This project takes a Raspberry Pi and, web-enabling it, turns it into an alarm clock. The Pi controls a daylight lamp connected to a Revolt PX-1672 RC plug.
The alarm is configured through a web interface, and has been optimized for both desktop and mobile. Instructions for building it below!
Much thanks to ajpierce for his original work, which i effortless forked and edited to suit my needs.
Install git
aso we can check out the code.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
Next, install virtualenv for python by following the Initial Setup section of this guide.
First, become root. Then, navigate to the directory in which the code will live, and create a virtual environment:
sudo su -
cd /opt
virtuanenv pi_alarm_env
cd pi_alarm_env
Next, check out the project from git, and install the python libraries:
git clone
As root,
cd /opt/pi_alarm_env/pi_alarm
If all goes well, you the Flask webserver should let you know that the
application is running on
Navigate to the IP address Port 99 of your Raspberry Pi from a browser on another computer (or your mobile phone).
To ensure the alarm starts on boot, create the following file with this content:
Description=PI Alarm Clock
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /opt/pi_alarm_env/pi_alarm/
Next, enable it:
sudo systemctl enable pi-alarm