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Adding a new language

Henry Mehta edited this page Apr 13, 2021 · 10 revisions

Add language to webcdi/static/json/instruments.json (this is the data that populates the researcher_UI_instrument table)

Add csv with items to webcdi/cdi_form_csv. Remember to format the name of the csv correctly

Add meta json file to webcdi/cdi_forms/form_data. This is used to describe the form sections

Add scoring json to webcdi/cdi_forms/scoring. This is used to describe scoring to be done. See for more information.

Create internationalization / localization files in webcdi/locale

Run makemessages -l fr to create .po files (example for french)

Translate every individual line in the .po file (see french for example)

Run compilemessages -l fr to compile .po file into .mo file

In cdi_forms>templates>cdi_forms>cdi_base.html, add the appropriate datepicker library. This is just to use the right calendar, and may be added later

Example (french): <script src=""></script>

Useful: In cdi_forms>templates>cdi_forms>cdi_base.html, you may also want to add the appropriate time format (around line 80)

Example: if ("{{language}}" == 'French (Quebec)') {var due_date_local = moment(due_date_utc).local().locale('fr_CA').format("lll");}

In webcdi/ find LANGUAGES and add the relevant language, for example ('fr-ca', _('French (Quebec)')),.

Add the language to cdi_forms_csv>choice_options.csv with appropriate translations.

Run webcdi/ makemigrations. This will produce a new migration in cdi_forms/migrations. Edit the new file to include updateChoiceModel. Use migration as a template.

Run webcdi/ migrate. This will popluate the choice fields.

Edit cdi_forms/static/data_csv/word_categories.csv and add the relevant forms and translations.

On server, run webcdi/ populate_instrument -l Spanish. This will add a row to the researcher_UI_instrument table. File can be found at webcdi/researcher_UI/management/commands/

On server, run webcdi/ populate_scoring -l Spanish. This will add rows to the research_ui_instrumentscore table. File can be found at webcdi/research_UI/management/commands/

On server, run webcdi/ populate_items -l Spanish. This will add rows to the cdi_forms_instrument_forms table. File can be found at webcdi/cdi_forms/management/commands/

Run webcdi/ collectstatic to add the new static files (namely word_categories.csv) so that the results tables show for respondents.

Allocate permissions to this instrument through the admin interface (home -> Users -> (pick User) -> Researchers section -> “Instruments this researcher has access to”

Review forms on webcdi to make sure everything looks OK

Clone this wiki locally