an React-Native app.
use TypeScript.
build by expo toolchain.
$ npm install
$ npm start(or $ expo start)
react-navigation, redux, redux-saga, react-native-side-menu, react-native-svg-uri, etc.
utils: This folder contains all the utils in this propject, such as time formation tool, svg tool, etc.
redux: This folder contains files relative to redux and its middleware redux-saga, by whitch we can manage global and some complex states in the project.
compnent: This folder contains component files in the propject, includes common components and private components. cuz these two types of components are not really so much, I choes to put them in one folder.
api.ts: Manage all of the fetch requests in the project. Export a completed fetch request for each component, which just needs to import the request needed like 'import { userEvents, userDetail } from './api';'
AppNavigator.ts: Manage and config router of the project by using react-navigation.
xxxScene.tsx: Files built for each main scene of this app.
infinite scroll: Using FlatList and its event 'onEndReached' to load more.