.hpp>
#include <asyncmsg/base/string_util.hpp>
#include <asio/signal_set.hpp>
#include "example.pb.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
asio::io_context io_context(std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
asio::signal_set signals(io_context, SIGINT, SIGTERM);
std::string device_id = "test_device_id";//asyncmsg::base::random_string(32);
asyncmsg::tcp::tcp_client cli{"localhost", 5555, device_id};
signals.async_wait([&](auto, auto) {
auto call_task = [&]() -> asio::awaitable<void> {
add_req req;
asio::steady_timer timer(co_await asio::this_coro::executor);
for (;;) {
co_await timer.async_wait(asio::use_awaitable);
try {
auto result = co_await asyncmsg::rpc::call<add_rsp>(cli, "add", req);
if (!result) {
asyncmsg::base::print_log("call add(1,2) error = " + std::to_string(result.error()));
} else {
asyncmsg::base::print_log("call add(1,2) result = " + std::to_string(result.value().result()));
} catch (std::exception& e) {
asyncmsg::base::print_log("call exception = " + std::string(e.what()));
auto push_task = [&]() -> asio::awaitable<void> {
for (;;) {
auto hell_msg = co_await asyncmsg::rpc::wait_push<hello_push>(cli, "hello_push");
asyncmsg::base::print_log("recv server push, msg = " + hell_msg.hello());
asio::co_spawn(io_context, call_task(), asio::detached);
asio::co_spawn(io_context, push_task(), asio::detached);;
std::cout << asyncmsg::base::get_time_string() << ", main exit" << std::endl;
return 0;