Website for the "Akateeminen Kynariliiga" (AKL) Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tournament
- Angular web applicationserver/
- Express-powered backend
- Skeleton provides responsive grid and other stuff, see documentation here
- Sass for styling
- PostgreSQL Database
- Create development database with following commands:
CREATE ROLE kynarilaarnio WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'kynarilaarnio';
CREATE DATABASE kynarilaarnio WITH OWNER kynarilaarnio;
2. Generate your own Steam API-key [in here](
3. Insert the Steam API-key to environment variable `$KYNARILAARNIO_STEAM_API_KEY`
4. Run `npm install`
5. Run `bower install`
6. Run `gulp install`
7. Run `gulp`
8. Kynarilaarnio is now running at [http://localhost:9000](http://localhost:9000)!
**Prior to pushing to this repositoryRun `gulp jshint`, `gulp server:test`, `gulp client:test` and fix possible errors and warnings**