This repository contains an API for a fitness tracker application. It provides endpoints to manage users and their exercise logs.
git clone <repository_url>
npm install
- ENV=PROD (Disabled all Console Logs)
npm start
Create New User
URL: /api/users
Method: POST
Description: Creates a new user in the system.
Request Body:
{ "username": "example_user" }
{ "username": "example_user", "_id": "65d6c82ea2696c3e0fd50097" }
Get User's Exercise Logs
URL: /api/users/:_id/logs
Method: GET
Description: Retrieves exercise logs for the specified user.
Parameters: _id: User ID from: Start date for filtering (optional) to: End date for filtering (optional) limit: Limit the number of logs (optional)
{ "username": "example_user", "count": 3, "_id": "65d6c82ea2696c3e0fd50097", "log": [ { "description": "test1", "duration": 10, "date": "Sat Jan 01 2000 00:00:00 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)" }, { "description": "test2", "duration": 20, "date": "Sun Aug 15 2010 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)" }, { "description": "test3", "duration": 30, "date": "Fri Apr 10 2020 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)" } ] }
Post New Exercise
URL: /api/users/:_id/exercises
Method: POST
Description: Adds a new exercise log for the specified user.
Parameters: _id: User ID
Request Body:
{ "description": "Running", "duration": 30, "date": "2023-10-01" }
{ "_id": "65d6c82ea2696c3e0fd50097", "username": "example_user", "date": "Fri Oct 01 2023", "duration": 30, "description": "Running" }
Delete User
URL: /api/users/:_id/delete
Method: DELETE
Description: Deletes the specified user.
Parameters: _id: User ID
{ "HTTP/200": "Deletion Successful for 65d6c82ea2696c3e0fd50097" }
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.