This project implements a log ingestor system and a query interface to efficiently handle vast volumes of log data. The log ingestor is designed to handle log ingestion over HTTP, and the query interface provides a user-friendly way to search and filter logs using various criteria.
- Technologies
- System Architecture
- Log Ingestor
- Query Interface
- Kafka Integration
- Data Insertion
- Advanced Features
- How to Run
The following technologies were chosen for this project:
- Programming Language: TypeScript
- Log Storage: Cassandra
- Full-text Search: Elasticsearch
- Message Broker: Kafka
- HTTP Server: Express
- Containerization: Docker
The system is designed to leverage the strengths of different technologies for specific tasks. Cassandra is used for efficient log querying and filtering, Elasticsearch for full-text search, Kafka for message queuing, and Docker for containerization.
The log ingestor exposes an HTTP server on port 3000 for log ingestion. Logs are received in JSON format and stored in Cassandra for efficient querying.
Key Features:
- Scalability: Handles high volumes of logs efficiently.
- Bottleneck Mitigation: Mitigates potential bottlenecks using asynchronous processing and efficient database interactions.
- HTTP Ingestion: Logs are ingested via an HTTP server on port 3000.
The query interface provides a user-friendly way to search and filter logs using a combination of full-text search and specific field filters. It uses both Elasticsearch and Cassandra to leverage their respective strengths.
Key Features:
- User Interface: Web UI for easy log searching.
- Full-text Search: Utilizes Elasticsearch for efficient full-text search.
- Filters: Supports filters based on various log fields.
- Scalability: Adapts to increasing volumes of logs/queries.
The system integrates Kafka for real-time log ingestion. Logs are pushed to Kafka topics and consumed by the log ingestor for near real-time processing.
Key Features:
- Message Queuing: Kafka serves as a reliable message broker for log messages.
- Real-time Processing: Enables near real-time log ingestion and processing.
Log data is inserted into both Cassandra and Elasticsearch for efficient querying and full-text search, respectively.
Key Features:
- Cassandra: Used for efficient querying and filtering of log data.
- Elasticsearch: Used for full-text search capabilities.
To get started with the Log Ingestor and Query Interface, follow the steps below:
git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-directory>
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
This command will start the Ingester, Worker, Nginx, Cassandra, and other services.
For some reason, the setup file for Cassandra tables is not automatically executed during container startup. To seamlessly set up Cassandra tables:
Identify Cassandra Container ID:
docker ps
Identify the container ID for the Cassandra instance.
Run Setup Script:
docker cp ./setup-cassandra.cql <container-id>:/ docker exec <container-id> bin/sh -c "cqlsh --file setup-cassandra.cql;"
with the actual container ID obtained in step 1.
Visit http://localhost:3000 to access the Query Interface.
check out the API docs for interactions.