Port forwarding script for PiaVpn with rTorrent compatibilty
NOTE: This script is already distributed by PIA, this is a modified version of it that includes rTorrent compatibility by overwriting the port-range configuration to the port that will be passed to you by the PIA server every time a new port is called.
NOTE2: This script assumes that you're running it with the user that will run rTorrent, and that rTorrent is using the default configuration file location (.rtorrent.rc in your HOME directory).
Connect to the VPN.
Run the following commands:
$ git clone https://github.com/Deracinator/piavpn-rtorrent-port-forwarding.git
$ cd piavpn-rtorrent-port-forwarding/
$ chmod +x port-forwarding.sh
$ ./port-forwarding.sh
- Supposing everything went well, you will see (as an example, obviously):
Loading port forward assignment information...
Updating rTorrent port range...
- And that's it!
Tested in archlinux on January/2020 with PIA on openvpn