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How to import a new instrument and dataset

Mika Braginsky edited this page Jul 26, 2015 · 1 revision

Let's say you want to add an instrument in the language Wugese and the form WS (Words & Sentences), and a dataset using that instrument that's from Dr. Dax.


  • Make a directory in raw_data/ for the instrument (by convention called Wugese_WS, but doesn't have to be).

  • Put an instrument definition file in that directory (by convention called [Wugese_WS].csv or [Wugese_WS].xlsx, but doesn't have to be). The instrument definition file should be either a csv file or a an excel file in which each row defined an item, and which has the following columns (in any order):

    • itemID: how the item is identified in Wordbank
      • spec: string no more than 50 characters long that contains only characters that are letters or underscores; must be unique across the items of a given instrument
      • examples: item_1, item_25, item_100
    • item: a shorter and simpler value for the item
      • spec: ASCII string no more than 20 characters long
      • examples: i_02_13, dog, hund
    • type: item group that's used for determining how to treat the item
      • spec: ASCII string no more than 30 characters long
      • examples: word, word_form, complexity, gestures
    • choices: which values are possible for the item in Wordbank
      • spec: list of ASCII strings separated by a semicolon and space, ; , in any order
      • examples: understands; produces, often; sometimes; never, simple; complex
    • category: the section of the form in which the item appears
      • spec: one of the strings in the first column of raw_data/categories.csv or blank
      • examples: animals, action_words, pronouns
    • definition: a longer value for the item that's more or less exactly what it looks like on the form
      • spec: UTF-8 string no more than 200 characters long or blank
      • examples: dog, chicken (food), Hunden kysser mig / Hunden kyssede mig
    • gloss: a translation of the item's meaning into English
      • spec: UTF-8 string no more than 80 characters long or blank
      • examples: bear, dog, The dog kisses me / dog kissed me
    • complexity_category: blank for items other complexity items, coding for complexity items
      • spec: ASCII string no more than 30 characters long or blank
      • examples: morphology, syntax
    • uni_lemma: representation of meaning that is used to map between languages
      • spec: ASCII string no more than 50 characters long or blank
      • examples: dog, chicken (food)
  • Add the instrument to static/json/instruments.json with an entry such as

          "language": "Wugese",
          "form": "WS",
          "file": "raw_data/Wugese_WS/[Wugese_WS].xlsx",
          "age_min": 18,
          "age_max": 30,
          "has_grammar": true

    Substitute in the relevant values of age_min, age_max, and has_grammar. The file should be the path to the instrument definition file above.

  • Create a schema for this instrument by running

      ./ create_instrument_schemas -l Wugese -f WS
  • Re-do database migrations by running

      ./ makemigrations
      ./ migrate
  • Add the instrument to the instrument map table by running

      ./ populate_instrument
  • If this instrument has any new categories, add rows to raw_data/categories.csv with them and the correponding lexical categories and run

      ./ populate_category
  • Add the instrument's items to the word mapping table by running

      ./ populate_items -l Wugese -f WS


  • Put the dataset's data, field mapping, and value mapping in the instruments directory, e.g. raw_data/Wugese_WS/.

    • Either a single excel file (by convention called WugeseWS_Dax, but doesn't have to be), with sheets named data, fields, and values;
    • Or three csv files, with the names foo_data, foo_fields, and foo_values (where foo is WugeseWS_Dax by convention, but doesn't have to be).
    • For the data sheet/file:
      • The first row should be column labels (whatever they might be in this dataset).
      • Each other row should be a single CDI administration.
    • The fields sheet/file is a mapping from the dataset's column labels to Wordbank's fields, and should have the following columns:
      • column: column labels from the data sheet/file (modulo case sensitivity) that will be extracted
      • field: what Wordbank field to map the column label to
        • MUST include study_id and at least one of data_age and (date_of_birth and date_of_test)
        • can also optionally have any of birth_order, ethnicity, mom_ed, sex
        • the rest (everything in group=item) MUST be in this dataset's instrument definition file's itemID column
        • __this is how the dataset's fields get mapped — it's tricky and important to get right __
      • group: whether this field should be associated with the administration, the child, or the data table for the instrument
        • one of admin, child, or item
      • type: how to treat the value(s) of this field
        • study_id, study_momed: value as is
        • birth_order, data_age: value is made into an integer
        • date_of_birth, date_of_test: value is made into date
        • ethnicity, sex, mom_ed, any type in group=item: value is mapped using value mapping
    • The values sheet/file is a mapping from the dataset's value to Wordbank's values, split by type, and should have the following columns:
      • type: one of the types in the field mapping sheet/file

      • data_value: the value option in the dataset

      • value: the short form (e.g. M) of the corresponding value option in Wordbank. The sets of value options in Wordbank are:

        • For ethnicity, defined in common/

            (('A', 'Asian'), ('B', 'Black'), ('H', 'Hispanic'), ('W', 'White'), ('O', 'Other/Mixed'))
        • For sex, defined in common/

            (('M', 'Male'), ('F', 'Female'), ('O', 'Other'))
        • For mom_ed, defined in common/management/commands/

            {(1, 'None'), (2, 'Primary'), (3, 'Some Secondary'), (4, 'Secondary'), (5, 'Some College'), (6, 'College'), (7, 'Some Graduate'), (8, 'Graduate')}
        • For all types in group=item, defined in e.g. instruments/schemas/ and equal to the choices for that type of item as given in the instrument definition file, e.g.

            [(u'understands', u'understands'), (u'produces', u'produces')]
  • Add the dataset to static/json/datasets.json with an entry such as

          "name": "Dax",
          "dataset": "",
          "instrument_language": "Wugese",
          "instrument_form": "WS",
          "file": "raw_data/Wugese_WS/WugeseWS_Dax.xlsx",
          "splitcol": false

    For csv files, the file field should be the path to foo above (e.g. raw_data/Wugese_WS/WugeseWS_Dax.csv). The dataset field allows adding multiple datasets from the same source, e.g. if Dr. Dax provided a norming dataset and another dataset. The splitcol field is normally false, but should be true for datasets that record WG production and comprehension in separate columns (these datasets must mark the production column of item blicket as blicketp and the comprehension column as blicketu).

  • Add this dataset to the source table by running

      ./ populate_source
  • Import the dataset by running one of

      ./ import_datasets -l Wugese -f WS
      ./ import_datasets --file raw_data/Wugese_WS/WugeseWS_Dax.xlsx
  • Cache vocabulary sizes for the dataset's instrument by running

      ./ populate_vocabulary_size -l Wugese -f WS